User:Hikaru Wazana/Drafts

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Goh's Froakie

Goh's Froakie
ゴウのケロマツ Go's Keromatsu

Goh's Froakie
Debuts in JN103
Caught at Lumiose City
Gender Unknown
Ability Unknown
Current location Cerise Laboratory
This Pokémon is fully evolved.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Froakie Haruka Shamoto N/A

Goh's Froakie (ゴウのケロマツ Go's Keromatsu) is a Pokémon owned by Goh. It is the one hundred and eleventh Pokémon from Goh and the tenth captured in the Kalos region.


Goh and Froakie

Goh encountered Froakie in Lumiose City. It initially used its Frubbles to defend itself from capture, but with some advice from Bonnie, Goh was able to catch it. When Goh arrives at the Lumiose Gym with Bonnie, Goh introduces Froakie to Ash and Clemont.

In JN107, Froakie was shown to have befriended Grimer. Some time after its arrival at the Cerise Laboratory, Grimer gives up his cave so that Froakie can live peacefully, and with that Grimer decides to live at the source of the river that flows through the Laboratory. This causes the river to become polluted, which creates a series of problems in the Lab. Goh used Froakie, along with other Pokémon in the park, to create a fountain so that Grimer and Froakie could live in Cerise Laboratory without dirtying the stream.

Personality and characteristics

Froakie using his Frubbles
Froakie and Grimer

As expected of his species, Froakie uses his Frubbles to defend himself. This made it difficult for Goh to capture Froakie without Bonnie's help.

At the Laboratory, Froakie prefers to stay in dark or dirty places like a cave or swamp, preferring to live with Grimer after Goh manages to build a suitable place for them to live.


Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Froakie.


Pokémon WarMission RegisDarkest Day


Elaine and her Pokémon
Leafeon perfume
Goh Generation V Pokémon

Trainer Tokens

Known contestants

Trainer Round 1 Round 2 Quarterfinals Semifinals Finals Place
Alain Charizard ? ? CharizardMetagross CharizardTyranitarMetagrossWeavileUnfezantBisharp Winner
Ash Greninja ? Hawlucha PikachuGreninjaTalonflameHawluchaGoodraNoivern PikachuGreninjaTalonflameHawluchaGoodraNoivern Runner-Up
Sawyer ? Slaking Sceptile Aegislash Slurpuff Sceptile Slaking Salamence Aegislash Slurpuff Clawitzer Top 4
Remo ? Garchomp ? GranbullPelipperGarchompRhyperiorGurdurrBouffalant Top 4
Tierno ? ? Blastoise Raichu Ludicolo Top 8
Astrid ? Absol Absol Top 8
Titus Altaria Top 64
Trevor CharizardAerodactylFlorges Top 64