This article is about an episode of the Pokémon animated series that has not been dubbed into English. As such, its coverage may contain romanized Japanese names, rather than dub names.
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Ash Ketchum and Brock, two of the most beloved characters in the Pokemon franchise, had just bid farewell to their dear friend Misty as she left for Cerulean City. Although they knew that their journey to become Pokemon Masters and doctors must continue, Ash couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia and sadness as they parted ways. Over time, he had grown close to Misty, but he also knew that he couldn't let his emotions get in the way of his ultimate goal. After saying goodbye to Brock, Ash decided to head back to his hometown of Pallet Town to take a much-needed break from his travels. Upon arriving home, he was greeted by his loving mother, Delia, who gave them dinner after Ash and Pikachu played in the bathub. The next day, Delia woke up Ash to meet Professor Oak, Delia gave Ash his new shoes, he refused to use it at first. Ash made his way to Professor Oak's lab to reunite with his old Pokemon and meet Tracey, Professor Oak's research assistant. As the two reunite, they go inside and Ash noticed that Professor Oak's Charmander was missing. Determined to find his beloved Pokemon, Ash embarked on a search that led him to a nearby cave where Charmander was at. As Ash was returning Charmander to the lab, he bumped into his rival Gary, who asked him how close he was to becoming a Pokemon Master. This question left Ash uncertain and wondering about his own abilities. With this in mind, he decided to take a walk with his loyal Pikachu and reflect on his journey thus far. After his daily routine of taking a bath and eating dinner, Ash woke up to enjoy some watermelons and some bread and milk with Pikachu, helped out with his chores and has skated with Pikachu, ate some snow cones, and met Tracey with his Pokemon. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to him, Jessie and James of Team Rocket were hard at work at their headquarters, working as a Choir man and woman, and hatching a new plan to capture Pikachu. As Ash explored the woods, he stumbled upon Team Rocket, who recited their infamous motto, "Prepare for trouble, and make it double!" They stole Pikachu once, but this time, Ash had no Pokemon to battle with. Just when all seemed lost, Ash's old Pidgeot appeared out of nowhere and helped Pikachu break free. With a powerful thunderbolt, Pikachu sent Team Rocket blasting off yet again. Ash was overjoyed to be reunited with his old friend, he met its friends. And he continued on his journey with renewed vigor and determination. As Ash continued to explore the forrest and encountered Pokemon, he began to reflect on what it truly meant to be a Pokemon Master. While standing in the rain, he was still thinking of the meaning to be a Pokémon master. However, he came to the realization that being a Pokemon Master wasn't just about winning battles and becoming the strongest trainer, but also about having a healthy relationship with all Pokemon, whether they were on his team or not. He was staring at the rainbows setting out on a new journey to become the best Pokemon trainer he could be. Along the way, Ash encountered new enemies, such as Jessie and James, who were now following him on his journey. He continued to battle gym leaders and trainers, gaining experience and growing stronger with each challenge. However, he also made new friends and formed strong bonds with both people and Pokemon alike. As Ash looked back on his journey, he realized that it was not just about becoming the best trainer, but also about the friendships and memories he had made along the way. He knew that his journey was far from over, and he looked forward to all the new adventures that lay ahead. With his loyal Pikachu by his side, Ash continued on his quest to become the very best, like no one ever was.
As of this episode, Ash has reunited with all of his non-temporary Pokémon that he has formally released.
The shoes that Ash wears at the end of the episode have the Pokémon League Expo logo on them, which is notably the same logo that is on Ash's hat from the original series.