Lady (Trainer class)

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Revision as of 14:13, 9 January 2019 by Reinhartmax (talk | contribs)
Lady redirects here. For character from the Pokémon Adventures manga, see Platinum (Adventures).
おじょうさま High-class Girl

Art from Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
Other names
Introduced in Generation III
Appears in Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, and LeafGreen
Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver*
Black, White, Black 2, and White 2
X, Y, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire
Gender Female only
Male Counterpart Rich Boy
Notable members Selphy, Kylie
Anime debut M06|Jirachi: Wish Maker
TCG debut EX Ruby & Sapphire
TCG card Lady Outing
Manga debut {{{manga}}}

A Lady (Japanese: おじょうさま High-class Girl) is a type of Pokémon Trainer that first debuted in the Generation III games. They are depicted as girls dressed in elaborate and fancy clothing. In Pokémon Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver, Caitlin is referred to as a Lady. In FireRed and LeafGreen, a notable Lady is Selphy. Their male counterparts are Rich Boys.

They generally use weak Pokémon but pay out a large amount of money as a reward; the largest recorded prize money after a Trainer battle was $10,240, which can be multiplied to $20,480 with an Amulet Coin or Luck Incense. Many of their Pokémon also carry Nuggets. They use Full Restores to heal their own Pokémon in battle.

In X and Y, they appear in the Battle Chateau, where they appear as a Baroness, Viscountess, Countess, Marchioness or Duchess. They also appear in the Battle Maison, meaning there are no Ladies that can be battled outside of the Battle Maison.


Sprite from
Ruby, Sapphire,
and Emerald
Sprite from
FireRed and LeafGreen
Sprite from
Generation IV
Sprite from
Black and White
Sprite from
Black 2 and White 2
Overworld sprite from
Ruby, Sapphire,
and Emerald
Overworld sprite from
FireRed and LeafGreen
Overworld sprite from
Generation IV
Overworld sprite from
Generation V
VS portrait from
Generation VI*
VS portrait from
Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
Model from
Icon on the PSS from
X and Y
Icon on the PSS from
Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire, and PGL


Art from Ruby and Sapphire Art from X, Y, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire*

Trainer list

Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire

Pokémon Emerald

Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl

Pokémon Platinum

Pokémon Black and White

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

Pokémon Colosseum

Story Mode

Battle Mode

In the anime

Brodie disguised as a Lady in the anime

In The Ribbon Cup Caper, Brodie dressed as a woman that resembled the Ruby and Sapphire depiction of this Trainer class.

A Lady appeared at the beginning of Jirachi: Wish Maker, in a battle with Brendan. The same Lady made a cameo in Giratina and the Sky Warrior with Eevee and seven of its evolutions. She is based on the Lady from Ruby and Sapphire.

Also, in A Full Course Tag Battle!, Kylie is based on the Pokémon Diamond and Pearl sprite for a Lady, just as Roman is based on the Rich Boy Trainer class.


Lady's Manectric

Manectric was only briefly seen in a Double Battle at the beginning of the sixth movie alongside Solrock, against Brendan's Aggron and Shiftry.

Manectric's only known move is Spark.

Lady's Solrock

Solrock was only briefly seen in a Double Battle at the beginning of the sixth movie alongside Manectric, against Brendan's Aggron and Shiftry.

None of Solrock's moves are known.

Lady's Eeveelutions

Eevee and seven of its Eeveelutions were seen as a cameo during the beginning of the movie.

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Missing information about appearance in PS466

A Lady is one of the participants of a Super Contest Platinum participated in. Despite her Pachirisu messing things up for Platinum, Platinum got first place in the Super Contest.

A Lady and her Goomy appeared at Santalune City in Kangaskhan...Kangascan't.


Lady's Pachirisu

The Lady registered Pachirisu in a Super Contest where it lost to Platinum and her Prinplup. This Pachirisu was mischievous as it snuck by Platinum's stuff and messed them up for her.

None of Pachirisu's moves are known.

In the TCG

This listing is of cards mentioning or featuring Lady in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Related cards
Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Lady Outing T [Su] EX Ruby & Sapphire Uncommon 83/109 Expansion Pack Uncommon 053/055
      Latias Half Deck   017/018
      Latios Half Deck   017/018
EX Deoxys Uncommon 87/107 Deoxys Constructed Starter Deck   013/015
      Rayquaza Constructed Starter Deck   013/015
Lady Su Forbidden Light Uncommon 109/131 Forbidden Light U 085/094
      Forbidden Light SR 100/094

In other languages

Language Title
Mandarin Chinese 大小姐 Dà Xiǎojiě *
千金小姐 Qiānjīn Xiǎojiě *
French Mademoiselle
German Lady
Italian Lady
Korean 아기씨 Agissi
Brazilian Portuguese Dama
Spanish Damisela

Trainer classes in the Pokémon core series
Sevii Islands Aroma LadyBikerBird KeeperBlack BeltBug CatcherCamperCool CoupleCooltrainerCrush Girl
Crush KinCue BallFishermanGentlemanHikerJugglerLadyLassPainterPicnickerPokéManiac
PKMN BreederPKMN RangerPsychicRuin ManiacScientistSis and BroSwimmerTamer
Team Rocket AdminTeam Rocket GruntTwinsTuberYoung CoupleYoungster
Trainer Tower only:
BeautyBurglarEngineerRockerSailorSuper Nerd
Johto Ace Trainer*BeautyBikerBird KeeperBlack Belt*BoarderBug CatcherBurglarCamper
ChampionExecutive*FirebreatherFisherman*GentlemanGuitaristHikerJugglerKimono GirlLass
LeaderMediumPicnickerPokéfanPoké Maniac*PKMN TrainerPoliceman*PsychicRivalHGSSSage
SailorSchool Kid*ScientistSkierSuper NerdSwimmerTeacherTeam Rocket Grunt*TwinsYoungster
Mystery Man*CHGSSDouble TeamHGSSElderHGSSPasserbyHGSSYoung CoupleHGSS
Battle Frontier only:HGSS

Aroma LadyArtistBattle GirlCameramanClownCollectorCowgirlCyclistDragon TamerIdol
JoggerLadyNinja BoyParasol LadyPIPoké KidPKMN BreederPKMN RangerRancherReporter
Rich BoyRoughneckRuin ManiacSocialiteTuberVeteranWaiterWaitressWorker
Arcade StarCastle ValetFactory HeadHall MatronTower Tycoon

Hoenn Ace Trainer*Aqua AdminSEASAqua LeaderSEASAroma LadyBattle GirlBeautyBird KeeperBlack Belt
Bug CatcherBug ManiacCamperChampionCollectorDragon TamerElite FourExpertFisherman
GentlemanGuitaristHex ManiacHikerInterviewers*KindlerLadyLassLeaderMagma AdminREOR
Magma LeaderREORNinja BoyOld CoupleParasol LadyPicnickerPoké Fan*Poké Maniac*Pokémon Breeder*
Pokémon Ranger*Pokémon Trainer*PsychicRich BoyRuin ManiacSailorSchoolkid*Sis & Bro*Swimmer
Team Aqua GruntSEASTeam Magma GruntREORTeammates*TriathleteTuberTwinsWinstrateYoung CoupleYoungster
Ace DuoORASBrains & BrawnORASBackpackerORASDelinquentORASFairy Tale GirlORASFare PrinceORAS
Free DiverORASLeadersORASLorekeeperORASMysterious SistersORASProprietorORASRotation GirlORAS
Scuba DiverORASSecret Base ExpertORASSecret Base TrainerORASSootopolitanORASStreet ThugORAS
Battle Frontier only:E
Arena TycoonDome AceFactory HeadPalace MavenPike QueenPyramid KingSalon Maiden
Battle Institute and Battle Maison only:ORAS
ArtistBattle ChatelaineButlerChefFurisode GirlGarçonGardenerMadameMaidMonsieurOwnerPreschooler
Punk GirlPunk GuyRising StarRoller SkaterSchoolboySchoolgirlScientistTouristVeteranWaitressWorker
Sinnoh Ace TrainerAroma LadyArtistBattle GirlBeautyBird KeeperBlack BeltBug CatcherCameramanCamperChampion
ClownCollectorCommanderCowgirlCyclistDouble TeamDragon TamerElite FourFisher*GentlemanGuitarist
Gym Leader*HikerIdolInterviewersJoggerLadyLassMadame*Ninja BoyParasol LadyPicnickerPIPoké Fan*
Poké KidPokémon Breeder*Pokémon Ranger*Pokémon Trainer*Police Officer*PsychicRancherRanchers*
ReporterRich BoyRoughneckRuin ManiacSailorSchool KidScientistSkierSwimmerTeam Galactic Boss*
Team Galactic Grunt*Tower TycoonTuberTwinsVeteranWaiterWaitressWorkerYoung CoupleYoungster
Arcade StarPtCastle ValetPtFactory HeadPtHall MatronPtMaidPtGAME FREAK'sBDSP
Unova Ace TrainerArtistBackersBackpackerBakerBattle GirlBikerBlack BeltChampionClerk
CyclistDancerDepot AgentDoctorElite FourFishermanGAME FREAKGentlemanGym Leader*
NurseNursery AideParasol LadyPilotPokéfanPKMN BreederPKMN RangerPokémon Trainer*Policeman
PreschoolerPsychicRich BoyRoughneckSchool KidScientistSmasherSocialiteStrikerSubway Boss
SwimmerTeam PlasmaTeam Plasma GruntThe RichesBWTwinsVeteranWaiterWaitressWorkerYoungster
BeautyB2W2Boss TrainerB2W2GuitaristB2W2
Pokéstar Studios only:B2W2
A-list ActorActorActressBig StarCelebrityChic ActressChild StarComedian
Fine ActorMovie StarNew ActressStar ActorSuit ActorUnique StarVeteran Star
Pokémon World Tournament only:B2W2
Junior RepresentativeMaster RepresentativeSenior Representative
World ChampionWorld FinalistWorld Runner-up
Blueberry Academy only:SV
BB League ChampionBB League Elite FourBlueberry Academy Director
DirectorInstructorLeague ClubStudentTop Champion
Kalos Ace DuoAce TrainerArtistArtist FamilyBackpackerBattle GirlBeautyBlack BeltBrains & Brawn
ButlerChampionChefDriverElite FourFairy Tale GirlFishermanFurisode GirlGarçonGardener
Hex ManiacHikerHoneymoonersLassLeaderLumiose Gang MemberMysterious SistersOwner
Poké FanPoké Fan FamilyPokémon BreederPokémon ProfessorPokémon RangerPokémon Trainer
PreschoolerPsychicPunk CouplePunk GirlPunk GuyRangersRising StarRoller Skater
SchoolboySchoolgirlScientistSky TrainerSuccessorSuspicious ChildSuspicious Lady
Suspicious WomanSwimmerTeam FlareTeam Flare AdminTeam Flare BossTeam Flare Grunt
Battle Chateau ranks:
By male: BaronViscountEarlMarquisDukeGrand Duke
By female: BaronessViscountessCountessMarchionessDuchessGrand Duchess
Battle Institute and Battle Maison only:
Battle ChatelaineLadyMadameMaidMonsieurRich Boy
Unused Trainer classes:
Ace SurferSwimmers
Orre Trainer classes
Area LeaderBodybuilderChaserCipher AdminCipher PeonCooltrainerFun Old ManHunterMatron*Mt BtlMaster*Myth Trainer
Newscaster*PreGymLeaderResearcherRiderRogueSim Trainer*Spy*SupertrainerTeam SnagemSnagem HeadWorker
Colosseum only:
AthleteBandana GuyCipherCipher HeadDeep KingGlasses ManGuyLadyLady in Suit
Miror B.PeonRich BoyRoller BoyShady GuySt.PerformerTeacher
XD: Gale of Darkness only:
BeautyCasual DudeCasual GuyCipher CmdrCipher R&DCurmudgeonGrand MasterKaminko Aide
Mystery ManNavigatorRobo GroudonSailorThugWanderer

This Trainer Class article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.