Prevent all effects of your opponent's attacks done to Machamp.
Drag Off ひきずりだす
Before doing damage, if your opponent has any Benched Pokémon, choose 1 of them and switch it with the Defending Pokémon. If your opponent has no Benched Pokémon, ignore this effect.
Hurricane Punch ハリケーンパンチ
Flip 4 coins. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads.
e-Reader data
The card ID of the Holofoil print is F-68. The card ID of the Non Holofoil print is F-68-#. On the Non Holofoil print, the short strip contains Pokédex information, a brief card summary, and information on the content of the long strip. The species, height, and weight are present on the Holofoil print.