Name Rater

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Reason: Yellow sprite and HeartGold and SoulSilver images, sprites and Black 2 and White 2 images and sprites, X and Y images and sprites

Name Rater
せいめいはんだんし Onomancer

The Name Rater in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
Gender Male
Hometown Varies
Region Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Orre, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos
Generation I, II, III, IV, V, VI
Games Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Gold, Silver, and Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, FireRed and LeafGreen, Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver, Black and White, Black 2 and White 2, X and Y

A Name Rater (Japanese: せいめいはんだんし Onomancer) is a man who judges how suitable Pokémon nicknames are. Name Raters allow the players to rename their Pokémon, as long as they are the original Trainer.

Renamable Pokémon

If the Pokémon was caught by the player that currently owns it, he will say that the name could be better and offer the player the option of changing it.

If the Pokémon he's judging is an outsider Pokémon (if it was originally obtained in a different game, via an event, or via an in-game trade), he will say that the name is perfect and refuse to change it. The Name Rater in Orre will also refuse to rename a Shadow Pokémon until it has been purified.

However, if both players have identical Trainer IDs and secret IDs (which is extremely unlikely), he will allow name changes. In Generation V, both players must also have the same name and gender as well.

Additionally, in Generation I only, should the player press End with no characters in the nickname space, the process will proceed as if the player canceled the nicknaming process, whereas in later games it will be treated as giving the Pokémon the same nickname as before.


Pokémon Name Raters can be found in the following locations:


Overworld sprites
Generation I Generation II Generation III
Johto File:Name rater Johto II OD.png
Generation II
Generation III
Generation IV
Generation V


Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow

"Hello, hello! I am the official Name Rater! Want me to rate the nicknames of your Pokémon?"
No:"Fine! Come anytime you like!"
Yes:"Which Pokémon should I look at?"
  • Show traded Pokémon
"<name>, is it? That is a truly impeccable name! Take good care of <name>!"
  • Show original Pokémon
"<name>, is it? That is a decent nickname! But, would you like me to give it a nicer name? How about it?"
No:"Fine! Come anytime you like!"
Yes:"Fine! What should we name it?"
  • After a name is inputted:
"OK! This Pokémon has been renamed as <name>! That's a better name than before!"

Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal

"Hello, hello! I'm the Name Rater! I rate the names of Pokémon. Would you like me to rate names?"
No:"Ok, then. Come again sometime."
Yes:"Which Pokémon's nickname should I rate for you?"
  • Show traded Pokémon
"Hm... <name>? What a great name! It's perfect. Treat <name> with loving care."
  • Show original Pokémon
"Hm... <name>... That's a fairly decent name. But, how about a slightly better nickname? Want me to give it a better name?"
No:""Ok, then. Come again sometime."
Yes:"All right. What name should we give it, then?"
  • After a name is inputted:
"All right. This Pokémon is now named <name>!"
  • If different from old name:
"That's a better name than before! Well done!"
  • If the same as old name:
"It might look the same as before, but this new name is much better! Well done!"

Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald

"Hi, hi! I am the Name Rater! I'm the fortune-teller of names! I shall be pleased to rate your Pokémon's nickname."
No:"I see. Do come visit again."
Yes:"Which Pokémon's nickname should I critique?"
  • Show traded Pokémon
"Hmmm... <name> it is! This is a magnificent nickname! It is impeccably beyond reproach! You'll do well to cherish your <name> now and beyond."
  • Show original Pokémon
"Hmmm... <name>, is it? That is quite a fine name you bestowed. But! What say you, if I were to suggest a slightly better name? "
No:"I see. Do come visit again."
Yes:"Ah, good. Then, what shall the new nickname be?"
  • After a name is inputted:
"Done! From now on, this Pokémon shall be known as <name>!"
  • If different from old name:
"It is a better name than before! How fortunate for you!"
  • If the same as old name:
"It looks no different from before, and yet, this is vastly superior! How fortunate for you!"

Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen

"Hello, hello! I am the official Name Rater! Want me to rate the nicknames of your Pokémon?"
No:"I see. Do come visit again."
Yes:"Which Pokémon's nickname should I critique?"
  • Show traded Pokémon
"<name>, is it? That is a truly impeccable name! Take good care of <name>!"
  • Show original Pokémon
"<name>, is it? That is a decent nickname! But, would you like me to give it a nicer name? How about it?"
No:"I see. Do come visit again."
Yes:"Ah, good. Then, what shall the new nickname be?"
  • After a name is inputted:
"Done! From now on, this Pokémon shall be known as <name>!"
  • If different from old name:
"It is a better name than before! How fortunate for you!"
  • If the same as old name:
"It looks no different from before, and yet, this is vastly superior! How fortunate for you!"

Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum

"Hello, hello! I am the official Name Rater! Want me to rate the nicknames of your Pokémon?"
No:"I see. Please come visit again."
Yes:"Which Pokémon's nickname should I critique?"
  • Show traded Pokémon
"<name>, is it? That is a truly impeccable name! Take good care of <name>!"
  • Show original Pokémon
"<name>, is it? That's a decent nickname! But would you like to give it an even better name? How about it?"
No:"I see. Please come visit again."
Yes:"Ah, good. Then, what shall the new nickname be?"
  • After a name is inputted:
"Done! From now on, this Pokémon shall be known as <name>!"
  • If different from old name:
"It is a better name than before! How fortunate for you!"
  • If the same as old name:
"It looks no different from before, and yet, this is vastly superior! How fortunate for you!"

Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver

"Hello, hello! I am the official Name Rater! Want me to rate the nicknames of your Pokémon?"
No:"Ah, good. I see. Do come visit again if you change your mind."
Yes:"Which Pokémon's nickname should I critique?"
  • Show traded Pokémon
"<name>, is it? That is a truly impeccable nickname! Take good care of <name>!"
  • Show original Pokémon
"<name>, is it? Hmm... That is a decent nickname! But, I can give it a nicer name? How about it?"
No:"Ah, good. I see. Do come visit again if you change your mind."
Yes:"Ok, then. What shall the new nickname be?"
  • After a name is inputted:
  • If different from old name:
"Done! How about that? From now on, this Pokémon shall be known as <name>!"
"It is a better name than before, isn't it? Good for you!"
  • If the same as old name:
"Done! From now on, this Pokémon shall be known as <name>!"
"It looks no different from before? That's just you! This is vastly superior! How fortunate for you!"

Pokémon Black, White, Black 2 and White 2

"Hello, hello! I am the official Name Rater! Want me to rate the nicknames of your Pokémon?"
No:"OK! Come see me again if you change your mind."
Yes:"Which Pokémon's nickname should I critique?"
  • Show traded Pokémon
"Hmmm. <name>! That is a truly impeccable nickname! Take good care of <name>!"
  • Show original Pokémon
"Hmmm. <name>, is it? That sounds good! It's a very "you" sort of name. But if you'd like to change it, I can help you do that. How about it?"
No:"OK! Come see me again if you change your mind."
Yes:"Excellent! What would you like the new nickname to be?"
  • After a name is inputted:
"Done! From now on, this Pokémon shall be known as <name>!"
  • If different from old name:
"You're right, that does seem to fit it better. Nicely done!"
  • If the same as old name:
"It looks no different from before, but we both know this name is vastly superior! How fortunate for you!"

Pokémon X and Y

"Hello, hello! I am the official Name Rater! Want me to rate the nicknames of your Pokémon?"
No:"OK! Come see me again if you change your mind."
Yes:"Which Pokémon's nickname should I critique?"
  • Show traded Pokémon
"Hmmm. <name>! That is a truly impeccable nickname! Take good care of <name>!"
  • Show original Pokémon
"Hmmm. <name>, is it? That sounds good. It seems very like you. But if you'd like to change it, I can help you do that, too. How about it?"
No:"OK! Come see me again if you change your mind."
Yes:"Excellent! What would you like the new nickname to be?"
  • After a name is inputted:
"Done! From now on, this Pokémon shall be known as <name>!"
  • If different from old name:
"You're right, that does seem to fit it better. Nicely done!"
  • If the same as old name:
"It looks no different from before, but we both know this name is vastly superior! How fortunate for you!"

Non-player characters in the core series games
Kanto Professor OakMom (Kanto)Mom (LGPE)RedBlueGreenTraceDaisyOld manBillCelioMr. FujiSafari Zone WardenCopycatPrimoKoichi
Pokémon Fan Club ChairmanErik and SaraTealaMinaCalSteven StoneMayleneCameronMr. GameMorimoto
Team RocketGym guideGym LeadersElite FourProfessor's aidesMagikarp salesmanName RaterDay-Care PersonMr. Hyper
Johto Professor ElmProfessor OakMomEthanLyraSilverMr. PokémonEusineLanceRedKiyoBaobaMagnusEarlKurtCarrieDude
MaryBuenaRadio DirectorHaircut brothersWebsterMasterLiWilmaPrimoMaximoJetCaitlinCynthiaCameronMr. GameFelicityTeala
Team RocketGym guideGym LeadersFrontier BrainsKimono GirlsWeek SiblingsName RaterPoké SeerDay-Care CoupleProfessor's aides
Hoenn Professor BirchMomMayBrendanWallyWandaSteven StoneWallaceScottMr. BrineyMr. StoneGabby and TyLanette
BrigetteProfessor CozmoPokémon Fan Club ChairmanRydelWinstrate familyCaptain SternTrick MasterTreasure HunterDock
ApprenticePokémon Center LadiesOld guysMr. BondingTealaAaruneLisiaZinniaLookerInverChazFossil ManiacKiriMemory Girl
Team AquaTeam MagmaGym LeadersElite FourFrontier BrainsBattle ChatelainesGym guideName RaterDay-Care CoupleStats judge
Sinnoh Professor RowanProfessor OakJohannaBarryLucasDawnCynthiaLookerStat Trainers (CherylRileyMiraBuckMarley)
BebeTealaFelicityRoseanneRad RickshawEldritchWilmaJasmineCaitlinJuliaJordanDexterKeiraMr. BacklotMorimoto
Underground ManMr. GoodsMr. FuegoPokétch Co. PresidentDr. FootstepPokémon Fan Club ChairmanHelenaKetch Appy
Team GalacticGym guideGym LeadersElite FourFrontier BrainsName RaterDay-Care CoupleProfessor's assistantsStats judge
Unova Professor JuniperMom (BW)Mom (B2W2)CherenBiancaBianca's fatherHughHugh's sisterCedric JuniperFennelAmanita
CilanChiliCressLenoraHawesLoblollyCharlesIrisDraydenAlderBengaCurtisYancyBrycenSabrinaPop Roxie
HilbertHildaNateRosaIngoEmmetCynthiaLookerNColressMorimotoNishinoPokémon Fan Club Chairman
Team PlasmaClydeGym LeadersElite FourPWT participantsName RaterDay-Care CoupleJudgeMagikarp salesman
Kalos Professor SycamoreGraceCalemSerenaShaunaTiernoTrevorAlexaCassiusInverSinaDexioGurkinn
BonnieDianthaAZLookerEmmaMr. BondingPhil the Photo GuyMemory GirlPokémon Fan Club Chairman
Team FlareGym guideGym LeadersElite FourBattle ChatelainesName RaterDay-Care CoupleJudge

RuiEagunBeluhProfessor KraneLilyJoviDr. KaminkoChobin
WillieMayor Es CadeJustyCailFateenDukingSilva
Chief SherlesOfficer JohnsonVanderAgnolAncha
Kids Grid (NettBittMeggPerrSeccMarcia) • Makan
Mr. VerichAdonTrestHordelBattlusInfinInity
Name RaterMove TeacherMove DeleterCipherTeam Snagem

This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.