G-Max Steelsurge (move)

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Revision as of 17:48, 11 December 2019 by Pipefan (talk | contribs) (Effect)
G-Max Steelsurge
キョダイコウジン Kyodai Steel Formation
File:SwSh Prerelease G-Max Steelsurge.png
Type  Steel
Category  Unknown
PP  — (max. —)
Power  —
Accuracy  —%
Priority  0
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Introduced  Generation VIII
Condition  [[{{{category}}} (condition)|{{{category}}}]]
Appeal  0  
Jam  0  
Condition  [[{{{category}}} (condition)|{{{category}}}]]
Appeal  0  
Condition  [[{{{category}}} (condition)|{{{category}}}]]
Appeal  0  
Jamming  0  

G-Max Steelsurge (Japanese: キョダイコウジン Kyodai Steel Formation) is a damage-dealing Steel-type G-Max Move introduced in Generation VIII. It is the exclusive G-Max Move of Gigantamax Copperajah.


G-Max Steelsurge inflicts damage and sets an entry hazard around the target Pokémon. Pokémon on the target's field receive damage upon switching in. The amount of damage inflicted upon switching in is affected by the effectiveness of Steel against the target. It also does not stack if multiple layers are set. It does not damage Pokémon with the Ability Magic Guard. Rapid Spin removes the hazard from the user's side of the field if it affects its target; Defog removes the hazard's effect from both sides of the field.

The damage is taken from the victim's maximum HP, and follows:

Type effectiveness Damage (Max. HP)
0.25× 3.125%
0.5× 6.25%


Games Description
SwSh A Steel-type attack that Gigantamax Copperajah use. This move scatters sharp spikes around the field.


Gigantamax Copperajah can use G-Max Steelsurge if it knows a damaging Steel-type move.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 超極巨鋼鐵陣法 Chīu Gihkgeuih Gongtit Jahnfaat
Mandarin 超極巨鋼鐵陣法 / 超极巨钢铁阵法 Chāo Jíjù Gāngtiě Zhènfǎ
French Percée G-Max
German Giga-Stahlschlag
Italian Gigaferroaculei
Korean 거다이강철진 Geodai Gangcheoljin
Spanish Gigatrampa Acero

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.