Talk:Hyperspace Hole (move)

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Revision as of 02:00, 11 February 2016 by PartHunter (talk | contribs) (Hoopa Unbound: Reply (Hoopa Unbound can use it))
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Latest comment: 11 February 2016 by PartHunter in topic Hoopa Unbound

I just tested Hyperspace Hole, and no, it does not pierce the semi-invulnerability of Fly, Dig, Sky Drop, etc. IM-T-MAN2 (talk) 12:32, 28 May 2015 (UTC)Reply

Hoopa Unbound

Considering only Hoopa Unbound can use Hyperspace Fury, and considering Hoopa Unbound also lacks Hyperspace Hole from it's level-up set, is it possible for Hoopa Unbound to learn Hyperspace Hole and still be able to actually use it just like it's Confined Forme? Shiramu Kuromu (talk) 23:33, 31 May 2015 (UTC)Reply

Yes, Hoopa Unbound can use Hyperspace Hole, and can learn it by learning it in Confined Forme, then using the Prison Bottle. Hoopa Confined can know Hyperspace Fury, if learned as Hoopa Unbound, but cannot use it. The two moves do not swap in Hoopa's moveset when Hoopa changes Forme. PartHunter (talk) 02:00, 11 February 2016 (UTC)Reply