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Revision as of 18:23, 26 August 2015 by PokémonGamer (talk | contribs)
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Latest comment: 26 August 2015 by PokémonGamer in topic Dub title card

Just asking...

Does this episode really focuses on Ash? --~~ThePokémonFanSince1995~~-- 08:22, 20 May 2015 (UTC)Reply

How should we know? The episode hasn't aired yet. But considering he gets a new Pokemon here, it would only make sense. Ataro (talk) 16:43, 20 May 2015 (UTC)Reply

Dub title card

Can we please stop adding the dub title card thing in the dub edit section? I have gone from XY076 to 063 (and I'm fairly confident that it goes far back than this), all of those episode article mention this edit. If it's that common, then why can't we just add something like 'starting from this episode, ...' in the article for the episode where the difference in Japanese/English title cards first started. I'm not even sure if they have ever changed it in the dub (starting from XY007). I don't care if it's referring to Serena's hair or if it's just there to point out that the dub is using a different title card than Japanese for the episode. Using it only once or twice is fine, but what is the point of adding the exact same thing over and over and over again? AdynizWanna talk? 15:52, 26 August 2015 (UTC)Reply

Yeah, I was wondering why every page had to have that. Honestly, I believe this can go on the season's page with a new section called "Title cards", with something like "Starting from XY0##, <character> has been the main focus of the title card segment." We'll probably have to vote on it though. - PokémonGamer (talk) 18:23, 26 August 2015 (UTC)Reply