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Magnificent Meditite & Really Riolu I/VS. Meditite and Riolu I
VS. アサナン & I
VS. Asanan & Riolu I
Series | Pokémon Adventures |
Location | Veilstone City |
Magnificent Meditite & Really Riolu I/VS. Meditite and Riolu I (Japanese: VS. アサナン & リオル I VS. Asanan & Riolu I) is the 356th round of the Diamond & Pearl arc in the Pokémon Adventures manga.
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This plot summary is incomplete. Please feel free to edit this plot summary to add missing sections and complete it. |
Major events
- Because they were unable to go up Route 210, Diamond, Pearl and Platinum arrive in Veilstone City.
- Platinum and Chimler practice out the Zoom Lens that she won at the Veilstone Game Corner, with the result of almost scorching Maylene.
- Maylene accepts Platinum's Gym challenge.
Pokémon debuts
- Munchlax (Lax; Diamond's)
- Grotle (Tru/Wig; Diamond's)
- Chatot (Chatler/Chahiko; Pearl's)
- Monferno (Chimler/Chimhiko; Pearl's)
- Ponyta (Platinum's)
- Prinplup (Platinum's)
- Meditite (Maylene's)
- Riolu (Maylene's)
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This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga. |