Mist Continent

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Mist Continent 霧の大陸
Mist Continent
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: Northwest of the Water Continent
North of the Sand Continent
Southwest of the Mystery Continent
Region: Mystery Dungeon world
Generations: V, VI

Location of Mist Continent in Mystery Dungeon world.
Pokémon world locations

The Mist Continent (Japanese: 霧の大陸 Mist Continent) is a continent of the Pokémon world in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series. It was introduced in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity. There are three known settlements on the continent: Post Town, Pokémon Paradise, and Noe Town. The continent was not named until its appearance in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon.

It is the setting of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity. In Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, it can be visited at any time on the Lapras Travel Liner after purchasing the correct Lapras Liner Pass.


Gates to Infinity

Key locations

English Japanese
Pokémon Paradise ポケモンパラダイス
Post Town 宿場町


English Japanese
Ragged Mountain でこぼこ山
Stony Cave 石の洞窟
Hazy Pass カゲロウ峠
Stompstump Peak トントン山
Desolate Canyon 荒れ果て谷
Forest Grotto 林の横穴
Mountain Pass 山あいの小道
Inflora Forest シキサイの森
Breezy Meadow スズカゼ草原
Tempting Path ゆうわくの戻り道
Crags of Lament ドウコクの谷
Telluric Path 地脈のはざま
Great Glacier 大氷河
Glacial Underpass 氷の地下道
Glacier Palace グレッシャーパレス
Redland Reaches 赤土の大地
Eastern Savanna 東のサバンナ
Kilionea Road ゲノウエア間道
Forest of Shadows 闇夜の森
Daybreak Ridge あかつきの山岳
Ochre Quarry イエローキャニオン
Withered Savanna カレカレ草原
Holehills 風穴の丘
Scorching Desert カエン砂漠
Tyrian Maze シアンの迷い道
Glacier Palace - Eastern Spire グレッシャーパレス 東の塔
Glacier Palace - Western Spire グレッシャーパレス 西の塔
Glacier Palace - Great Spire グレッシャーパレス 大結晶の塔
Grove of Whispers ささやきの木立
Freezing Pillar 凍える柱
Windy Shoreline 北風の岸辺
Canyon Foot キャニオン・ボトム
Worldcore 世界のへそ
Miragesands 幻想の砂丘
Silent Tundra 静かなツンドラ
Dreamy Island 夢見の島
Moonlit Forest 月光の森
Rusty Mountain てつさび山
Jaws of the Abyss ならくの大口
Smoking Mountain 大ケムリ山
Cape at the Edge 最果てのみさき
Slumbering Cave 眠りの氷穴
Path of No Return かえらずの地
Eternal Ruins 永遠の遺跡
Hoarfrost Tower 寒空の塔
Ivory Peak 白の頂上
Obsidian Edge 黒の果て
Seasound Ruins 海鳴りの遺跡
Turbulent Tor 荒れ空の塔

Super Mystery Dungeon

Key locations

English Japanese
Noe Town ノエタウン


English Japanese
Midnight Sun Gorge 白夜の渓谷
Forest of Fairies ようせいの森
Flagstone Cave 岩どこの洞窟
Cape of Wonders すばらし岬
Lake of Enlightenment 悟りの湖
Aurora's Edge オーロラの果て
Frozen Mountain 凍結の山
Pumpkaboo Forest バケッチャの森
Frozen Falls 氷の滝
Gooey Bog ヌメリしつげん
Buried Ruins 地下遺跡
Clear Lake クリアレイク
Island of Isolation 孤高の島
Meteorite Crater いん石の跡地

This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.