Super Potion

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Super Potion
Good Wound Medicine
Super Potion
Pokémon Global Link artwork
Introduced in Generation I
Generation I Items
Generation II Items
Generation III Items
Generation IV Medicine
Generation V Medicine
Generation VI Medicine
Generation VII Medicine
Generation VIII Medicine
Power 30

The Super Potion (Japanese: いいキズぐすり Good Wound Medicine) is a type of medicine introduced in Generation I. It can be used to restore a Pokémon's HP.

It is an improved counterpart of the Potion; it has three improved counterparts: Hyper Potion, Max Potion, and Full Restore.

In the core series games


Games Cost Sell price
$700 $350
LA $400 $100

In Pokémon Crystal, Super Potion costs $500 during the Goldenrod Department Store rooftop sale.


Generation I to VI

When used from the Bag on a Pokémon, it heals the Pokémon by 50 HP.

In Pokémon Yellow, it also increases the friendship when used on the starter Pikachu.

Generation VII

When used from the Bag on a Pokémon, it heals the Pokémon by 60 HP.

Generation VIII

In Pokémon Sword and Shield, as well as Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, it heals the Pokémon by 60 HP.

In Pokémon Legends: Arceus it heals the Pokémon by 100 HP. One Super Potion is required to craft a Hyper Potion.


Games Description
Stad Restores HP that have been lost in battle by 50 HP.
GSC Restores Pokémon HP by 50.
RSEColoXD Restores the HP of a Pokémon by 50 points.
FRLG A spray-type wound medicine. It restores the HP of one Pokémon by 50 points.
A spray-type medicine for wounds. It restores the HP of one Pokémon by 50 points.
XYORAS A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It can be used to restore 50 HP to an injured Pokémon.
SMUSUMPE A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It can be used to restore 60 HP to an injured Pokémon.
SwShBDSP A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It can be used to restore 60 HP to a single Pokémon.
LA A topical medicine meant to be applied to Pokémon. It can be used to restore 100 HP to a single Pokémon.


Games Finite methods Repeatable methods
Route 10, Rocket Hideout Vermilion, Lavender, and FuchsiaRB Poké Marts, Celadon Department Store
GSC Routes 32, 34, and 42, Slowpoke Well, Ilex ForestGS, Goldenrod Underground, Tin TowerGS, Glitter Lighthouse
Purchased by the player's Mom
Azalea, Ecruteak, Olivine, Pewter, Cerulean, Lavender, and Fuchsia Poké Marts, Goldenrod Department Store, Celadon Department Store, Cianwood City Pharmacy, Just a Souvenir Shop (after defeating Team Rocket)
Goldenrod Department Store rooftop sale (before becoming Champion)C
Purchased by the player's Mom
RSE Routes 104, 115, and 116 Petalburg (after obtaining 4 Badges), Rustboro, Slateport, Mauville, Verdanturf, Fallarbor, Lavaridge, and Fortree Poké Marts, Lilycove Department Store
FRLG Route 10, S.S. Anne, Rocket Hideout Cerulean, Vermilion, Lavender, and Fuchsia Poké Marts, Celadon Department Store
Colo Phenac City
In the player's Bag at the start of the game
Phenac, Pyrite, and Agate Poké Marts
XD Agate Village, Cipher Lab, Gateon Port
Realgam Tower (Battle CD 01, 02, and 08 completion prizes)
Gateon, Agate, Pyrite, and Phenac Poké Marts, Outskirt Stand shop
DPPt Routes 205, 207, 209DP, 212DP, 213DP, and 219DP, Oreburgh City, Eterna City, Floaroma MeadowDP, Wayward Cave, Great MarshDP All Poké Marts (after obtaining 1 Badge), Celestic Town shop, Veilstone Department Store
HGSS Routes 32, 34, and 42, Slowpoke Well, Ilex Forest, Goldenrod City, Goldenrod Department Store, Glitter Lighthouse
Purchased by the player's Mom
All Poké Marts (after obtaining 1 Badge), Goldenrod Department Store, Celadon Department Store, Cianwood City Pharmacy, Just a Souvenir Shop (after defeating Team Rocket)
PW Sinnoh Field, Rally
BW Routes 2, 3, and 4, Pinwheel Forest, Desert Resort, Relic Castle All Poké Marts (after obtaining 1 Badge), Shopping Mall Nine
B2W2 Virbank Complex Castelia Sewers (daily)
Hidden Grottoes
All Poké Marts (after obtaining 1 Badge), Shopping Mall Nine
Join Avenue (souvenir)
Big Stadium and Small Court (defeat a Trainer that appears after obtaining 5-6 Badges, excluding Backers)
DW Pleasant Forest, Sparkling Sea
XY Routes 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 14, 18, and 22, Santalune City, Parfum Palace, Cyllage City, Frost Cavern All Poké Marts (after obtaining 1 Badge)
ORAS Routes 104 and 116, Granite Cave, Scorched Slab, Sootopolis City All Poké Marts (after obtaining 1 Badge), Lilycove Department Store
SMUSUM Routes 2, 3, 4USUM, 5, 6SM, and 10USUM, Hau'oli City, Hau'oli Cemetery, Verdant Cavern, Seaward Cave, Ten Carat Hill, Lush Jungle All Poké Marts (after completing 1 trial)
PE Routes 2, 6, 9, 10, 11, 17, and 25, S.S. Anne, Rock Tunnel, Pokémon Tower, Silph Co. All Poké Marts (after obtaining 2 Badges), Celadon Department Store
Regenerates daily (hidden): Rock Tunnel, Pokémon Tower
Underground Path (Kanto Routes 5-6), Underground Path (Kanto Routes 7-8),
SwSh Route 3, Motostoke, Hulbury All Poké Marts (after obtaining 1 Badge)
BDSP Routes 205, 207, 209, 212, 213, and 219, Oreburgh City, Eterna City, Floaroma Meadow, Wayward Cave, Great Marsh All Poké Marts (after obtaining 1 Badge), Celestic Town shop, Veilstone Department Store, Ramanas Park shop
LA Crafting: 1 Potion and 1 Pep-Up Plant

Jubilife Village General Store, base camp stores

Wonder Launcher

The Super Potion appears as a Wonder Launcher item. It costs 4 points to use.

In spin-off games

Pokémon Conquest

In Pokémon Conquest, the Super Potion can be used to heal a Pokémon by 50 HP.

A Super Potion can be purchased from any Shop for 700-490 gold, and sold for 350-455 gold.


Games Description
Conq. Restores 50 HP.

Pokémon GO

A Super Potion in Pokémon GO

Super Potions can be used outside of battle to heal a Pokémon by 50 HP. They cannot be used during battle.


Games Description
GO A spray-type medicine that restores the HP of one Pokémon by 50 points.


Super Potions are obtainable starting level 10. The player is awarded Super Potions when they level up to any level from 10 to 14.

Super Potions can also be repeatable obtained by

Pokémon Trading Card Game series

The Super Potion card is available in Pokémon Trading Card Game and Pokémon Card GB2: Here Comes Team GR!.

Super Potion (GB1) Super Potion (GB2)

In the anime

A Super Potion in the anime
Alain using a Super Potion on his Charizard

Super Potions have been used on occasion in the anime. Usually, Brock, Cilan, and Clemont carry them in their respective backpacks, and they use them to heal injured Pokémon. Potions seem to sting slightly whenever used, suggesting that they not only heal but sterilize the wound. Tracey has also been seen with some Potions that need to be taken orally. Super Potion is the most commonly used Potion in the anime.

In Here Comes the Squirtle Squad!, Pikachu got a serious injury from a Goldeen while being chased by the Squirtle Squad. He was captured, but suffering, so the Squirtle Squad allowed Ash to go free and get a Super Potion from the local town to heal Pikachu. This was the first episode of the anime wherein a Potion was mentioned.

In The Kangaskhan Kid, Brock used a Super Potion to treat the wounds on an injured baby Kangaskhan.

In A Chansey Operation, Brock was seen using a Super Potion while treating an injured Sandslash.

In Hour of the Houndour, Ash used one of Brock's Super Potions to help treat an injury on a wild Houndour.

Brock used a Super Potion to heal a minor injury inflicted on Ash's Pikachu in You Never Can Taillow, which he had received while battling a wild Taillow. Later in the same episode, Brock also used a Super Potion to heal the very same Taillow after it had been caught by Ash.

May used a Super Potion to treat the wound on a wild Swablu that she befriended in True Blue Swablu.

Brock used a Super Potion to heal a minor injury on a wild Nuzleaf in Leave It To Brocko!.

Brock used a Super Potion to treat a minor injury on a wild Bidoof in Faced with Steelix Determination!.

Brock used a Super Potion on Meowth in Unlocking the Red Chain of Events!, treating a wound he had received during a confrontation with Team Galactic.

Kellyn used a Super Potion on Aura Sphere Riolu in Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! (Part 1) to treat an injury on its arm.

Cilan used a Super Potion to cure his Pansage in A Home for Dwebble! after it had been hit by a rock on the head. The fever resulting from the hit was later cured by an herbal medicine made by Iris.

Iris used a Super Potion to treat a wound on a wild Venipede in A Venipede Stampede!.

Alder used a Super Potion to treat a wild Gigalith's wounds in Ash Versus the Champion!.

Cynthia used a Super Potion to help heal Meloetta in All for the Love of Meloetta! after it had been ambushed and injured by Team Rocket.

Professor Oak used a Super Potion on a Rotom in To Catch a Rotom!. This made Rotom so thankful, that it voluntarily allowed itself to be caught by him afterwards.

Brock used a Super Potion to heal a wound on a wild Gyarados in BWS01, after it had been put asleep by Cilan's Pansage's Grass Whistle.

Nurse Joy used a Super Potion to treat a wound on a wild Lapras in Bonnie for the Defense!.

Dr. White used a Super Potion to treat Beatrice's Bidoof's gums in A Fork in the Road! A Parting of the Ways!.

Clemont was seen using a Super Potion to treat a wound on a wild Bunnelby in a flashback in A Trip Down Memory Train!, which it had received while fighting a wild Diggersby.

Nurse Joy was seen using a Super Potion to treat Froakie's wounds in a flashback in Cloudy Fate, Bright Future!.

Alain was seen using a Super Potion to heal his Charizard during his challenge to defeat ten Mega Evolution Trainers in a row in Mega Evolution Special IV.

Kimia used a Super Potion on an Amaura in Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel after it had been injured by a Pokémon hunter's trap.

Toren gave Ash a Super Potion to help him heal injured Pokémon in The Power of Us.

In the TCG

Super Potion
Main article: Super Potion (Base Set 90)

Super Potion was introduced as a Trainer card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game during the English Original Series (the Japanese Original Era) in the Base Set expansion with artwork by Keiji Kinebuchi. It was later released as an Item card in the XY expansion with new artwork by 5ban Graphics, first released in the Japanese Collection Y.

In the Base Set print, this Trainer card allows the player to discard one Energy card attached to one of their Pokémon in order to remove up to four damage counters from that Pokémon. In the XY series print, this Trainer card allows the player to heal 60 damage from one of their Pokémon. The player must then discard an Energy attached to that Pokémon.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 好傷藥 Hóu Sēungyeuhk
Mandarin 好傷藥 / 好伤药 Hǎo Shāngyào
Danish Supertryllespray
Dutch Super-Drankje*
Finnish Supersuihke*
French Super Potion
German Supertrank
Hebrew סופר-שיקוי Super-Shikuy
Italian Superpozione
Korean 좋은상처약 Jo-eun Sangcheo Yak
Norwegian Superspray*
Polish Supermikstura*
Portuguese Brazil Superpoção*
Super Poção*
Portugal Superpoção
Russian Сверхсильный Элексир Sverkhsil'nyy Eleksir
Spanish Súper Poción*
Swedish Supertrollsprej*
Thai ยารักษาแผลอย่างดี Ya Raksa Phlae Yangdi

This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.