Team Rocket executives and administrators

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Rocket Executives/ Administrators

Originally operating from the Rocket Warehouse both the Female Administrator and the Male Administrator were under Giovanni. They fought the hero/heroine one at a time before leaving the Male Administrator will tell the hero/heroine that small group would restore the group and so three years later these two and three more Rockets who were high enough the ranks took over and became Rocket Executives and managed to rebuilt the group three years later after Giovanni disappeared

In the Fire Red/ Leaf Green

In the Sevii Islands The Rocket Administrators will face you one at a time before facing the Scientist Gideon The Male Administrator after loosing to you will see the Earth Badge and realize that on the main land Team Rocket being disbanded and will tell the hero/heroine he will find Giovanni and revive Team Rocket

In Gold/Silver/Crystal

To make money they sent the grunts to Slowpoke well the chop off tails to sell and they built a base near the Lake of Rage to use a high-frequency sound wave machine which would influence Pokemon Evolution the hero would face the Executives twice to drive the Rockets from that base and face them three times when the third Rocket Executive beaten he will disband Team Rocket once and for all like Giovanni did three years ago. Unlike Giovanni the Grunts that the Executives commanded had a poor verity of Pokemon unlike the wide verity used by the grunts under the command of Giovanni also there lesser Grunts in this group then the first group and the last plan seemed poorly planed

In the Anime

The Administrators do exist one of their members is Wendy. The Executives do not exist because Giovanni still leads Team Rocket

In the Manga

In the RBG saga under Giovanni Lt. Surge, Koga and Sabrina are the Team Rocket Executives. Blane left becaue of Mewtwo and in the Yellow saga the group was called off by Giovanni after he saw the battle between Lance and Yellow realized that he still had much to learn In the GSC saga the executives are replaced by the two sub leaders Shum and Cart

In the Fire Red/ Leaf Green Games

The First Administrator will come at you with this line up Rocket Administrator Female Line up Pokemon Muk, Level.52 Arbok, Level.53 Vileplume, Level.54

The Second Administrator will come at you with this line up Rocket Administrator Male Line up Golbat, Level .53 Weezing, Level.54 Houndoom, Level.55

In the Gold/Silver/Crystal games the Executives have these line ups Rocket Base Male Executive 1 Zubat Level.22 Raticate Level.24 Koffing Level.22

Female Executive 1 Arbok Level.23 Murkrow Level.25 Gloom Level.23

The Radio Tower Male Executive 1 Koffing x 5 Level .30 Weezing Level .32

Male Executive 2 Golbat Level.36

Female Executive 1 Arbok Level.32 Vileplume Level.32 Murkrow Level.32

Male Executive 3 Houndour Level.33 Koffing Level.33 Houndoom Level.35

See Also
