Movable boulder

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Revision as of 20:14, 7 June 2022 by Pale Prism (talk | contribs) (Kalos: Good edit! (There's no need for a "games" column here, though.))

Movable boulders are a type of obstacle appearing in many core series games, commonly found in caves. To get past them, the player must use the help of a Pokémon to move them around. They appear in Generations I to VII and Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. In Generations I to VI and Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, they can be moved using the field move Strength. In Pokémon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon, they can be moved using the Ride Pokémon Machamp Shove. In Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!, they can be moved using the Secret Technique Strong Push.

Areas with movable boulders

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Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Detailed locations and notes for Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, and Alola


Location Games Provides access to
Fuchsia City Inside the Safari Zone Warden's house RBYFRLGPE A Rare CandyRBYFRLG
A Diglett that gives away one Nugget per dayPE
Seafoam Islands 1F In the center The eastern area of B3F (pushing both down a series of holes stems the currents on B3F)
In the northeast
B3F In the southwest (×4) The northwestern area of B4F (pushing two down holes stems the currents on B4F)
B1F West of the eastern exit (×3) HGSS A Grip Claw
The rest of the cave
East of the western exit The rest of the cave
East of the southwestern ladder to B2F A shortcut from B2F to this floor
North of the southwestern ladder to B2F
B3F West of the ice in the northeast An Ultra Ball on B4F (part of an ice puzzle)
Victory Road 1F In the southwestRBYFRLG/southeastPE RBYFRLGPE The northern area (pushing onto a switch lowers the barrier)
In the northeast A Rare CandyRBYFRLG
A Leaf StonePE
TM43 (Sky Attack)RBY
TM02 (Dragon Claw)FRLG
TM56 (Stealth Rock)PE
In the west A shortcut from the northern area to the southern area
2F In the southwest The southeastern area (pushing onto a switch lowers the western barrier)
East of the ladder to 1F A shortcut from the northwestern area to the southwestern area
3F In the northeastRBYFRLG/northwestPE The southwestern area (pushing onto a switch lowers the barrier)
In the center A shortcut from the southern area to the northern area
In the east of the southern area A ladder to 3F on 2F (pushing down a hole and onto a switch lowers the eastern barrier on 2F)
In the east A shortcut from the eastern area to the southern area
1F North of the entrance HGSS The rest of the cave
At the start of the northern rocky path south of the ladder to 2F A Max Revive
At the start of the southern rocky path south of the ladder to 2F An empty dead-end
2F North of the ladder to 1F A shortcut from 3F
Amid the stairs in the northeast A Full Restore
A ladder to 3F

Sevii Islands

Location Provides access to
Mt. Ember Exterior West of the entrance (×2) The rest of the mountainside
East of the path to the summit (×3) A Fire Stone (also requires breaking some breakable rocks)
Summit Amid the rocks (×4) Moltres
Amid the rocks (×3) The ladder to B3F
B3F Amid the rocks east of the ladder to 2F The rest of the floor
On the central path The ladder to B4F
Amid the rocks in the east (×2) A ladder to 2F (a shortcut back to the entrance)
Ruin Valley In the southeast (×3) A Sun Stone
In the southwest (×2) An HP Up
In the northwest of the raised section (×3) A Full Restore
Sevault Canyon Amid the three large rocks in the center (×2) A King's Rock (also requires breaking some breakable rocks)


Location Games Provides access to
Union Cave B1F
On the southern path in the northwest (requires crossing some water) GSCHGSS The exit to the southwestern area of the Ruins of Alph
Slowpoke Well B1F In the northwest Some water
The ladder to B2F (also requires crossing some water)
A Full HealHGSS (also requires crossing some water)
Burned Tower B1F In the northeast GSC TM20 (Endure)
South of the central pit (×3) HGSS TM12 (Taunt) (also requires breaking some breakable rocks if taking the southern path)
West of the southeastern pillar (×2)
The Cianwood Gym Between the rocks (×3) GSC Blackbelt Lung
Gym Leader Chuck
Directly beside Chuck N/A (no free space to be pushed into)
Ice Path B1F
Amid the rocks (×4) GSCHGSS The ladder to B3F on B2F (pushing all four down holes allows the ice puzzle on B2F to be completed)
West of the ice HGSS An Iron (part of an ice puzzle)
The Blackthorn Gym 2F Amid the maze (×3) GSC Gym Leader Clair on 1F (pushing all three down holes forms bridges over the lava on 1F)


Location Games
Trick House Puzzle 4 RSEORAS
Fiery Path
Shoal Cave
Seafloor Cavern
Victory Road
Mirage Cave
(north of Fortree City)


Location Games
Wayward Cave DPBDSP
Oreburgh Gate DPPtBDSP
Mt. Coronet
Victory Road
Snowpoint Temple

Battle Zone

Stark Mountain


Location Games
Route 2 BWB2W2
Dragonspiral Tower
Mistralton Cave
Moor of Icirrus
Route 13
Giant Chasm
Route 15
Route 16
Route 18
Victory Road BW
Twist Mountain B2W2
Relic Passage
Route 18
Seaside Cave
Route 23
Victory Road
Clay Tunnel


Location Provides access to
Connecting Cave Across from the Cyllage City exit TM40 (Aerial Ace)
In the center of the northern branch The rest of the cave (from the Cyllage City exit)
In the passage connecting the northern and southern branches The southern branch (from the northern branch)
Route 8 Upper section South of the central patch of tall grass A Water Stone
Route 10 North of the Cyllage City exit (x2) A hidden Revive (on the southwesternmost menhir)
TM73 (Thunder Wave)
Reflection Cave 1F South of the Shalour City exit A shortcut to the southern cavern
Route 16 South of the Route 15 exit The rest of the route
Down the stairs west of the long grass The western portion of the route
Beyond the patch of yellow flowers south of the Fishing Shack A Fist Plate
A hidden Rare Candy (on the rock at the end of the path)
Route 19 In the very north (requires crossing some water) A Toxic Plate
Route 21 Beyond the patch of red flowers east of the central stairs Veteran Louis
The home of a Move Tutor who teaches Draco Meteor
A patch of purple flowers
A hidden Pearl String (in the bare patch among the purple flowers)
Some water, which crossing provides access to:
In the southwestern portion (x6)
Route 22 In the southern portion (x3) (requires descending a waterfall) TM26 (Earthquake)
A hidden Max Elixir (in the bush on the west side of the southeasternmost hole)
Victory Road Inside 1 East of the pond (accessible from Outside 3, after the second cave) A shortcut from after the second cave back to the first cave
Inside 2 North of the stepping stones Brains & Brawn Arman and Hugo
A Rare Candy (via the northwestern exit of the cave)
The northeastern exit of the cave leading to Outside 3
Outside 3 Along the wall south of the exit from the second cave (x2) A hidden Revive (on the westernmost rock)
Access to a shortcut back through to the first cave
A shortcut from southwestern exit of the third cave to after the second cave
Inside 3 West of the exit from the third cave A shortcut from the end of the third cave back to the southwestern exit of the third cave


Location Games
Ten Carat Hill SM
Diglett's Tunnel SMUSUM
Lush Jungle
Ruins of Life
Ruins of Abundance
Ruins of Hope
Vast Poni Canyon
Mount Lanakila USUM
Sandy Cave
Ultra Desert



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Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Ripped models from Gen. VII and BDSP
File:G4 Strength.png
File:Gen5 Strength.png

Moving boulders

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Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: BDSP image