Eastern Sea

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Eastern Sea ひがしのうみ
East Sea
Eastern Sea
Connecting locations
North None
South Mitonga Island
West None
East None
Eastern Sea on the map of Oblivia
Location of Eastern Sea in Oblivia

The Eastern Sea (Japanese: ひがしのうみ East Sea) is a location in Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs.

It is located east of Sophian Island and can be accessed by riding the Union ship from Tilt Village on Mitonga Island. The Undersea Cavern (Japanese: かいていどうくつ Seafloor Cave) is located here. It is often a victim of pollution because of its unpredictable currents, large amounts of trash get carried here.

Undersea Cavern

The player first arrives at the Undersea Cavern after being assigned a quest in the Aqua Resort to search for a parcel a Delibird dropped while performing a delivery.

After capturing all 300 Pokémon in the Browser (excluding Pokémon from Extra Missions), a new quest is unlocked where a pair of Pokémon Pinchers at Rand's House ask the player to rescue their leader who has gotten stuck under a boulder at the bottom of the Undersea Cavern. After rescuing Blue Eyes, the player is challenged by a very agitated Lugia while aboard the Union. After capture, Professor Hastings suggests that Lugia was more agitated by the pollution rather than the Pinchers' presence and was only protecting the ocean.


Pokémon Poké Assist Field
Tentacool Water Crush 1
Tentacruel Water Crush 2
Chinchou Recharge Recharge 1
Lanturn Recharge Recharge 3
Qwilfish Water Tackle 2
Remoraid Water Crush 1
Octillery Water Crush 2
Mantine Water Cut 4
Kingdra Water Crush 4
Lumineon Water Cut 2
Lugia * Psychic None

In other languages

Eastern Sea

Language Title
French Mer orientale
German Östliche See
Italian Mare Orientale
Spanish Mar del Este

Undersea Cavern

Language Title
French Grotte submergée
German Unterseehöhle
Italian Grotta marina
Spanish Gruta submarina

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Dolce IslandRenbow IslandMitonga IslandFaldera IslandSophian IslandLayuda IslandTilikule Island
Cocona VillageTilt VillageAqua Resort
Aquatic areas
Coral SeaCanal RuinsEastern SeaWestern Sea
Open areas
SkyLapras BeachTeakwood ForestCurl BayRand's HouseLatolato TrailMt. LatolatoWireless Tower
Hinder CapeMitonga RoadNoir ForestDangerous CliffSophian RoadMt. SorbetRainbow Dais
Forest TempleFire TempleIce TempleThunder TempleDark TempleLight TempleOdd Temple
Other areas
Rasp CavernOld MansionDaybreak RuinsSubmarineSilver FallsOblivia RuinsSky FortressThe Union

This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.