Pyukumuku is a marine Pokémon with an ovoid, black body. Its face has two beady, pink eyes and a white mouth shaped roughly like a star or Daimonji. This Pokémon is capable of spitting its organs out through its mouth. The white organs can take different shapes, such as a fist. Two lines of three pink spikes run down each side of its back. The middle spike of each line is about twice as long as the others are. A fluffy white puff forms its tail.
Pyukumuku tends to find a spot it likes and stay there, even returning to the same spot if moved. Once all the food in its favorite spot has been consumed, it will continue to stay there to the point of starvation. Its body is coated with a viscous fluid that allows it to stay on land for a week without drying out. This fluid is also beneficial to people as a moisturizer. If stepped on, it will expel its fist-like organs and smack the perpetrator. It particularly hates having its mouth or spikes touched. Tourists dislike Pyukumuku due to its appearance and lifestyle and often accidentally step on Pyukumuku. This creates a need for part-time jobs on beaches chucking this Pokémon back into the sea. However, people in Alola have already taken to throwing the Pokémon back to the sea where it can find food when thin.[1]
Multiple wild Pyukumuku debuted in The Grand Entrance and Delivery Boy Sun. Sun was hired by a pair of Team Skull Grunts to remove them from a beach that Team Skull considered their territory. Another Pyukumuku was secretly planted by the female Grunt in order to get out of paying Sun for the job.
Pyukumuku appears as a Pokémon summoned from the Poké Ball. It uses Counter whenever an opponent gets close enough to it. Pyukumuku then waves "goodbye" before it leaves. It can also be picked up and thrown like an item. If the summoner jumps on Pyukumuku, it will make a punch and the player bounces a little. Pyukumuku also appears as a Spirit.
Game data
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation VII.
Pyukumuku is also tied with Shuckle and Munchlax for the lowest base Speed stat of all Pokémon.
Pyukumuku is the only Pokémon that can learn TMs outside of moves it learns by leveling up that cannot learn Hidden Power, Frustration, or Return.
Pyukumuku may be based on a sea cucumber, some species of which expel their Cuvierian tubules (part of the sea cucumber's respiratory system) to deter would-be predators from eating them. Given its tail and "ears", it may also be inspired by the sea bunny, a type of sea slug that became popular in Japan in 2015 due to its cute appearance. It may also resemble Wiwaxia, a kind of ancient soft-bodied sea creature.
Name origin
Pyukumuku may be a combination of puke, cucumber, and mucus.
Namakobushi may be a combination of 海鼠 namako (sea cucumber) and 拳 kobushi (fist).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.