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Pokémon the Series: XY Kalos Quest
Season 18

Logo for the season
Opening Be a Hero
Episodes 45
Region Kalos
Series XY
Preceded by Pokémon the Series: XY
Followed by Pokémon the Series: XYZ

Pokémon the Series: XY Kalos Quest is the eighteenth season of the dubbed version of the Pokémon anime. It is the second season of Pokémon the Series: XY (which shares its name with its first season). It is preceded by Pokémon the Series: XY (which shares its name with the series), and is succeeded by Pokémon the Series: XYZ. The season follows Ash as he continues his journey, venturing in the Kalos region with his friendsSerena, Bonnie and Clemont. The subtitle "Kalos Quest" is not used within the episodes, but was later added by the iTunes release to distinguish it from the previous season.

It premiered on Cartoon Network on February 7, 2015 with the dub premiere of Pathways to Performance Partnering!, and concluded on December 19, 2015 with All Eyes on the Future!. It originally aired in the United States as part of the 2015 Cartoon Network Saturday morning lineup.


Ash and Pikachu continue their epic journey in the next exciting season of Pokémon the Series: XY Kalos Quest! While Ash continues his quest to win eight Gym badges so he can enter the Kalos League, he and his traveling companions will make new friends, forge new rivalries, and, of course, meet some brand-new Pokémon! Serena, with her partner Fennekin and new friend Pancham, will take on the Pokémon Showcase world; Clemont will continue to create inventions and hope some of them are a hit; and Bonnie, as ever, will try to find someone to take care of her big brother!

Important events

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.
Poster for the season

Party changes



The following Pokémon evolve:


The following Pokémon are released:


The following Pokémon are traded:


The following Pokémon are left at Lumiose Gym:


The following Pokémon return to their Trainer:

Gym battles

Ash defeats the following Gym Leaders:


Serena wins Showcases in the following locations:


Epicode Episode Title #
XY050 Pathways to Performance Partnering! 1
XY051 When Light and Dark Collide! 2
XY024 An Undersea Place to Call Home! 3
XY052 A Stealthy Challenge! 4
XY053 A Race for Home! 5
XY054 Facing the Grand Design! 6
XY055 A Slippery Encounter! 7
XY056 One for the Goomy! 8
XY057 Thawing an Icy Panic! 9
XY058 The Green, Green Grass Types of Home! 10
XY059 Under the Pledging Tree! 11
XY060 A Showcase Debut! 12
XY061 An Oasis of Hope! 13
XY062 The Future Is Now, Thanks to Determination! 14
XY063 A Fork in the Road! A Parting of the Ways! 15
XY064 Battling with Elegance and a Big Smile! 16
XY065 Good Friends, Great Training! 17
XY066 Confronting the Darkness! 18
XY067 The Moment of Lumiose Truth! 19
XY068 Garchomp's Mega Bond! 20
XY069 Defending the Homeland! 21
XY070 Beyond the Rainbow! 22
XY071 So You're Having a Bad Day! 23
XY072 Scary Hospitality! 24
XY073 A Fashionable Battle! 25
XY074 Fairy-Type Trickery! 26
XY075 Rivals: Today and Tomorrow! 27
XY076 A Not-So-Flying Start! 28
XY077 A Relay in the Sky! 29
XY079 A Frenzied Factory Fiasco! 30
XY080 Performing with Fiery Charm! 31
XY081 Rotom's Wish! 32
XY082 A Festival Trade! A Festival Farewell? 33
XY083 Over the Mountain of Snow! 34
XY084 Adventures in Running Errands! 35
XY085 Mending a Broken Spirit! 36
XY086 A Legendary Photo Op! 37
XY087 The Tiny Caretaker! 38
XY088 A Trip Down Memory Train! 39
XY089 A Frolicking Find in the Flowers! 40
XY078 Lights! Camera! Pika! 41
XY090 Tag Team Battle Inspiration! 42
XY091 A Performance Pop Quiz! 43
XY092 Cloudy Fate, Bright Future! 44
XY093 All Eyes on the Future! 45

Home video releases

North American DVD releases

Main article: List of English language Pokémon the Series: XY Kalos Quest home video releases (Region 1)

Australian DVD releases

Main article: List of English language Pokémon the Series: XY Kalos Quest home video releases (Region 4)


  • This is the only season whose subtitle is not used within the episodes themselves. This is not counting the first two seasons, which were referred to simply as "Pokémon" during their original airings.

In other languages

External links

Original series (list) Indigo LeagueAdventures in the Orange Islands
The Johto JourneysJohto League ChampionsMaster Quest
Ruby and Sapphire (list) AdvancedAdvanced ChallengeAdvanced BattleBattle Frontier
Diamond and Pearl (list) Diamond and PearlBattle DimensionGalactic BattlesSinnoh League Victors
Black & White (list) Black & WhiteRival DestiniesAdventures in Unova and Beyond
XY (list) XYKalos QuestXYZ (Mega Evolution Specials)
Sun & Moon (list) Sun & MoonUltra Adventures‎Ultra Legends
Journeys (list) JourneysMaster JourneysUltimate Journeys (The Arceus Chronicles)
Horizons (list) Horizons
Specials (list) Pikachu's Winter VacationSide StoriesPokémon Chronicles
Planetarium specialsPikachu shorts
Mewtwo ReturnsThe Legend of Thunder!Pichu Bros. in Party Panic
The Mastermind of Mirage PokémonA Ripple in Time
Complete listMovies

This article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.