Talk:Breaking the fourth wall

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 18:44, 5 April 2008 by Virtual-Z (talk | contribs) (Talk:Fourth Wall moved to Talk:Breaking The Fourth Wall: That looks like what it should be called to me.)

Latest comment: 5 April 2008 by LinkSlayerPKMN in topic Preventing Deletion

Preventing Deletion

I had figured this would happen, however, I would like for anyone to bear with me when it comes to this page, as I seemingly made it a 2:00 AM, when I couldn't sleep. I am planning on at least making a list of episodes that break the fourth wall, but If I do not find enough relevance I will stop fighting its deletion. So please bear with me LinkSlayerPKMN 18:42, 5 April 2008 (UTC)Reply