
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 06:13, 14 June 2016 by Chao (talk | contribs)
The subject of this article has no official English name.
The name currently in use is the official English translation of the Japanese name.

No picture currently available.
Artist ネオ☆ポケッツ
Lyrics たなかひろかず
Hirokazu Tanaka
Composer 戸田昭吾
Akihito Toda
Arrangement たなかひろかず
Hirokazu Tanaka
Pikachu Records single
Title ポケモン言えるかneo?
Can You Name All the Pokémon Neo?
Catalog no. ZMDP-1084

Ne-o-e-oh! (Japanese: Ne-o-e-oh!) is a song sung by Neo☆Pokettsu. It was featured on the single Can You Name All the Pokémon Neo?.


Japanese English
ネ・オ・ネ・オ ネ・エ・オー
ネ・オ・ネ・オ ネ・エ・オー
ネ・オ・ネ・オ ネ・エ・オー


“ピーマン” この世からなくなれば・・・・
おいでよ! 今日は はじけよう!
おどろう ダンスダンスダンスwith me!

楽しければ そっちが正しいステップ!
まちがえたら うまれた
新しいステップ! ステップ! ステップ!
ほらキミも おどりたくなる!

“モテモテ” いちどそう呼ばれたい・・・・
おいでよ! 今日は はじけよう!
おどろう ダンスダンスダンスwith me!

ほめられたら 素直に ありがとう!
笑われたら うまれた
ウケてる よろこび
ほらキミは もうおどってる!

世界でたぶん 2番目くらいに
かんたん たたたん ダンスです!

ネ・オ・ネ・オ ネ・エ・オー
ネ・オ・ネ・オ ネ・エ・オー
ネ・オ・ネ・オ ネ・エ・オー

でっかく ジャンプしようよ
未来が 見えるほど!

みんなで ジャンプしようよ
地球が かるくなる!

でっかく ジャンプしようよ
自由な ポーズで!

みんなで 大地けろうよ
地球は ぼくらがまわす!

ネ・オ・ネ・オ ネ・エ・オー
ネ・オ・ネ・オ ネ・エ・オー
ネ・オ・ネ・オ ネ・エ・オー
Ne-o-ne-o ne-e-oh
Ne-o-ne-o ne-e-oh
Ne-o-ne-o ne-e-oh

Stomp those feet on to the ground
Sound them like the beat of a drum!

Broccoli, the world is better off without them...
You who think of something like that
Come on! Let's do some bouncing today!
Let's swing! Dance, dance, dance with me!

As long as you're happy, any steps you do is right
If you did something wrong, then...
That's a new step! Step! Step!
Hey look, you want to dance too!

Popular, being described with that just for once...
You who dream of something like that
Come on! Let's do some bouncing today!
Let's swing! Dance, dance, dance with me!

If you received praise, thank them sincerely
If you laughed, that will create...
A happy and welcoming atmosphere
Hey look, you're dancing now!

This is perhaps the world's second easiest
Stomp-stump dance

Ne-o-ne-o ne-e-oh
Ne-o-ne-o ne-e-oh
Ne-o-ne-o ne-e-oh

Do a big jump
Like you can see the future!

Everyone jump
The world will be lighter

Do a big jump
Then, put on a free pose!

Everyone kick
We'll spin this world!

Ne-o-ne-o ne-e-oh
Ne-o-ne-o ne-e-oh
Ne-o-ne-o ne-e-oh
This article is part of Project Music, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon song, CD and musician.