Status condition

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Status redirects here. For the move category, see status move.
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Status conditions (Japanese: 状態異常 abnormal condition), also referred to as status problems or status ailments, affect a Pokémon's ability to battle. There are three kinds of status. The first are non-volatile, the second are volatile, and the third lasts while a Pokémon is in battle. The Pokérus is a similar but unrelated concept.

Non-volatile status

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Reason: What game mechanics, such as facade and heal bell, are affected by all non-volatile statuses?

A non-volatile status condition is a status condition that remains outside of battle and after being switched out. A Pokémon cannot gain a non-volatile status condition if it's already afflicted by another one. They can be cured by healing at a Pokémon Center, specific curative items, specific moves, and other ways. If a Pokémon is affected by a non-volatile status condition, an icon will display the type of status condition (replacing the Pokémon's level in Generations I and II).

Any Pokémon with Comatose cannot be affected by non-volatile status conditions nor can any Pokémon with Leaf Guard in harsh sunlight. Additionally, a Pokémon with Natural Cure will cure its status condition when switching out, any Pokémon with Hydration will be automatically cured of any non-volatile status condition at the end of the turn (during rain), and any Pokémon with Shed Skin has a 33% chance to heal any of these status conditions.

In Pokémon Conquest, all status conditions disappear after battle.


Ursaring is burned
Main article: Burn (status condition)

The burn condition (BRN) inflicts damage every turn and halves damage dealt by a Pokémon's physical moves (except Pokémon with the Guts Ability). In Generation I and Generation VII, burn inflicts damage equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP every turn; from Generation II to VI, burn inflicts damage equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP every turn. Burn damage is halved if the Pokémon has the Ability Heatproof. In Generation V, Pokémon glow red while afflicted with burn.

Most moves which cause burn are Fire-type. In Generations I and II, Fire-type Pokémon cannot be burned by Fire-type moves (but they can be burned by Tri Attack in Generation II). From Generation III onward, Fire-type Pokémon and Pokémon with the Water Veil or Water Bubble Ability cannot normally be burned.


Yamper is frozen
Main article: Freeze (status condition)

The freeze condition (FRZ) causes a Pokémon to be unable to use moves. A frozen Pokémon can still use the moves Fusion Flare, Flame Wheel, Sacred Fire, Flare Blitz, Scald, and Steam Eruption while frozen; these moves will thaw the user and be executed normally. In Generation V, Pokémon glow blue and stop moving while afflicted with freeze.

If a frozen Pokémon is hit by a damaging Fire-type move, Scald (Generation VI onward) or Steam Eruption, it will be thawed. From Generation II onward, the frozen Pokémon has a 20% chance to be thawed each turn, possibly even thawing right after being frozen; however, in Generation I, a frozen Pokémon never thaws without external aid. Pokémon cannot be frozen in harsh sunlight.

All moves which cause freezing are Ice-type, except Tri Attack (Generation II onward) and Secret Power (when used in snow or ice; Generation IV onward). In Generations I and II, Ice-type Pokémon cannot be frozen by Ice-type moves (but they can be frozen by Tri Attack in Generation II). From Generation III onward, Ice-type Pokémon and Pokémon with the Magma Armor Ability cannot normally be frozen.


Ursaring is paralyzed
Main article: Paralysis (status condition)

The paralysis condition (PAR) reduces the Pokémon's Speed stat and causes it to have a 25% chance of being unable to use a move ("fully paralyzed") when trying to use one. From Generation I to VI, its Speed is reduced to 25% of its normal value; in Generation VII, its Speed is reduced to 50% of its normal value. Pokémon with the Quick Feet Ability instead have their Speed increased by 50% while paralyzed. In Generation V, Pokémon glow yellow while afflicted with paralysis and their animation will be slowed significantly.

Many moves that cause paralysis are Electric-type moves. In Generation I, Pokémon cannot be paralyzed by damaging moves of the same type as themselves. From Generation VI onward, Electric-type Pokémon cannot be paralyzed. Pokémon with the Limber Ability cannot normally be paralyzed.


Pikachu is poisoned
Main article: Poison (status condition)

The poison condition (PSN) inflicts damage every turn. In Generation I, poison inflicts damage equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP every turn; from Generation II onward, it inflicts damage equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP. A Pokémon with the Poison Heal Ability will restore an equivalent amount of HP instead of taking damage. In Generation V, Pokémon glow purple while afflicted with poison.

All moves which cause poison are Poison-type, except Twineedle, Secret Power (when used in tall grass; Generation III only), Psycho Shift (while poisoned), and Fling (if Poison Barb or Toxic Orb is held). Poison-type Pokémon cannot be normally poisoned. In Generation II, Steel-type Pokémon cannot be poisoned by Poison-type moves (but they can be poisoned by Twineedle); from Generation III onward, Steel-type Pokémon and Pokémon with the Immunity Ability cannot normally be poisoned. Poison- and Steel-type Pokémon can be poisoned by a Pokémon with the Corrosion Ability.

From Generation I to IV, a poisoned Pokémon loses 1 HP for every four steps taken outside of battle. In Generation IV, a Pokémon whose HP is reduced to 1 via poison outside of battle will have the poison status removed; in Generations I to III, its HP will be reduced to 0 (causing it to faint).

Badly poisoned

The bad poison condition inflicts damage every turn, with the amount of damage increasing each turn. It initially inflicts damage equal to 1/16 of the Pokémon's maximum HP, with the damage inflicted increasing by 1/16 each turn (2/16 on the second turn, 3/16 on the third turn, etc.). In Generation V, Pokémon glow purple while afflicted with bad poison.

In Generations I and II, if a badly poisoned Pokémon is switched out, the condition reverts to regular poison. From Generation III onward, the poison remains bad poison while switched out, but the damage counter will be reset when switched back in (i.e. it always will take 1/16 of its maximum HP as damage after switching in). After a battle is over, the badly poisoned status will become a regular poison.

All moves which badly poison are Poison-type, except Psycho Shift (while badly poisoned) and Fling (if Toxic Orb is held).


Heracross is asleep
Main article: Sleep (status condition)

The sleep condition (SLP) causes a Pokémon to be unable to use moves, except Snore and Sleep Talk. From Generation V onward, Pokémon close their eyes while sleeping and move more slowly.

Sleep lasts for a randomly chosen duration of 1 to 7 turns in the handheld Generation I games, 1 to 3 turns in Pokémon Stadium and Generation V onwards,[1] and 1 to 5 turns in Generations II to IV (except the Japanese versions of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl). In the Japanese versions of Diamond and Pearl, the minimum and maximum sleep count is 1 turn higher, lasting 2 to 6 turns.[2] If a Pokémon puts itself to sleep using Rest, it will sleep for exactly 2 turns.

In addition to moves that cause sleep, a disobedient Pokémon may also nap during battle. Pokémon with the Vital Spirit or Insomnia Ability cannot normally be put to sleep.

In Generation I, a Pokémon that wakes up is not able to attack during that same turn; from Generation II onward, a Pokémon can wake up and use a move during the same turn. In Generation V only, a Pokémon's sleep counter is reset to its original amount when switched out; this also applies for self-induced sleep.

Volatile status

A volatile status is a status condition that is inflicted by a move or Ability from another Pokémon and will wear off when a Pokémon is switched out of battle or when a battle is over. Many volatile status conditions will also wear off after a number of turns have passed. A Pokémon can be affected by multiple volatile status conditions at a time. A volatile status condition is not indicated by an icon.


Gastrodon being trapped by Seviper's Wrap

When a Pokémon is hit by a binding move (Magma Storm, Sand Tomb, Whirlpool, Wrap, Bind, Clamp, Infestation, or Fire Spin), it becomes bound. Prior to Generation V, this lasts 2-5 turns (5 turns if the user of the binding move held a Grip Claw); from Generation V onward, the bound status lasts 4-5 turns (7 turns if the user of the binding move held a Grip Claw). A Pokémon can only be bound by one binding move at a time.

From Generation II to V, the bound status deals damage equal to 1/16 of the afflicted Pokémon's maximum HP at the end of each turn. If the Pokémon that used the binding move held a Binding Band, the damage is instead equal to 1/8 of the afflicted Pokémon's maximum HP.

From Generation VI onward, the bound status deals damage equal to 1/8 of the afflicted Pokémon's maximum HP at the end of each turn. If the Pokémon that used the binding move held a Binding Band, the damage is instead equal to 1/6 of the afflicted Pokémon's maximum HP. Furthermore, Ghost-type Pokémon can now switch out or flee even if they are trapped by a binding move.

Generation I

In Generation I, binding moves inflict damage for 2-5 turns. There is a 37.5% chance that the move will last 2 turns, a 37.5% chance that it will last 3 turns, a 12.5% chance that it will last 4 turns, and a 12.5% chance that it will last 5 turns. Although only the first attack can be a critical hit, every attack during the duration will do the same amount of damage. While a Pokémon is bound, it cannot use moves, including on the turn it is hit if it would move second.

Damage done by a binding move's continuing duration is done after recurrent damage. If the user of the binding move switches out before the target is released, the target will be unable to attack during that turn. If the target switches out before the turn duration ends, the binding move will automatically be used against the incoming Pokémon, deducting an additional PP from the move. If at such a time the binding move has 0 PP, it will still be used against the incoming Pokémon; in this case, due to a glitch, the move's PP will roll over to 63 and full PP Ups will be applied to it.

Even if the binding move misses, the target will not need to recharge for Hyper Beam. Additionally, if the user of the binding move attacks before the user of Hyper Beam during a recharge turn and the use of the binding move misses, the user of Hyper Beam will automatically use Hyper Beam during that turn. If at such a time Hyper Beam has 0 PP, it will still be used; in this case, due to the same glitch, the move's PP will roll over to 63 and full PP Ups will be applied to it.

In-game, the target will get to select a move during each turn of the binding move's duration, and will attack the incoming Pokémon with the selected move if the player switches before the duration is over.

In Pokémon Stadium, it is possible to select a move during each turn of the binding move's duration. If the target switches out before the duration ends, the incoming Pokémon will not automatically be attacked. A binding move will negate the recharge turn of Hyper Beam only if successful.

Generation II-IV

The target is now able to attack during a binding move's duration, and can act normally. Instead, the afflicted Pokémon takes damage equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP for 2-5 turns, in addition to the damage dealt when it is used. A bound Pokémon is also trapped, preventing it from switching and escape. A bound Pokémon can still flee (but not switch out) if it has the Ability Run Away or is holding a Smoke Ball. A bound Pokémon can still switch out (but not flee) if it is holding a Shed Shell.

If the user of the binding move is holding a Grip Claw, the duration will always be 5 turns.

If the user of the binding move switches out, all targets bound by that Pokémon's moves will be freed. If a bound Pokémon uses Rapid Spin, it will be freed.

Generation V

All binding moves now last 4-5 turns unless a Grip Claw is held, which causes the moves to last 7 turns.

If the user of the binding move held a Binding Band, the bound Pokémon takes 1/8 of its maximum HP as damage each turn (instead of 1/16).

Generation VI

A bound Pokémon now takes damage equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP each turn, instead of 1/16; if the user of the binding move held a Binding Band, the bound Pokémon takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP instead.

Ghost-type Pokémon can no longer be trapped, meaning that they can switch out and flee regardless of being bound. They are still afflicted by all other effects of being bound as normal, however.


A Pokémon can be bound when struck by any of the following moves.

Move Type Category Power Accuracy Notes
Bind Normal Physical 15 85% Traps for 2-5 turns
Clamp Water Physical 35 85% Traps for 2-5 turns
Fire Spin Fire Special 35 85% Traps for 2-5 turns
G-Max Centiferno Fire Varies Varies —% Exclusive G-Max Move of Gigantamax Centiskorch
Traps for 4-5 turns
G-Max Sandblast Ground Varies Varies —% Exclusive G-Max Move of Gigantamax Sandaconda
Traps for 4-5 turns
Infestation Bug Special 20 100 Traps for 4-5 turns
Magma Storm Fire Special 100 75% Traps for 2-5 turns
Sand Tomb Ground Physical 35 85% Traps for 2-5 turns
Snap Trap Grass Physical 35 100% Traps for 4-5 turns
Whirlpool Water Special 35 85% Traps for 2-5 turns
Wrap Normal Physical 15 90% Traps for 2-5 turns

Can't escape

Oshawott failing to return to its Poké Ball after being hit by Mean Look

A Pokémon that can't escape is unable to switch out or flee as long as the Pokémon that trapped it is on the field. The moves Mean Look, Spider Web, Block, Shadow Hold, Spirit Shackle, and Anchor Shot can inflict the "can't escape" condition.

A Pokémon that can't escape can still switch out if it is holding a Shed Shell; uses U-turn, Volt Switch, or Baton Pass; or is hit by Whirlwind, Roar, Dragon Tail, or Circle Throw. Prior to Generation V, if a Pokémon that can't escape uses Baton Pass, the Pokémon brought out will be trapped instead; from Generation V onward, the effect disappears.

From Generation III onward, a Pokémon that can't escape can still flee or Teleport from a wild battle if it is holding a Smoke Ball or has the Ability Run Away.

Starting in Generation VI, Ghost-type Pokémon can switch out and flee regardless of the can't escape status.

Fairy Lock is a similar move that instead traps all Pokémon on the field during the next turn, instead of inflicting the "can't escape" status.

No Retreat self-inflicts the "can't escape" status to the user.


A Pokémon can be trapped when struck by any of the following moves.

Move Type Category Power Accuracy Notes
Anchor Shot Steel Physical 80 100%
Bind Normal Physical 15 85% Traps for 2-5 turns
Block Normal Status —%
Clamp Water Physical 35 85% Traps for 2-5 turns
Fairy Lock Fairy Status —% Prevents all Pokémon on the field from switching out or fleeing during their next turn
Fire Spin Fire Special 35% 85% Traps for 2-5 turns
G-Max Centiferno Fire Varies Varies —% Exclusive G-Max Move of Gigantamax Centiskorch
Traps for 4-5 turns
G-Max Sandblast Ground Varies Varies —% Exclusive G-Max Move of Gigantamax Sandaconda
Traps for 4-5 turns
G-Max Terror Ghost Varies Varies —% Exclusive G-Max Move of Gigantamax Gengar
Infestation Bug Special 20 100 Traps for 4-5 turns
Ingrain Grass Status —% Prevents the user from switching out or fleeing and restores 1/16th of its max HP at the end of every turn
Jaw Lock Dark Physical 80 100% Prevents the user and the target from switching out or fleeing
Magma Storm Fire Special 100 75% Traps for 2-5 turns
Mean Look Normal Status —%
No Retreat Fighting Status —% Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by one stage each. Prevents the user from switching out or fleeing
Octolock Fighting Status 100% At the end of each turn, the target's Defense and Special Defense are lowered by one stage each
Sand Tomb Ground Physical 35 85% Traps for 2-5 turns
Shadow Hold Shadow Status 80%
Snap Trap Grass Physical 35 100% Traps for 4-5 turns
Spider Web Bug Status —%
Spirit Shackle Ghost Physical 80 100%
Thousand Waves Ground Physical 90 100%
Whirlpool Water Special 35 85% Traps for 2-5 turns
Wrap Normal Physical 15 90% Traps for 2-5 turns


See also: List of moves that confuse
File:Gladion Lycanroc confused.png
Lycanroc is confused

The confused condition causes a Pokémon to sometimes hurt itself in its confusion instead of executing a selected move. From Generation I to VI, the chance to hurt itself is 50%; from Generation VII onwards, it is 33%. The damage is done as if the Pokémon attacked itself with a 40-power typeless physical attack (without the possibility of a critical hit).

Confusion wears off after 1-4 attacking turns. This means that turns recharging, such as after using Hyper Beam, and turns unable to attack, such as from paralysis, will not lower the remaining number of turns of confusion. However, a sleeping Pokémon may hurt itself in confusion if using a move such as Snore or Sleep Talk. Multi-turn attacks such as Fly and Dive require confusion to be checked both turns, further reducing the chance of a successful attack.

File:Confusion anime DP.png
Piplup is confused

Pokémon with the Own Tempo Ability are immune to being confused. Confusion can be cured with Persim Berries, Touga Berries, the Yellow Flute, and, from Generation II onwards, items that cure all status conditions such as Full Heals and Lum Berries; it is the only volatile status condition to be able to be cured by items that heal all status conditions.

Confusion is transferred by Baton Pass.

Focus Sash, Focus Band, and Sturdy can prevent a Pokémon from knocking itself out due to confusion.

A Ninja Boy on Route 211 erroneously states that confusion only wears off if the Pokémon is switched out.

In Pokémon Conquest, confusion is instead a non-volatile status. A confused Pokémon may randomly move and attack other Pokémon, including allies. If a Pokémon moves in its confusion, the Warrior is prevented from using an item or activating a Warrior Skill that turn. Confusion may wear off in the first turn.

In the Pokémon Adventures manga, in Well Met, Weepinbell, a small group of Torchic are seen circling around the confused Pokémon's head.

In the anime, the depiction and symptoms of confusion has varied over the course of the show's long run:

  • In the original series of the anime, Pokémon showed no physical difference when confused. They would often get dizzy and miss their attacks as opposed to attacking themselves.
  • In the Advanced Generation series, Pokémon would get purple circles around their eyes as a sign of confusion and begin hurting themselves, or attacking their partner if in a Double Battle.
  • In the Diamond & Pearl series, Pokémon's eyes become swirls and a circle of Torchic run around the confused Pokémon's head, with the confusion causing its attacks to miss.
  • In the Best Wishes series, a Pokémon's eyes become stars and multiple stars spin around their head when they are confused.
  • In the XY series, the Pokémon's eyes become sunken or glassy, and it will begin thrashing around, attacking itself or its allies in Double Battles.
  • In the Sun & Moon series, yellow birds circle arounds the Pokémon's head.

Appearance in the games

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Reason: Generation VI/VII appearance


Suicune is hurt by the Curse

If a Ghost-type Pokémon uses Curse, its target will be afflicted by the cursed condition. A cursed Pokémon takes damage equal to ¼ of its maximum HP every turn. The cursed condition remains as long as the afflicted Pokémon is on the field. If a cursed Pokémon uses Baton Pass, the cursed condition is passed to its replacement.

In Generation II, if a cursed Pokémon knocks out its opponent, it will not take damage from curse that turn.

Spiritomb being prevented from using items


A Pokémon under the effect of Embargo is unable to use its held item and its Trainer cannot use items on it (including Wonder Launcher items) for five turns. A Pokémon under the effect of Embargo cannot use Fling.


Encore forces the Pokémon to repeat its last attack for 2-5 turns in Generation II, 4-8 turns in Generations III and IV, and 3 turns in Generation V and VI. In Generation V, if the Pokémon has Magic Coat active, the move will fail.


See also: List of moves that cause flinching
Magmar flinching

The flinch status is a one-turn status that prevents a Pokémon from attacking. A Pokémon can only flinch if it is hit by another Pokémon's move before using its move. A Pokémon who is holding a King's Rock or Razor Fang has a 10% (~12% in Generation II) chance of causing a target to flinch when using certain moves; in Generation II, III, and IV, any of several moves on a list exclusive to the items (the list differs between generations); from Generation V onward, any move that deals damage and does not already have a chance to flinch. Most moves that cause flinching are physical moves. In Generation II only, sleeping Pokémon cannot flinch when hit by moves that cause flinching (but can flinch via King's Rock), and are thus able to successfully execute Sleep Talk or Snore regardless.

Pokémon with the Inner Focus Ability are immune to flinching. Pokémon with Steadfast still flinch, but gain Speed each time they do so.

It is known as the Cringe status condition in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team, Blue Rescue Team, Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness and Explorers of Sky, and Gates to Infinity. It is renamed as the flinch status condition in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon.

In Pokémon Conquest, a Pokémon that has flinched is unable to perform any actions (i.e. move around, use moves), along with its partner Warrior (i.e. use Warrior Skills, use items, link). Since battles in this game are turn-based, flinching does not require a first strike via an advantage in Speed or priority, unlike in the main series. The turn-based gameplay and the duration of flinching also makes consecutive flinching impairment impossible, unlike in the main series.

It was revealed that Dynamax Pokémon cannot flinch.

Heal Block

Blissey being prevented from healing

A Pokémon affected by Heal Block is prevented from healing for five turns. It cannot use Moonlight, Morning Sun, Roost, Recover, Heal Order, Rest, Soft-Boiled, Wish, Milk Drink, Slack Off, Synthesis, or Heal Pulse while it is under effect. It is unaffected by the healing effects of Wish, Ingrain, Aqua Ring, Leech Seed, and Heal Pulse.

In Generation IV and V, a Pokémon affected by Heal Block can use HP-draining moves and still inflict damage, but will not restore HP. In Generation VI, a Pokémon affected by Heal Block cannot use HP-draining moves, except Leech Seed.

Pokémon with the Ability Volt Absorb or Water Absorb will take damage, as opposed to healing, from Electric- or Water-type attacks respectively while Heal Block is in effect. A poisoned Pokémon with Poison Heal is neither healed nor damaged.

From Generation V onward, Leftovers and Shell Bell cannot heal Pokémon affected by Heal Block. In Generation VI, Black Sludge cannot heal Pokémon affected by Heal Block. Items such as Potions can still be used to heal the Pokémon.


Noctowl's Foresight identifying Gastly

The opponent's evasion modification will not affect the accuracy of a Pokémon that uses Foresight, Odor Sleuth, or Miracle Eye. In addition, a Normal- or Fighting-type move used by a Pokémon that has used Foresight or Odor Sleuth will affect Ghost-type Pokémon, and Psychic-type moves used by a Pokémon that has used Miracle Eye will affect Dark-type Pokémon.


A Pokémon can be identified when struck by any of the following moves.

Move Type Category Accuracy Notes
Foresight Normal Status —% Removes Ghost-type Pokémon's immunity to Fighting-type and Normal-type moves
Odor Sleuth Normal Status —% Removes Ghost-type Pokémon's immunity to Fighting-type and Normal-type moves
Miracle Eye Psychic Status —% Removes Dark-type Pokémon's immunity to Psychic-type moves


Raichu is infatuated

A Pokémon that is infatuated cannot attack 50% of the time, even against Pokémon other than the one it is infatuated with. It is caused when Attract is used on an opponent of the opposite gender, may be caused when a Pokémon makes contact with a Pokémon of the opposite gender that has Cute Charm as its Ability, and is caused to the target of the infatuation when a Pokémon holding a Destiny Knot is infatuated.

Pokémon with the Oblivious Ability are immune to infatuation. Infatuation cannot be passed with Baton Pass. Infatuation will end as soon as either the affected Pokémon or the Pokémon it is attracted to is removed from the battle. It can also be removed by consuming a Mental Herb or an Eggant Berry, or by playing a Red Flute.

In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series, Infatuation prevents the Pokémon from doing anything for 5-6 turns, and causes linked moves to cease.


A Pokémon can be infatuated when struck by any of the following moves.

Move Type Category Probability Power Accuracy Notes
Attract Normal Status 100% 100% Opponent of the opposite gender of the user become infatuated
G-Max Cuddle Normal Varies 100% Varies —% Exclusive G-Max Move of Gigantamax Eevee
All opponents of the opposite gender of the user become infatuated

Leech Seed

A Solrock affected by Leech Seed

The Leech Seed status can be caused by Leech Seed or Sappy Seed. Each turn, a Pokémon afflicted with Leech Seed loses 1/8 (1/16 in Generation I) of its maximum hit points. The opponent is healed by the same amount. Grass-type Pokémon cannot be afflicted with Leech Seed.

If a Pokémon afflicted with Leech Seed uses Baton Pass, Leech Seed is transferred to its replacement, even if it is Grass-type. If the Pokémon that used Leech Seed switches out or faints, any Pokémon in the same position as the original user gains the drained HP instead.

Unlike in the games, Leech Seed does not appear to restore the health of the Pokémon that used the attack in the anime.


A Pokémon can be seeded when using any of the following moves.

Move Type Category Power Accuracy Notes
Leech Seed Grass Status 90%
Sappy Seed Grass Physical 90 100%


Nightmare only affects a sleeping Pokémon. The sleeping Pokémon loses ¼ of its maximum hit points every turn. If the sleeping Pokémon awakens, then the nightmare will no longer be in effect. If Baton Pass switches in a Pokémon that is not asleep (via Sleep Talk), then the nightmare will no longer be in effect.

Perish Song

After three turns, all Pokémon who heard the Perish Song will faint, excluding Pokémon with the Soundproof Ability. Any Pokémon who heard it can avoid the effect of fainting if it is switched out before the three-turn count finishes. Baton Pass transfers the Perish Song countdown. The effect will also take place when Perish Body is activated.


A taunted Pokémon cannot use any status moves for 3 turns (2-4 turns prior to Generation V), including status moves that will always turn into damaging moves like Nature Power. The Taunt status can only be inflicted by the move Taunt.

From Generation V onward, the Mental Herb cures the Pokémon of Taunt. From Generation VI onward, Pokémon with Oblivious are immune to the Taunt condition; if a Pokémon with Oblivious is afflicted by Taunt (such as if it is taunted by a Pokémon with an Ability like Mold Breaker), it will be cured immediately. Pokémon with Aroma Veil and their allies are immune to Taunt.

A taunted Pokémon can still use a status Z-Move.


A group of people being telekinetically levitated

A Pokémon telekinetically levitated by Telekinesis is immune to Ground-type moves, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Arena Trap for three turns. In addition, all other moves, except one-hit knockout moves, hit the target regardless of accuracy and evasion; however, it does not allow moves to hit semi-invulnerable Pokémon.

The effect of Telekinesis is canceled when Gravity is used, the levitated Pokémon uses Ingrain, or the levitated Pokémon obtains an Iron Ball; Telekinesis cannot lift targets if Gravity is in effect, and will fail if used on a target that is rooted or holding an Iron Ball.


A tormented Pokémon cannot use the same move twice in a row. If the Pokémon is holding a choice item or only has one move remaining with PP, it is forced to use Struggle every second turn.


A Pokémon can be tormented when struck by any of the following moves.

Move Type Category Probability Power Accuracy Notes
Torment Dark Status 100% 100%
G-Max Meltdown Steel Varies 100% Varies —% Exclusive G-Max Move of Gigantamax Melmetal
Affects all opponents on the field

Volatile battle status

The contents of this section have been suggested to be split into Battle status.
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A volatile battle status is usually self-inflicted and will wear off when a Pokémon is taken out of battle or a battle is over. Many of these will also wear off after a number of turns pass. Since they aren't shown in battle as a status condition (having an icon) a Pokémon can be affected with multiple volatile battle statuses, volatile conditions and a non-volatile condition at the same time.

Aqua Ring

Swanna enveloped in a veil of water

When a Pokémon surrounds itself with a veil of water by using Aqua Ring, it restores 1/16th of its maximum HP every turn. This effect can be transferred by Baton Pass.


Heracross bracing itself

When a Pokémon uses Endure, it braces itself so that whenever it takes damage that turn it will always survive with at least 1HP. The Focus Sash, Focus Band, and Ability Sturdy all have similar effects.

Charging turn

Several two-turn moves have a turn where a Pokémon cannot act. The charging can be skipped with a Power Herb, or in the case of Solar Beam and Solar Blade, the presence of harsh sunlight.

Pokémon that are readying Sky Attack become cloaked in light.

Pokémon that are readying Solar Beam or Solar Blade take in sunlight.

Pokémon that are readying Razor Wind whip up a whirlwind.


A Pokémon can be charging when using any of the following moves.

Move Type Category Power Accuracy Notes
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85% User becomes semi-invulnerable. 30% chance of paralyzing the target
Dig Ground Physical 80 100% User becomes semi-invulnerable
Dive Water Physical 80 100% User becomes semi-invulnerable
Fly Flying Physical 90 95% User becomes semi-invulnerable
Freeze Shock Ice Physical 140 90% 30% chance of paralyzing the target
Geomancy Fairy Status —% Raises the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by two stages
Ice Burn Ice Special 140 90% 30% chance of burning the target
Phantom Force Ghost Physical 90 100% User becomes semi-invulnerable
Razor Wind Normal Special 80 100% Has an increased critical hit ratio*
Shadow Force Ghost Physical 120 100% User becomes semi-invulnerable
Skull Bash Normal Physical 130 100% Raises the user's Defense by one level*
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90% Has an increased critical hit ratio*
Has a 30% chance of causing the target to flinch*
Sky Drop Flying Physical 60 100% User and target become semi-invulnerable
Solar Beam Grass Special 120 100% Will not need a turn to charge if used during harsh sunlight*
Solar Blade Grass Physical 125 100% Will not need a turn to charge if used during harsh sunlight

Center of attention

Clefairy drawing attention to itself

A Pokémon can become the center of attention by using Follow Me or Rage Powder, or by being affected by Spotlight.

If a Pokémon is the center of attention, its opponents are forced to target the center of attention rather than their intended target for the rest of the turn, if it is a valid target for those moves (even if the move originally targeted an ally, unless it is a move that cannot target an opponent such as Acupressure or Helping Hand). If a move cannot target the center of attention, it will be used on its intended target. Even if a Pokémon becomes the center of attention, its allies will not be forced to target it.

If the center of attention faints, switches out, or is taken into the air by Sky Drop, it no longer draws moves.

In Triple Battles, the center of attention will draw the attacks of all opponents in the field, but it can only draw attacks from non-adjacent opponents if they use a move which is able to strike non-adjacent targets.

The center of attention cannot draw moves with a charging turn like Sky Drop or Solar Beam, even if they are executed in one turn due to Power Herb.

The center of attention draws Electric- and Water-type moves even if a Pokémon with Lightning Rod or Storm Drain is on the field. If another Pokémon on the same team is already the center of attention, the first user takes priority; if the first user is outside of range or stops being the center of attention, the attack will be drawn to the next center of attention.

From Generation VI onward, Grass-type Pokémon, Pokémon with Overcoat, and Pokémon holding Safety Goggles will not have their moves drawn to a Pokémon that becomes the center of attention due to Rage Powder.


A Pokémon will be the center of attention when using any of the following moves.

Move Type Category Priority Accuracy Notes
Follow Me Normal Status +2 —%
Rage Powder Bug Status +2 —% Grass-type Pokémon, Pokémon with Overcoat, and Pokémon holding the Safety Goggles are immune*
Spotlight Normal Status +3 —%
Z-Destiny Bond Ghost Status 0 —% If powered up by a Ghostium Z
If the user faints as the direct result of an attack the attacking Pokémon also faints
Z-Grudge Ghost Status 0 —% If powered up by a Ghostium Z
If the user faints as the direct result of an attack, the move which causes the user to faint will lose all of its PP

Defense Curl

Phanpy curls up, ready to use Rollout

Using Defense Curl causes the power of Rollout and Ice Ball to double for the Pokémon. This effect is not transferred by Baton Pass.


Cradily planting its roots

When a Pokémon plants its roots by using Ingrain, it restores 1/16th of its maximum HP every turn but cannot switch out or flee, even if hit by a move that would force this such as Roar and Dragon Tail. If a Flying-type Pokémon or a Pokémon with Levitate is rooted to the ground, it is susceptible to Ground-type moves, Spikes and Toxic Spikes. The Pokémon cannot be affected by Magnet Rise and Telekinesis and they are removed if active upon rooting. This effect can be transferred by Baton Pass.

Magic Coat

Absol bouncing back an attack

A Pokémon shrouded with Magic Coat will reflect most status moves used against it or its side of the field back at the user during the turn it used the move. The Ability Magic Bounce reflects the same moves.

Magnetic levitation

Metagross levitating on magnetism

A Pokémon levitating on magnetism via Magnet Rise is immune to Ground-type attacks for five turns. Like Flying-type Pokémon and Pokémon with Levitate, the user is immune to the damage of Spikes and Toxic Spikes, and is unaffected by Arena Trap. Magnet Rise is completely negated by Gravity, Ingrain, and holding an Iron Ball.

This effect can be transferred by Baton Pass.


A Pokémon that has used the move Minimize (or had the effect passed to it via Baton Pass) will be affected more harmfully by some moves.

From Generation II onward, Pokémon that have used Minimize will take double damage from Stomp. From Generation V onward, Pokémon that have used Minimize will also receive double damage from Steamroller. In Generation VI, Pokémon that have used Minimize will take double damage from Body Slam, Dragon Rush, Flying Press, and Phantom Force; also in Generation VI, all of these moves will always hit a target that has used Minimize.


A Pokémon that uses Protect, Detect, Spiky Shield, or Baneful Bunker will be unaffected by both damaging moves and status moves during that turn. A Pokémon that uses King's Shield will be unaffected by damaging moves for the rest of that turn.

If the protected Pokémon is hit by Feint, Shadow Force, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, or Phantom Force—which can all hit regardless of protection—the Pokémon's protection is removed for the rest of the turn.

Some moves cannot be stopped by protection, such as Future Sight and Curse. Damaging Z-Moves will also strike through protection, but deal only one-quarter of the damage they would otherwise deal.


A Pokémon can be protected when using any of the following moves.

Move Type Category Priority Accuracy Notes
Baneful Bunker Poison Status +4 —% Will poison a Pokémon that attempts to use a contact move on the user
Crafty Shield Fairy Status +3 —% Protects the user's side of the field from status moves
Detect Fighting Status +4 —%
King's Shield Steel Status +4 —% Will drop the Attack stat by 1 stage of a Pokémon that attempts to use a contact move on the user.*
Protects the user from any moves except status moves
Mat Block Fighting Status 0 —% Always goes first; only works if it is the user's first turn
Max Guard Normal Status +4 —% User must be Dynamaxed and know a status move
Fully protects the user from Max Moves
Protects the user from Block, Flower Shield, Gear Up, Magnetic Flux, Phantom Force, Psych Up, Teatime, and Transform
Obstruct Dark Status +4 —% Will drop the Defense stat by 2 stages of a Pokémon that attempts to use a contact move on the user.
Protect Normal Status +4 —%
Quick Guard Fighting Status +3 —% Protects the user's side of the field from moves that have increased priority
Spiky Shield Grass Status +4 —% Will deal damage equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP of a Pokémon that attempts to use a contact move on the user
Wide Guard Rock Status +3 —% Protects the user's side of the field from damaging moves that can target multiple Pokémon


Incineroar recharging after using Blast Burn

A Pokémon that successfully uses Hyper Beam, Frenzy Plant, Blast Burn, Hydro Cannon, Giga Impact, Rock Wrecker, or Roar of Time must recharge during the next turn. While recharging, the Pokémon cannot perform an action.


A Pokémon will recharge when using any of the following moves.

Move Type Category Power Accuracy Notes
Blast Burn Fire Special 150 90%
Eternabeam Dragon Special 160 90%
Frenzy Plant Grass Special 150 90%
Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90%
Hydro Cannon Water Special 150 90%
Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90%
Meteor Assault Fighting Physical 150 100%
Prismatic Laser Psychic Special 160 100%
Roar of Time Dragon Special 150 90%
Rock Wrecker Rock Physical 150 90%
Shadow Half Shadow Status 100% Halves the current HP of all Pokémon in battle


Several two-turn moves have a turn where a Pokémon becomes semi-invulnerable, and most moves will miss regardless of accuracy, even moves that never miss. If a Pokémon has been taken aim at, the aimed Pokémon can still hit Pokémon during their semi-invulnerable turn. A Pokémon with No Guard can hit the Pokémon during their semi-invulnerable state, and a Pokémon with No Guard in the semi-invulnerable state can be hit by any Pokémon. With the exception of Sky Drop, the semi-invulnerable turn can be skipped with a Power Herb. Magic Bounce and Dancer have no effect when their user is semi-invulnerable.

In Generation I, semi-invulnerable Pokémon avoid all moves except Swift, Transform, and Bide, and can exploit the Invulnerability glitch. In Pokémon Stadium, they can avoid Bide, and the invulnerability glitch was fixed.

Pokémon that have used Fly, Bounce, or Sky Drop (both the user and target) fly up high. Pokémon that have flown up high are vulnerable to Gust, Smack Down, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, Twister, and Hurricane. If the move Gravity is used, Fly, Bounce, and Sky Drop cannot be used, and any Pokémon in the air return to the ground with their move cancelled; due to a glitch in the Generation V games, if Gravity is used while Sky Drop is in effect, only the user will be returned to the ground—the target will be permanently stuck airborne.

Pokémon that have used Dig burrow underground, and can be hit by Earthquake, Magnitude, and Fissure.

Pokémon that have used Dive dive underwater, and can be hit by Surf and Whirlpool.

Pokémon that have used Shadow Force or Phantom Force suddenly disappear, and there is no move that can hit these Pokémon without aiming or No Guard.


A Pokémon can be charging when using any of the following moves.

Move Type Category Power Accuracy Notes
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85% 30% chance of paralyzing the target
Dig Ground Physical 80 100%
Dive Water Physical 80 100%
Fly Flying Physical 90 95%
Phantom Force Ghost Physical 90 100%
Shadow Force Ghost Physical 120 100%
Sky Drop Flying Physical 60 100% User and target become semi-invulnerable


Accelgor launching a substitute

The Pokémon that uses Substitute uses up to ¼ of its total HP (rounded down) to make a substitute which will absorb hits until it "breaks" (damage the substitute has taken is equal to or greater than the HP used to make it).

Substitutes also prevent the opponent from lowering the user's stat stages. From Generation II onward, substitutes block the opponent from inflicting all status conditions. In Generation I, a substitute will only block certain status conditions under certain circumstances, and attacks like Thunder Wave and Spore will completely circumvent the substitute.

Substitutes can be transferred by Baton Pass.

Taking aim

Registeel taking aim at its opponent

When a Pokémon uses Mind Reader or Lock-On to take aim at a target, the user's next damage-dealing move will hit that target without fail, even if the opponent uses a move that offers a turn of semi-invulnerability, such as Fly. This effect can be Baton Passed.


A Pokémon will be taking aim when using any of the following moves.

Move Type Category Power Accuracy Notes
Mind Reader Normal Status —%
Lock-On Normal Status —%


A Pokémon readying Skull Bash withdraws it head for one turn, in which it cannot act. From Generation II onwards, this also boosts the Pokémon's Defense. This turn can be skipped with a Power Herb.


  • If a Pokémon under a status condition (such as a poisoned Cascoon) evolves, the condition will be kept, even if the Pokémon gains a new type or Ability that would normally prevent it.
  • All non-volatile status conditions were introduced in Generation I.

In other languages

Status condition

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 異常狀態 Yihsèuhng Johngtaai
Mandarin 異常狀態 / 异常状态 Yìcháng Zhuàngtài
Dutch Staatusconditie
Finnish Statustila
French Canada Problème d'état*
Europe Problème de statut
German Statusprobleme
Italian Problema di stato
Korean 상태 이상 Sangtae Isang
Norwegian Statusproblem
Polish Zmiana statusu
Portuguese Problema de estado
Russian Особый состояние Osobyy sostoyaniye
Spanish Problema de estado
Swedish Statusproblem
Vietnamese Tình trạng bất thường


Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 混亂 Wahnlyuhn
Mandarin 混亂 / 混乱 Hùnluàn
Danish Svimmel*
Finnish Hämmennys
French Canada Confus*
Europe Confusion
German Verwirrung
Italian Confusione
Korean 혼란 Hollan
Norwegian Forvirring
Polish Oszołomienie
Portuguese Confusão
Spanish Confusión
Swedish Förvirring
Vietnamese Hỗn loạn

See also


Status conditions

This game mechanic article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.