Battle CD
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Battle CDs are items found in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. They allow trainers to access simulated Pokémon battles that test their knowledge of advanced battle strategy. Completing a certain Battle CD awards the player with a Sacred Ash. This is the only way to get the Sacred Ash in any on the Generation III games without going to an event.
Pokémon in each CD
CDs 1-10
CD | Type of Battle | Player's Pokémon | Opponent's Pokémon | Special rules |
1 "FLYING Vs. FLYING" | Single Battle | Pidgeot | Tropius | Opponent must be defeated in two turns or less. |
2 "Skill over Power" | Single Battle | Wartortle | Drowzee | None |
3 "Exploit Seams!" | Single Battle | Quagsire and Ludicolo | Vileplume and Skarmory | Opponent must be defeated in thirteen turns or less. |
4 "PLUSLE and MINUN" | Double Battle | Plusle and Minun | Miltank and Tropius | None |
5 "Offense is the Greatest Defense" | Single Battle | Blissey | Medicham | None |
6 "Dreams Come True" | Single Battle | Sneasel, Pikachu, and Snorlax | Primeape | None |
7 "MACHAMP's Macho Romp" | Single Battle | Machamp | Aggron | None |
8 "ZANGOOSE Vs. CRADILY" | Single Battle | Zangoose | Cradily | None |
9 "COLOR CHANGE Carnival" | Single Battle | Aerodactyl, Hitmonchan, Girafarig, and Hariyama | Kecleon | None |
10 "Friends from the Moon" | Double Battle | Clefairy and Clefable | Aggron | None |
CDs 11-20
CD | Type of Battle | Player's Pokémon | Opponent's Pokémon | Special rules |
11 "One-Hit Wonders" | Double Battle | Cacturne and Magcargo | Shedinja x6 | Opponent must be defeated in one turn. |
12 "Heracross BIDE-a-thon" | Single Battle | Heracross | Swellow | None |
13 "What is PORYGON Anyway? | Single Battle | Porygon | Spinda | None |
14 "Whomp That WOBBUFFET!" | Single Battle | Roselia and Skitty | Wobbuffet | None |
15 "A Salute to Meteorologists" | Single Battle | Castform | Torkal, Shedinja, and Gyarados | Opponent must be defeated in four turns or less. |
16 "SLOWPOKE Family Feud" | Double Battle | Sharpedo and Misdreavus | Slowpoke, Slowbro, and Slowking | None |
17 "The RATTATA That Roared" | Single Battle | Rattata | Shuckle | Opponent must be defeated in four turns or less. |
18 "FARFETCH'D SUBSTITUTE" | Single Battle | Nincada | Farfetch'd | None |
19 "Volcanic Reaction" | Double Battle | Rhydon, Golem, Swellow, and Flareon | Muk, Manectric, and Gengar | Opponent must be defeated in two turns or less. |
20 "Let Slip the HOUNDOOM!" | Double Battle | Salamence, Dusclops, and Houndoom | Wobbuffet, Banette, and Wynaut | Opponent must be defeated in two turns or less. |