In JN107, Pyukumuku became frustrated with the polluted water stream in Cerise Park after it was forced to abandon its favorite spot, and began spreading its slime all over the area to display its unhappiness. However, after the source of the pollution was found, and the water stream was cleared by Suicune, Pyukumuku returned to its favorite spot in the park.
Personality and characteristics
Pyukumuku is quite lonely and reserved, preferring to remain alone in whatever spot it chooses. Despite this, Pyukumuku is loyal towards Goh, following every command without question. Common to its species, Pyukumuku hates being forced out of its favorite spot, and often displays its unhappiness by spraying its slime all over the area. It also showed to dislike being poked, as seen when it retaliates Goh's Raboot by punching it due that the Rabbit Pokémon was poking it with its foot.