Generation VII

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Generation VII
Title screen of Pokémon Ultra Moon
Debut EN November 18, 2016
JA November 18, 2016
Pokémon 802 (81 new)SM
807 (5 new)USUM
809 (2 new)PE
Main games Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon
Region(s) introduced Alola
Other RPGs Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!
Contains remakes of Generation I
Storage games Bank (Version 1.4+)
Current length EN 3026 days
JA 3026 days

The seventh generation (Japanese: 第七世代 seventh generation) of Pokémon games is the seventh installment of the Pokémon video game series starting with Pokémon Sun and Moon and continuing with Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, followed by Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!. Unlike previous generations, the core series games of the seventh generation were released on two different Nintendo platforms, with the Alola-based games released on the Nintendo 3DS and the Kanto-based games released on the Nintendo Switch. It is the last generation released on the 3DS and the first one on the Switch.


The seventh generation of Pokémon was announced with the reveal of Pokémon Sun and Moon on February 27, 2016, the Pokémon 20th Anniversary. These are the first pair of games in the generation and were released worldwide on November 18, 2016, except in Europe where they were released on November 23, 2016.

The second pair of games in this generation, Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, were revealed in a Pokémon Direct held on June 6, 2017. The games take place in Alola once again, but with a new story and includes Pokémon that cannot be found in Sun and Moon. The games were released worldwide on November 17, 2017.

The third and final pair of games, Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!, were revealed in a press conference held on May 29, 2018. The games take place in Kanto and are inspired by Pokémon Yellow. The games were released worldwide on November 16, 2018.

Some of the Generation VII games can communicate with games from previous generations. Pokémon Sun and Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon can communicate with the application Pokémon Bank, via which Pokémon from the Generation VI games can be received. By way of Poké Transporter, Pokémon Bank can also receive Pokémon from the Generation V games and the Virtual Console releases of the Generation II and Generation I games, from which they can be moved to Generation VII games. Combined with other inter-generational transfer methods, this makes the seventh generation the first generation since Generation II able to communicate with all previous games.

Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! can communicate with the mobile app Pokémon GO and is able to receive Pokémon that originate from the app and can send a special Pokémon to Pokémon GO. It currently cannot communicate with any other core series games.

In-game continuity

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

Pokémon Sun and Moon occurs two years after the events of Black 2 and White 2 and X and Y. Various characters from previous generations such as: Sina, Dexio, Looker, Anabel, Colress, Red, and Blue make appearances, with many of them looking significantly older than in previous games.

During the postgame missions in Sun and Moon, it is revealed that Anabel fell into an Ultra Wormhole prior to the events of Sun and Moon and became, what the International Police refer to as, a Faller and is hinted to be the same Anabel that appeared in Pokémon Emerald's Battle Tower, however, she suffers from retrograde amnesia. Professor Burnet who originated from the side game, Pokémon Dream Radar, is revealed to be living in Alola and is researching the phenomena surrounding Ultra Wormholes.

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are set in an alternate universe similar, but slightly different, to Sun and Moon. The events of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon follow those of the first games, but slightly diverge in its details. Some of the worlds that the player may visit through the Ultra Warp Ride are hinted at being alternate versions of Alola, such as: the Ultra Space Wilds, and the Ultra Ruin which is a world that thoroughly hinted at being a destroyed Hau'oli City from an alternate dimension. In Episode RR, Team Rainbow Rocket takes over the Festival Plaza and Aether Paradise after coming out of Ultra Wormholes, in hopes of taking over other worlds using the Ultra Wormhole technology developed by the Aether Foundation. Team Rainbow Rocket is later revealed to be composed of the villainous team leaders from previous generations, with Team Aqua and Team Magma's leaders, Archie and Maxie, appearing as they did in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. It is also revealed that each of the villainous team leaders are from alternate universes where they were able to successfully achieve their plans; further cementing the concept of alternate universes. Colress plays a major role in Episode RR by sending all of the villainous leaders back to their original dimensions; when confronting Ghetsis, he and Colress recognize each other, despite being from alternate dimensions, due to Colress working for Team Plasma in both universes.

Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! seems to take place in an alternate universe from Pokémon Red and Blue and Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen as Team Rocket was never disbanded, and Red and Blue have already defeated the Indigo League and are now renowned Pokémon trainers. Because of this, the player characters are now composed of Chase and Elaine with Blue's role as rival being replaced by Trace.

Since Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! are remakes of Pokémon Yellow, characters from the anime like Jessie and James make appearances and similar events from the anime occur. The games seem to occur less than five years before Sun and Moon, as Mina, albeit slightly younger, makes an appearance in Vermilion City. Despite this, the overall continuity between these games and those that precede them is not clear.

Advances in gameplay

Alterations from Generation VI

Further additions in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Further additions in Let's Go, Pikachu! and Lets's Go, Eevee!

  • Two new Mythical Pokémon are introduced: Meltan and Melmetal, bringing the total to 809.
  • Walking Pokémon make a return, working as replacements for Ride Pokémon.
  • Secret Techniques are implemented as replacements for HMs.
  • Wild Pokémon now appear in the overworld.
  • The implementation of the Pokémon Box, a replacement for the Pokémon Storage System that is accessible from the player's bag.
  • The implementation of motion controls. The Joy-Con is used to catch wild Pokémon in a way similar to the method used in Pokémon GO.




Main article: Alola

The Alola region was introduced in Pokémon Sun and Moon. This island region is made up of four main islands and one artificial island.

Starter Pokémon

The starters of the seventh generation follow the traditional Grass/Fire/Water trio setup. At the beginning of the game, the player must choose between the Grass and Flying-type Rowlet, the Fire-type Litten and the Water-type Popplio.

Trial Captains and Totem Pokémon

In Sun and Moon, there are seven Trial Captains and eight Totem Pokémon, Pokémon which are bigger than the rest of their species and have "auras" that increase one of their stats at the beginning of battle. Upon a Totem Pokémon's defeat, the player will get the corresponding Z-Crystal of the same type of the trial.

In Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, all of the trials are altered in some way. In addition, the final Trial Captain, Mina has a trial for the player to complete.

Generation VII Region: Alola
Trial Captain
Type Totem Pokémon Ally Pokémon
イリマ Ilima
Verdant Cavern
Verdant Cavern

Alolan Raticate
Alolan RaticateMUM
Alolan Rattata
Alolan RattataMUM
スイレン Suiren
Brooklet Hill
Brooklet Hill

(School Form)SM
Wishiwashi and AlomomolaSM
Dewpider and MasquerainUSUM
カキ Kaki
Wela Volcano Park
Wela Volcano Park

Alolan Marowak
Alolan MarowakUSUM
マオ Mao
Lush Jungle
Shade Jungle

Trumbeak and CastformSM
Comfey and KecleonUSUM
マーマネ Māmane
Hokulani Observatory
Hōkūlani Observatory

Charjabug ×2SM
Skarmory and DedenneUSUM
アセロラ Acerola
Thrifty Megamart (Abandoned Site)
スーパー・メガやす 跡地
Supermarket Megacheap (Abandoned Site)

Haunter and GengarSM
Banette and JellicentUSUM
None Vast Poni Canyon
Great Canyon of Poni

Hakamo-o and ScizorSM
Noivern and ScizorUSUM
マツリカ Matsurika
NoneSM NoneSM
Seafolk Village
Seafolk Village
Blissey and PelipperUSUM

Grand trials

After the player completes all the trials on an island, they must battle the kahuna of the island.

Grand trials
Generation VII Region: Alola
Island Kahuna
Island Location
ハラ Hala

Melemele Island
Iki Town
Liliʻi Town

ライチ Lychee

Akala Island
Ruins of Life
Ruins of Life

クチナシ Kuchinashi

Ula'ula Island
Malie City
Malie City


ハプウ Hapū

Poni Island
Vast Poni CanyonSM
Great Canyon of Poni

Exeggutor IslandUSUM
Nassy Island


File:LGPE Kanto Map.png
Main article: Kanto

In its fifth appearance, Kanto appeared in Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! in a capacity similar to Generation I and its previous remakes, Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen.

Starter Pokémon

Unlike in other Pokémon games, the starter the player starts with in the upcoming games corresponds with the game they are playing. Players of Let's Go, Pikachu! will start with Pikachu, while players of Let's Go, Eevee! will start with Eevee.

Gym Leaders

For the most part, Kanto's Gym Leaders are the same as they were in Generation I, but Blue takes control of Viridian Gym after the player becomes Champion and can be challenged.

Indigo League
Generation VII Region: Kanto
Gym Leader
Type Badge

タケシ Takeshi
Pewter City
Nibi City
Boulder Badge

カスミ Kasumi
Cerulean City
Hanada City
Cascade Badge

Lt. Surge
マチス Matis
Vermilion City
Kuchiba City
Thunder Badge

エリカ Erika
Celadon City
Tamamushi City
Rainbow Badge

キョウ Kyō
Fuchsia City
Sekichiku City
Soul Badge

ナツメ Natsume
Saffron City
Yamabuki City
Marsh Badge

カツラ Katsura
Cinnabar Island
Guren Island
Volcano Badge

サカキ Sakaki

グリーン Green
Viridian City
Tokiwa City
Ground Various

Earth Badge

Discussion of Generation VII

Alola thematic motif

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

The seventh generation focuses on themes of nature, alternate dimensions, tradition, and relationships. This generation's starters and main legendary trio designs and inspirations are heavily based on alchemical symbols and imagery. Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio's designs are based on the alchemic symbols for salt (body), sulfur (spirit), and mercury (mind), respectively and the later evolutions also seeming to based on symbol variants or other alchemical symbols. The legendary trio is mainly based on celstial bodies while taking influences from alchemical imagery, specifically the Azoth Mandala, which is also where Project AZOTH from Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire gets its name: Solgaleo takes inspiration from the alchemical lion and the Sun, which represents "anima" or "soul"; Lunala is based on the Moon, which represents "spiritus" or "spirit"; and Necrozma is based on the stars and prisms, which represents "corpus" or "body". The Aether Foundation's name is also derives from the fifth alchemical element, Aether.

The Alolan region is one of the most vibrant regions to date. The region of Alola and its citizen's ways of life are centered in nature, as are the areas they inhabit; major examples of this are: the Alolan Pokémon League, which is built into and atop a mountain, Mount Lanakila, and the Alolan battle facility, the Battle Tree, which is built around a tree. The Aether Foundation is an organization that wishes to heal and protect Pokémon from threats such as Team Skull or predatory Pokémon like Mareanie. In fact, the Alolan Pokédex is filled with more examples of Pokémon predator-prey relationships than usual. In an interview with Junichi Masuda and Shigeru Ohmori, it was stated that Pokémon Sun and Moon were created with the idea of the revolutions of the sun and the moon in mind, and their how they influence the Earth, as a way to, simply put, express Pokémon as living creatures. In the same interview, they mention the revolutions of the celestial bodies as being an interesting metaphor for relationships.

Tradition in the Alola region is evident through the Island Challenge, the positions and succession of Trial Captains and Island Kahunas, and the reverent worship surrounding the Guardian Deities and SolgaleoSUS/LunalaMUM. The main villainous team, Team Skull, is composed of trainers who failed the island challenge who want to go against the Alolan traditions and cause mayhem throughout the islands. Professor Kukui states that he greatly values the Alolan traditions but feels that it is time for Alola make a name for itself with its own Pokémon League. He states that Mount Lanakila was chosen because it is the same place where the island challenge is always completed and as a way to pay respect to the SolgaleoSUS/LunalaMUM because of its closeness to the SunSUS/MoonMUM.

Generation VII follows in the footsteps of Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire's Delta Episode by expanding on the concept of parallel universes through the introduction of the Ultra Wormholes, which lead to other worlds and universes. The existence of the Ultra Ruin and the events of Episode RR in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon further confirms the existence of alternate universes. While the Aether Foundaion may focus on the conservation of Pokémon, they also research Ultra Wormholes and the Ultra Beasts that come from them. The Ultra Beasts can be considered invasive species, as they are not native to the dimension that the Pokémon games take place in, mirroring the status of Pokémon like Yungoos and Alolan Meowth.

Throughout the games, there is a major focus on relationships, like the aforementioned Pokémon predator-prey relationships. Z-moves are said to be the physical manifestation of the bond between trainer and Pokémon, which is in a similar vein to Mega Evolution. The storylines of the Alolan games focus on the family running the Aether Foundation, with various characters centralizing on family or relationship-based issues: Lusamine is tormented by the loss of her husband, Mohn, and becomes obsessed with protecting and giving her love to people and Pokémon who she deems are "worthy of her love". Her initial change in behavior is what drives to Lillie to steal Nebby, and Gladion to take Type: Null prior to the events of the games. She later becomes solely obsessed with NihilegoSM or wholeheartedly believes that she must protect Alola and its light from NecrozmaUSUM. She makes amends after the events of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon by vowing to stop "interfering" in her children's happiness, and during an interaction with an amnesiac Mohn, she sees him smile again and decides that it's better for him to not know who he previously was; Gladion's main motivations for leaving Aether Paradise are: helping to prevent his mother from using Nebby to open Ultra Wormholes across AlolaSM or to become strong enough to protect Lusamine and Lilie, due to the disappearance of his father, MohnUSUM. Throughout the story, he tries to become stronger without help from others, but learns to work together, per Hau's advice, during the infiltration of Aether Paradise. He later becomes deeply grateful to the player character for helping his mother and starts to grow a friendly rivalry towards Hau and the player character; When the player first meets Lillie, she starts out as shy and reserved, but slowly becomes more confident in herself and her abilities and begins to learn about what everyday life outside of the Aether Paradise. In Sun and Moon, she goes to save her mother in the Ultra Deep Sea and finally gains the confidence to stand up to her mother regarding her recent behavior, while in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, she learns that despite not being a strong trainer that she can support and help those she cares about; Hau suffers from pressure to live up to his grandfather's name with him feeling that he is living in his shadow, but hopes to be as strong as his grandfather; Guzma teams up with the Aether Foundation due to Lusamine being the only adult who has ever recognized him for his strength; and Team Skull consider themselves as a sort of family with Plumeria as a "bigger sister" figure and all the grunts as her "brothers and sisters".

English title screens

Pokémon Sun Pokémon Moon
Pokémon Ultra Sun Pokémon Ultra Moon

Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!

Japanese title screens

Pokémon Sun Pokémon Moon
Pokémon Ultra Sun Pokémon Ultra Moon

Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!



This game-related article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.