Oranguru is a simian Pokémon resembling an orangutan. While most of its body is covered in white fur, its hands, feet, and snout are bare with its light gray skin visible. The fur around its head and under its chin is longer and creates the impression of a long beard. It has a broad, flat nose and a black area around its eyes. Underneath each eye is a yellow ring marking, which is encircle by a light blue ring marking. In the center of its forehead is a yellow marking shaped like a four-pointed star. A cape of purple fur covers its back and is divided into many wavy clumps with strands of orange and light blue throughout. Oranguru holds a fan created from green leaves woven together with its own purple fur.
This solitary Pokémon spends its time deep in the forest, meditating high up in the trees. While it is not normally active, it will provide food to hungry Pokémon and give medicine to injured ones. It has even been known to use human tools or items, including Poké Balls. It has a lofty attitude and will give other Pokémon orders. This can make them difficult Pokémon for Trainers to handle. Ancient people actually thought Oranguru were people and called them the "people of the forests."[1] Oranguru does not get along with others of its kind, often battling out their wits for superiority. It will also occasionally venture to the beach to match wits with Slowking.
Oranguru debuted in Mallow and the Forest Teacher!, where it helped Mallow after she was injured while running away from home. Oranguru runs a small café in the forest near Hau'oli City and was revealed to have helped Mallow's father Abe when he was younger.
Oranguru, the Sage Pokémon. A Normal and Psychic type. Known for high intelligence, Oranguru have a tendency to be callous toward an inexperienced Trainer.
Oranguru can be seen as a counterpart to Passimian. Both are primate-like Pokémon with the same base stat total. While Oranguru is exclusive to Pokémon Moon, Ultra Moon, and Shield, Passimian is exclusive to Pokémon Sun, Ultra Sun, and Sword.
Oranguru is based on an orangutan and a guru. The name "orangutan" translates as "person of the forest", which Oranguru is also referred to as. It may also be based on the mythical satori, an ape-like yōkai which could read human minds.
Name origin
Oranguru may be a combination of orangutan and guru.
Yareyuutan may be a combination of やれ yare ("do it") and オランウータン oran'ūtan (orangutan).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.