Teakwood Forest

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Teakwood Forest チークのもり
Teak Forest
Teakwood Forest
Connecting locations
North None
South None
West Rasp Cavern
East Cocona Village
Teakwood Forest on the map of Oblivia
Location of Teakwood Forest in Oblivia

Teakwood Forest (Japanese: チークのもり Teak Forest) is a location in Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs.

It is located west of Cocona Village and south east of Rasp Cavern on Renbow Island. The first Pokémon Pinchers are battled here, where they attack with a Croagunk and a Buizel.

It is also home to the Quest "Fly, Starly!", as the player has to chase a Starly there.


Pokémon Poké Assist Field
Hoothoot Flying Cut 1
Spinarak Bug Tackle 1
Hoppip Grass Cut 1
Murkrow * Dark Cut 1
Stantler Normal Tackle 2
Bidoof * Normal Crush 1
Kricketot Bug Tackle 1
Pachirisu Recharge Recharge 1
Croagunk Poison Crush 1


Name origin

Teak is a durable, hard wood used in shipbuilding.

In other languages

Language Title
French Forêt de tecks
German Teakholzbusch
Italian Bosco di tek
Spanish Boque de Teca

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Dolce IslandRenbow IslandMitonga IslandFaldera IslandSophian IslandLayuda IslandTilikule Island
Cocona VillageTilt VillageAqua Resort
Aquatic areas
Coral SeaCanal RuinsEastern SeaWestern Sea
Open areas
SkyLapras BeachTeakwood ForestCurl BayRand's HouseLatolato TrailMt. LatolatoWireless Tower
Hinder CapeMitonga RoadNoir ForestDangerous CliffSophian RoadMt. SorbetRainbow Dais
Forest TempleFire TempleIce TempleThunder TempleDark TempleLight TempleOdd Temple
Other areas
Rasp CavernOld MansionDaybreak RuinsSubmarineSilver FallsOblivia RuinsSky FortressThe Union

This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.