Template:Main Page/Message from the Editor
November 19 | ![]() | ||||||||
Happy November! As Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl officially hit store shelves, we have some Bulbapedia updates to share. This year, Bulbapedia will not be locking down for the new game release. It looks like these games won't introduce mechanical differences that will require big changes to pages as we've seen in times past. As a result, we are experimenting with the wiki remaining open and allowing folks to jump in head first with adding new information. If you're new to editing, please do not add information taken from other fansites - we don't allow plagiarism. This includes text, images, and data. Please reach out to a member of Staff if you are looking for ideas of specific tasks or projects we are looking for help with. In line with encouraging a wider range of users to contribute during the game release period, we have also decided to trial a new software for the Bulbagarden Archives that allows all users to upload images; non-autoconfirmed users will have images placed in a moderation queue. Staff members will review and approve images if they are appropriate. As this feature is still undergoing testing, please report any feedback or issues you may experience with a member of Staff so it may be passed along to our technical team to address. We're just as excited as you for new games - have fun being back in Sinnoh, and happy editing!