User:Lennon Jesus

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

About me

My name is Lennon Jesus. I mostly work on... Well... I did some small things here on Bulbapedia...

This user's birthday is November 19.
This user comes from Brazil.

How did i met Pokémon?

My older sister always watched the Pokémon Anime, but I never liked it... But one day, My friends introduced me to the TCG, and I liked it! From this, I searched about Pokémon, and found a game in the website (A Brazilian website to play browser games) this game is nothing more and nothing less than FireRed!

Some Pokémon I do like, but everyone doesn't

I dunno if this is a cool thing to do here, on my userspace... But... I'll do this!

Surprisingly, I really like Garbodor! And Popplio! And Alomomola!

I think I like "Pokemons" that are hated ...

Some Pokémon I do not like, but everyone does

I do not like Greninja! Yep! I do not like Charmander too! And Snivy...

Name Origin

My name came from singer John Lennon, who was part of the band Beatles.

My parents have always been obsessed with the Beatles ... The same was for me ...

Other things

The first Pokémon game I played was Pokémon Fire Red ... Now I play Pokemon LeafGreen, Pokemon Ruby, Pokemon Pearl, Pokemon Black 2 Pokemon Platinum, Pokemon Snap, Pokemon Stadium and Pokémon Stadium 2 ...

Changing the subject, I never found a Shiny Pokémon! Yep !I always use the Masuda Method in Pokémon Black 2, but it never work, I have the Shiny Charm, the Oval Charm AND a Pokemon with the ability Flame Body (This Pokemon is Volcarona), But still not working (I do not have a Japanese Ditto to breed with Volcarona, but i have a normal Ditto)

Is not only with Pokémon Black 2, in Pokémon LeafGreen, I used the Soft Reset Method to catch a Shiny Zapdos! But i still not having a Shiny...

Why did I do not have Pokemon X/Y or OR/AS?

Why did I do not have Pokemon XY or ORAS?

Because I do not have money

No, seriously, I do not have enough money to buy these games! I Really wanna one of them, or TWO OF THEM! But instead of this, I really like to watch other people playing, or other people saying about Pokémon, just like TheAuraGuardian, Candy Evie, Dobbs, HoodlumScrafty, and so many others...

If I ever play X/Y, my starter will be Fennekin!

Team Fennekin here!

In other languages

Wait... My name is Lennon Jesus in every language!

Favorites (A lot of them)

This user's favorite Pokémon is Dewott.
This user's favorite color is yellow.
This user's favorite Kanto first partner Pokémon is Bulbasaur.
This user's favorite Johto first partner Pokémon is Totodile.
This user's favorite Hoenn first partner Pokémon is Treecko.
This user's favorite Sinnoh first partner Pokémon is Piplup.
This user's favorite Unova first partner Pokémon is Oshawott.
This user's favorite Kalos first partner Pokémon is Fennekin.
This user's favorite Alola first partner Pokémon is Popplio.
This user's favorite Water-type Pokémon is Dewott.
This user's favorite Fire-type Pokémon is Braixen.
This user's favorite Fighting-type Pokémon is Riolu.
This user's favorite Dark-type Pokémon is Zoroark.
This user's favorite Normal-type Pokémon is Snorlax.
This user's favorite Grass-type Pokémon is Bulbasaur.
This user's favorite Fairy-type Pokémon is Clefable.
This user's favorite Bug-type Pokémon is Mega Pinsir.
This user's favorite Dragon-type Pokémon is Rayquaza.
This user's favorite Flying-type Pokémon is Articuno.
This user's favorite Ice-type Pokémon is Articuno.
This user's favorite Ground-type Pokémon is Groudon.
This user's favorite Electric-type Pokémon is Dedenne.
This user's favorite Steel-type Pokémon is Genesect.
This user's favorite Ghost-type Pokémon is Frillish.
This user's favorite Psychic-type Pokémon is Mega Mewtwo Y.
This user's favorite Poison-type Pokémon is Bulbasaur.
This user's favorite Rock-type Pokémon is Onix.
This user's favorite ball is the Luxury Ball.