Garchomp is a bipedal, dragon-like Pokémon that is primarily dark blue, with a red underbelly that covers from the middle of its abdomen, to its jaws, and then to the undersides of its arms. Underneath the red is a gold diamond shape as well a gold cross on its snout. Garchomp has appendages that resemble a jet or plane's engines, giving it an appearance similar to a hammerhead. It has four fins, one on each arm, one dorsal fin and another on its tail that resembles a sharktailfin. It has spikes on its hind limbs and arms as well as sharper claws than its previous evolution. Its eyes have black scleras and gold-colored irises. Its pupils have shrunk.
When Garchomp Mega Evolves, it grows in size and several of its features become more angular, including its head and shoulders. Ten spikes sprout from the sides of its abdomen, two spikes on the bottom of each arm, and its hands morph into sharp, red blades. Red spikes also begin to sprout from its knees.
Garchomp can fly at an incredible speed—helped by the fine scales on its body that reduce drag—to catch its prey. Garchomp are cave-dwellers, and are seldom seen in the wild.
Garchomp, the Mach Pokémon. When it folds up its body and spreads its wings, it can fly like a jet plane at the speed of sound.
In the manga
Garchomp in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!
In the Pokémon Adventures manga
Cynthia's signature Pokémon, like in the games, is a Garchomp. It first appeared by her side in VS. Roserade, when she came across Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum training for the Gym match with Gardenia. It later reappeared when she met the trio again in VS. Psyduck, where it raced with its Trainer to Route 210, where a herd of Psyduck was blocking the way to Celestic Town. After Cynthia left to return a Psyduck that was separated from its owner by Team Galactic, Garchomp was left behind so that it may protect her grandmother and the three children. When Cyrus invades the Celestic Ruins, it was instructed well enough to fight even without its Trainer, but was easily exploited by the megalomaniac.
Mega Garchomp has the highest base stat total of all Ground-type Pokémon, and is tied with Black Kyurem and White Kyurem for the highest base stat total of all Dragon-type Pokémon.
Garchomp has the highest HP base stat of all non-legendary Dragon-type Pokémon.
Appearance-wise, Garchomp seems like a cross between a European dragon, various species of sharks (including the hammerhead), and possibly a dromaeosaurid or other theropod dinosaur. Its design also strongly resembles a jet aircraft.
Name origin
Garchomp may be a combination and corruption of gore (a projecting point), guard or Carcharodon (the scientific name for sharks) and chomp. Gar may also derive from garpike (a species of fish somewhat similar in appearance), gargantuan (relating to its size) or gargoyle which occasionally bears a likeness to European dragons.
Gaburias may be a combination of がぶがぶ gabugabu (onomatopoeia for gulping) or がぶりと gaburito (bite or chew) and アース āsu (earth) or Carcharias.
In other languages
ガブリアス Gaburias
From がぶがぶ gabugabu, がぶりと gaburito, and earth or Carcharias
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.