Talk:Evolution item

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I've had several people tell me that Magby holds Magmarizer 50% in Diamond and 5% in Pearl. Do we have confirmation of this? --Viscosity 02:07, 3 March 2008 (UTC)

Other way around. Elekid holds the Electirizer 50% in Diamond and 5% in Pearl, Magby's got Magmarizer 5% in Diamond and 50% in Pearl. TTEchidnaFire echy 03:11, 3 March 2008 (UTC)

Trading Items

I've never heard an answer to this elsewhere, so I'll ask it here: I know that an evolution stone is used up when used to evolve a pokemon, but is an item used to evolve a pokemon during trades used up, or can it be re-used? (ie. taken off the pokemon at the other end of the trade and used to evolve another pokemon)