Doug and Eva

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Eva and Doug (center)

Doug (Japanese: ダグ Doug) and Eva (Japanese: エバ Eva) are a father and daughter who live in an unnamed town in southern Galar.

In the anime

In the anime, Doug and Eva are characters of the day who appeared in Sword and Shield, Slumbering Weald!.

Eva was feeding her father's Centiskorch, nicknamed Centy, some Oran Berries, when it was suddenly hit by a beam of Dynamax energy that came all the way from the Energy Plant in Hammerlocke. This caused Centy to Gigantamax and go on a rampage throughout the town. Shortly afterwards, Ash arrived at the town and met up with Doug and Eva. After talking to them, Ash promised to stop Centy and return it to normal. After failing to do so, Leon stepped in and defeated Centy by himself. The Radiator Pokémon subsequently returned to normal and reunited with Doug and Eva.



This listing is of Doug's known Pokémon:

Doug's Gigantamax Centiskorch

Centy (Japanese: マルちゃん Maru-chan) is Doug's only known Pokémon. It is a friendly Pokémon that lives with Doug and his daughter Eva. When Eva was feeding it some Oran Berries, it was suddenly hit by a beam of Dynamax energy that came all the way from the Energy Plant in Hammerlocke. This caused Centy to Gigantamax and rampage throughout the town. Centy was ultimately defeated by Leon, causing the Radiator Pokémon to return to normal and reunite with Doug and Eva.

None of Centy's moves are known*.
As a Gigantamax Centiskorch, it can use G-Max Centiferno and Max Flutterby.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese Doug: 田邊幸輔 Kōsuke Tanabe
Eva: 夏目妃菜 Hina Natsume
English Doug: Barron Bass
Polish Eva: Anna Wodzyńska

In the manga

Doug and Eva in Pokémon Journeys: The Series

Pokémon Journeys: The Series

Doug and Eva appeared in Sword and Shield... The Legends Awaken! (Part 1), serving the same role as in the anime.



This listing is of Doug's known Pokémon:

Doug's Gigantamax Centiskorch

Centy (Japanese: マルちゃん Maru-chan) is Doug's only known Pokémon. It went on a rampage after being hot by a beam of Dynamax energy, but was eventually stopped by Leon.

None of Centy's moves are known*.
As a Gigantamax Centiskorch, it can use G-Max Centiferno.


  • Closed captions for the English dub refer to Doug as man‬.

This article is part of Project COD, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each one-time character of the Pokémon animated series.