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Lively Lugia II/Lugia (Part II)
VS ルギアII
VS Lugia II
Location Whirl Islands

Lively Lugia II or Lugia (Part II) (Japanese: VS ルギアII VS Lugia II) is the 147th round of the Pokémon Adventures manga.


With a frightened Crystal as witness, Gold and Silver quarrel aboard half of Wilton's fishing boat after surviving one of Lugia's attacks. Silver starts to depart, ordering his Croconaw to come along, but Gold assures his rival that the starter Pokémon of all three PokéDex holders are prepared to fight the menacing Lugia and that the trainers, regardless of their opinions of each other, should trust their Pokémon. Exbo, Croconaw, and Bayleef attack as one, their elemental powers barely deflecting another of the Diving Pokémon's blasts. The boys quarrel further over emotional style and Crystal loudly questions Prof. Oak's choice of PokéDex holders; Gold reproves her for being "prissy."

Nearby, Lt. Surge floats above the sea through the agency of his three Magneton; a keen observer, he notes that Lugia's blasts, not being the result of any perceptible build-up of energy, are rather the results of Lugia's breaths, for which phenomenon he dubs the attacks Aeroblasts. Facing another of these, Surge realizes that if his Magneton were to take the strike, they would drop him; he glances across the waves at Silver, noting aloud that he must know a way to stop Lugia's attacks.

Meanwhile, Silver has proposed, to Gold's shock, that Lugia be drawn into the sea, where it will be unable to gather air for its terrifying technique. At close range, Silver proposes, brute force can be inflicted on Lugia's head and wings; Gold, they both know, lacks a flying Pokémon and so will be of no help in the fight. Silver, telling Gold to stay put with the three starters, summons Murkrow, Crystal Natee. But as the two birds take flight, they knock Gold into the sea: Silver and Crystal toss him a life-preserver just before his PokéGear rings. Wilton has called with an important bit of news and is floating right behind Gold, barely holding on to the other half of his boat, which contains a number of PokéBalls. A tidal wave interrupts their conversation. Completely submerged, Gold silently ponders his predicament until he spots a wild Mantine, a species hitherto unknown to him, apparently cowering because of the blasts. Gold swims over to the creature, but, just then, his waterlogged body slackens, pulling taut and then snapping the rope of the life-preserver. The worried Silver & Crystal hear a dull rumbling from the sea; Gold emerges with his new companion, Mantine (a Water and Flying type, to his astonishment!), supported by the Fisherman's school of captured Remoraid, two of which bite Gold's cue such that he can hold on as if to a glider, and the rest of which face the other way in order to keep Mantine and Gold aloft with their jets of water. Affirming the Remoraid to be the best present he ever got, Gold cockily assures us that Silver and Crystal will have to watch him fell Lugia by himself!

Major events


Pokémon debuts






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This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.