151 (TCG)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
This article is about an expected future event. The article's contents may change as the event approaches and more information becomes available. Please be cautious when adding information to this article, as rumors and speculation often get confused with fact; avoid any information on this subject which is not confirmed by reliable sources.

← Obsidian Flames
TCG expansions


強化拡張パック ポケモンカード151
Cards in set English: 165+
Japanese: 165+
Set number English:
Release date English: September 22, 2023
Japanese: June 16, 2023
Triplet Beat
Strength Expansion Pack: Pokémon Card 151
[[{{{janextset}}} (TCG)|{{{janextsetname}}}]]

Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet—151 (Japanese: 強化拡張パック ポケモンカード151(イチゴーイチ) Strength Expansion Pack: Pokémon Card 151) is the first special expansion released during the Scarlet & Violet Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. The expansion focuses only on the first 151 Pokémon to ever be introduced; namely, Generation I Pokémon.


Gotta Catch ’Em All!

Team up with Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle, and witness a brand-new dawn in Kanto! With this new day comes a new chance to track down old friends, make new partners, and capture every last one of the original 151. Discover the extraordinary Venusaur ex, Charizard ex, and Blastoise ex in special cards with captivating illustrations, and explore the cities and countryside of a reinvigorated land—you might even find the elusive Mew ex in your travels. New adventures will unfold and new horizons will be revealed in the Scarlet & Violet—151 expansion!


Pokémon Card 151 logo

Scarlet & Violet—151 is a special expansion containing 165+ cards that will be released on September 22, 2023. In Japan, it is known as Pokémon Card 151, and was released on June 16, 2023, followed by localized releases in Taiwan and Hong Kong on June 30, 2023, and in Indonesia, Thailand and South Korea on July 28, 2023.

151 features only Generation I Pokémon; unlike in most expansions, Pokémon cards in this expansion are ordered according to the Pokémon's National Pokédex numbers, instead of being grouped by their type.[1] This expansion contains 12 Pokémon ex cards, 16 illustration rare and seven special illustration rare Pokémon and Supporter cards, 16 ultra rare full-art etched Pokémon and Supporter cards, and three hyper rare gold etched cards. Cosmos Holofoil Basic Energy cards can also be found in 151 booster packs.

In the Japanese subset, common, uncommon, and rare cards have Mirror Holofoil variants featuring a Poké Ball pattern; or, rarely, a Master Ball pattern. Each Japanese Pokémon Card 151 booster pack contains seven cards, two of which are guaranteed to be Holofoil.

This subset is notable for introducing the first Kadabra card since the release of Kadabra from Skyridge in 2003, nearly twenty years prior.

Additional Cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
001/165 Bulbasaur Grass Reverse Holo "Scarlet & Violet—151" stamp Best Buy gift with purchase exclusive (USA)
004/165 Charmander Fire Reverse Holo "GameStop" stamp gift with purchase exclusive (USA & Canada)
007/165 Squirtle Water Reverse Holo "Pokémon Center" stamp 151 preorder promo
063/165 Abra Psychic Holo 151 ex Box—Alakazam ex exclusive
064/165 Kadabra Psychic Holo 151 ex Box—Alakazam ex exclusive
125/165 Electabuzz Lightning Holo 151 ex Box—Zapdos ex exclusive

Set list

No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/165 G Bulbasaur Grass Common Promotion
002/165 G Ivysaur Grass Uncommon Promotion
003/165 G Venusaurex Grass Double Rare Promotion
004/165 G Charmander Fire Common Promotion
005/165 G Charmeleon Fire Uncommon Promotion
006/165 G Charizardex Fire Double Rare Promotion
007/165 G Squirtle Water Common Promotion
008/165 G Wartortle Water Uncommon Promotion
009/165 G Blastoiseex Water Double Rare Promotion
010/165 G Caterpie Grass Common Promotion
011/165 G Metapod Grass Common Promotion
012/165 G Butterfree Grass Uncommon Promotion
013/165 G Weedle Grass Common Promotion
014/165 G Kakuna Grass Common Promotion
015/165 G Beedrill Grass Rare Promotion
016/165 G Pidgey Colorless Common Promotion
017/165 G Pidgeotto Colorless Common Promotion
018/165 G Pidgeot Colorless Uncommon Promotion
019/165 G Rattata Colorless Common Promotion
020/165 G Raticate Colorless Uncommon Promotion
021/165 G Spearow Colorless Common Promotion
022/165 G Fearow Colorless Uncommon Promotion
023/165 G Ekans Darkness Common Promotion
024/165 G Arbokex Darkness Double Rare Promotion
025/165 G Pikachu Lightning Common Promotion
026/165 G Raichu Lightning Rare Promotion
027/165 G Sandshrew Fighting Common Promotion
028/165 G Sandslash Fighting Uncommon Promotion
029/165 G Nidoran♀ Darkness Common Promotion
030/165 G Nidorina Darkness Uncommon Promotion
031/165 G Nidoqueen Darkness Uncommon Promotion
032/165 G Nidoran♂ Darkness Common Promotion
033/165 G Nidorino Darkness Uncommon Promotion
034/165 G Nidoking Darkness Rare Promotion
035/165 G Clefairy Psychic Common Promotion
036/165 G Clefable Psychic Uncommon Promotion
037/165 G Vulpix Fire Common Promotion
038/165 G Ninetalesex Fire Double Rare Promotion
039/165 G Jigglypuff Colorless Common Promotion
040/165 G Wigglytuffex Colorless Double Rare Promotion
041/165 G Zubat Darkness Common Promotion
042/165 G Golbat Darkness Uncommon Promotion
043/165 G Oddish Grass Common Promotion
044/165 G Gloom Grass Uncommon Promotion
045/165 G Vileplume Grass Rare Promotion
046/165 G Paras Grass Common Promotion
047/165 G Parasect Grass Uncommon Promotion
048/165 G Venonat Grass Common Promotion
049/165 G Venomoth Grass Uncommon Promotion
050/165 G Diglett Fighting Common Promotion
051/165 G Dugtrio Fighting Uncommon Promotion
052/165 G Meowth Colorless Common Promotion
053/165 G Persian Colorless Uncommon Promotion
054/165 G Psyduck Water Promotion
055/165 G Golduck Water Uncommon Promotion
056/165 G Mankey Fighting Common Promotion
057/165 G Primeape Fighting Uncommon Promotion
058/165 G Growlithe Fire Common Promotion
059/165 G Arcanine Fire Promotion
060/165 G Poliwag Water Promotion
061/165 G Poliwhirl Water Promotion
062/165 G Poliwrath Water Promotion
063/165 G Abra Psychic Common Promotion
064/165 G Kadabra Psychic Uncommon Promotion
065/165 G Alakazamex Psychic Double Rare Promotion
066/165 G Machop Fighting Promotion
067/165 G Machoke Fighting Promotion
068/165 G Machamp Fighting Promotion
069/165 G Bellsprout Grass Promotion
070/165 G Weepinbell Grass Promotion
071/165 G Victreebel Grass Promotion
072/165 G Tentacool Water Promotion
073/165 G Tentacruel Water Promotion
074/165 G Geodude Fighting Promotion
075/165 G Graveler Fighting Promotion
076/165 G Golemex Fighting Double Rare Promotion
077/165 G Ponyta Fire Promotion
078/165 G Rapidash Fire Promotion
079/165 G Slowpoke Psychic Promotion
080/165 G Slowbro Psychic Promotion
081/165 G Magnemite Lightning Promotion
082/165 G Magneton Lightning Promotion
083/165 G Farfetch'd Colorless Promotion
084/165 G Doduo Colorless Promotion
085/165 G Dodrio Colorless Promotion
086/165 G Seel Water Promotion
087/165 G Dewgong Water Promotion
088/165 G Grimer Darkness Promotion
089/165 G Muk Darkness Promotion
090/165 G Shellder Water Promotion
091/165 G Cloyster Water Promotion
092/165 G Gastly Psychic Promotion
093/165 G Haunter Psychic Promotion
094/165 G Gengar Psychic Promotion
095/165 G Onix Fighting Promotion
096/165 G Drowzee Psychic Promotion
097/165 G Hypno Psychic Promotion
098/165 G Krabby Water Promotion
099/165 G Kingler Water Promotion
100/165 G Voltorb Lightning Promotion
101/165 G Electrode Lightning Promotion
102/165 G Exeggcute Grass Promotion
103/165 G Exeggutor Grass Promotion
104/165 G Cubone Fighting Promotion
105/165 G Marowak Fighting Promotion
106/165 G Hitmonlee Fighting Promotion
107/165 G Hitmonchan Fighting Promotion
108/165 G Lickitung Colorless Promotion
109/165 G Koffing Darkness Promotion
110/165 G Weezing Darkness Promotion
111/165 G Rhyhorn Fighting Promotion
112/165 G Rhydon Fighting Promotion
113/165 G Chansey Colorless Promotion
114/165 G Tangela Grass Promotion
115/165 G Kangaskhanex Colorless Double Rare Promotion
116/165 G Horsea Water Promotion
117/165 G Seadra Water Promotion
118/165 G Goldeen Water Promotion
119/165 G Seaking Water Promotion
120/165 G Staryu Water Promotion
121/165 G Starmie Water Promotion
122/165 G Mr. Mime Psychic Promotion
123/165 G Scyther Grass Promotion
124/165 G Jynxex Water Double Rare Promotion
125/165 G Electabuzz Lightning Common Promotion
126/165 G Magmar Fire Promotion
127/165 G Pinsir Grass Promotion
128/165 G Tauros Colorless Promotion
129/165 G Magikarp Water Promotion
130/165 G Gyarados Water Promotion
131/165 G Lapras Water Promotion
132/165 G Ditto Colorless Promotion
133/165 G Eevee Colorless Promotion
134/165 G Vaporeon Water Promotion
135/165 G Jolteon Lightning Promotion
136/165 G Flareon Fire Promotion
137/165 G Porygon Colorless Promotion
138/165 G Omanyte Water Promotion
139/165 G Omastar Water Promotion
140/165 G Kabuto Fighting Promotion
141/165 G Kabutops Fighting Promotion
142/165 G Aerodactyl Colorless Promotion
143/165 G Snorlax Colorless Promotion
144/165 G Articuno Water Promotion
145/165 G Zapdosex Lightning Double Rare Promotion
146/165 G Moltres Fire Promotion
147/165 G Dratini Dragon Promotion
148/165 G Dragonair Dragon Promotion
149/165 G Dragonite Dragon Promotion
150/165 G Mewtwo Psychic Promotion
151/165 G Mewex Psychic Double Rare Promotion
152/165 G Big Balloon Promotion
153/165 G Bill's Transfer Su Promotion
154/165 G Cycling Road St Promotion
155/165 G Daisy's Assistance Su Promotion
156/165 G Energy Sticker I Promotion
157/165 G Erika's Invitation Su Promotion
158/165 G Extra-tight Band Promotion
159/165 G Giovanni's Charisma Su Promotion
160/165 G Leftovers Promotion
161/165 G Old Dome Fossil I Promotion
162/165 G Old Helix Fossil I Promotion
163/165 G Old Old Amber I Promotion
164/165 G Safety Goggles Promotion
165/165 G Snatch Arm I Promotion
166/165 G Bulbasaur Grass Illustration Rare Promotion
167/165 G Ivysaur Grass Illustration Rare Promotion
168/165 G Charmander Fire Illustration Rare Promotion
169/165 G Charmeleon Fire Illustration Rare Promotion
170/165 G Squirtle Water Illustration Rare Promotion
171/165 G Wartortle Water Illustration Rare Promotion
172/165 G Caterpie Grass Illustration Rare Promotion
173/165 G Pikachu Lightning Illustration Rare Promotion
174/165 G Nidoking Darkness Illustration Rare Promotion
175/165 G Psyduck Water Illustration Rare Promotion
176/165 G Poliwhirl Water Illustration Rare Promotion
177/165 G Machoke Fighting Illustration Rare Promotion
178/165 G Tangela Grass Illustration Rare Promotion
179/165 G Mr. Mime Psychic Illustration Rare Promotion
180/165 G Omanyte Water Illustration Rare Promotion
181/165 G Dragonair Dragon Illustration Rare Promotion
182/165 G Venusaurex Grass Ultra Rare Promotion
183/165 G Charizardex Fire Ultra Rare Promotion
184/165 G Blastoiseex Water Ultra Rare Promotion
185/165 G Arbokex Darkness Ultra Rare Promotion
186/165 G Ninetalesex Fire Ultra Rare Promotion
187/165 G Wigglytuffex Colorless Ultra Rare Promotion
188/165 G Alakazamex Psychic Ultra Rare Promotion
189/165 G Golemex Fighting Ultra Rare Promotion
190/165 G Kangaskhanex Colorless Ultra Rare Promotion
191/165 G Jynxex Water Ultra Rare Promotion
192/165 G Zapdosex Lightning Ultra Rare Promotion
193/165 G Mewex Psychic Ultra Rare Promotion
194/165 G Bill's Transfer Su Ultra Rare Promotion
195/165 G Daisy's Assistance Su Ultra Rare Promotion
196/165 G Erika's Invitation Su Ultra Rare Promotion
197/165 G Giovanni's Charisma Su Ultra Rare Promotion
198/165 G Venusaurex Grass Special Illustration Rare Promotion
199/165 G Charizardex Fire Special Illustration Rare Promotion
200/165 G Blastoiseex Water Special Illustration Rare Promotion
201/165 G Alakazamex Psychic Special Illustration Rare Promotion
202/165 G Zapdosex Lightning Special Illustration Rare Promotion
203/165 G Erika's Invitation Su Special Illustration Rare Promotion
204/165 G Giovanni's Charisma Su Special Illustration Rare Promotion
205/165 G Mewex Psychic Hyper Rare Promotion


Pokémon Card 151
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/165 G Bulbasaur Grass C Promotion
002/165 G Ivysaur Grass U Promotion
003/165 G Venusaurex Grass RR Promotion
004/165 G Charmander Fire C Promotion
005/165 G Charmeleon Fire U Promotion
006/165 G Charizardex Fire RR Promotion
007/165 G Squirtle Water C Promotion
008/165 G Wartortle Water U Promotion
009/165 G Blastoiseex Water RR Promotion
010/165 G Caterpie Grass C Promotion
011/165 G Metapod Grass C Promotion
012/165 G Butterfree Grass U Promotion
013/165 G Weedle Grass C Promotion
014/165 G Kakuna Grass C Promotion
015/165 G Beedrill Grass R Promotion
016/165 G Pidgey Colorless C Promotion
017/165 G Pidgeotto Colorless C Promotion
018/165 G Pidgeot Colorless U Promotion
019/165 G Rattata Colorless C Promotion
020/165 G Raticate Colorless U Promotion
021/165 G Spearow Colorless C Promotion
022/165 G Fearow Colorless U Promotion
023/165 G Ekans Darkness C Promotion
024/165 G Arbokex Darkness RR Promotion
025/165 G Pikachu Lightning C Promotion
026/165 G Raichu Lightning R Promotion
027/165 G Sandshrew Fighting C Promotion
028/165 G Sandslash Fighting U Promotion
029/165 G Nidoran♀ Darkness C Promotion
030/165 G Nidorina Darkness U Promotion
031/165 G Nidoqueen Darkness U Promotion
032/165 G Nidoran♂ Darkness C Promotion
033/165 G Nidorino Darkness U Promotion
034/165 G Nidoking Darkness R Promotion
035/165 G Clefairy Psychic C Promotion
036/165 G Clefable Psychic U Promotion
037/165 G Vulpix Fire C Promotion
038/165 G Ninetalesex Fire RR Promotion
039/165 G Jigglypuff Colorless C Promotion
040/165 G Wigglytuffex Colorless RR Promotion
041/165 G Zubat Darkness C Promotion
042/165 G Golbat Darkness U Promotion
043/165 G Oddish Grass C Promotion
044/165 G Gloom Grass U Promotion
045/165 G Vileplume Grass R Promotion
046/165 G Paras Grass C Promotion
047/165 G Parasect Grass U Promotion
048/165 G Venonat Grass C Promotion
049/165 G Venomoth Grass U Promotion
050/165 G Diglett Fighting C Promotion
051/165 G Dugtrio Fighting U Promotion
052/165 G Meowth Colorless C Promotion
053/165 G Persian Colorless U Promotion
054/165 G Psyduck Water C Promotion
055/165 G Golduck Water U Promotion
056/165 G Mankey Fighting C Promotion
057/165 G Primeape Fighting U Promotion
058/165 G Growlithe Fire C Promotion
059/165 G Arcanine Fire U Promotion
060/165 G Poliwag Water C Promotion
061/165 G Poliwhirl Water C Promotion
062/165 G Poliwrath Water U Promotion
063/165 G Abra Psychic C Promotion
064/165 G Kadabra Psychic U Promotion
065/165 G Alakazamex Psychic RR Promotion
066/165 G Machop Fighting C Promotion
067/165 G Machoke Fighting U Promotion
068/165 G Machamp Fighting R Promotion
069/165 G Bellsprout Grass C Promotion
070/165 G Weepinbell Grass C Promotion
071/165 G Victreebel Grass U Promotion
072/165 G Tentacool Water C Promotion
073/165 G Tentacruel Water U Promotion
074/165 G Geodude Fighting C Promotion
075/165 G Graveler Fighting U Promotion
076/165 G Golemex Fighting RR Promotion
077/165 G Ponyta Fire C Promotion
078/165 G Rapidash Fire U Promotion
079/165 G Slowpoke Psychic C Promotion
080/165 G Slowbro Psychic U Promotion
081/165 G Magnemite Lightning C Promotion
082/165 G Magneton Lightning U Promotion
083/165 G Farfetch'd Colorless C Promotion
084/165 G Doduo Colorless C Promotion
085/165 G Dodrio Colorless R Promotion
086/165 G Seel Water C Promotion
087/165 G Dewgong Water U Promotion
088/165 G Grimer Darkness C Promotion
089/165 G Muk Darkness U Promotion
090/165 G Shellder Water C Promotion
091/165 G Cloyster Water U Promotion
092/165 G Gastly Psychic C Promotion
093/165 G Haunter Psychic U Promotion
094/165 G Gengar Psychic R Promotion
095/165 G Onix Fighting U Promotion
096/165 G Drowzee Psychic C Promotion
097/165 G Hypno Psychic U Promotion
098/165 G Krabby Water C Promotion
099/165 G Kingler Water U Promotion
100/165 G Voltorb Lightning C Promotion
101/165 G Electrode Lightning R Promotion
102/165 G Exeggcute Grass C Promotion
103/165 G Exeggutor Grass U Promotion
104/165 G Cubone Fighting C Promotion
105/165 G Marowak Fighting R Promotion
106/165 G Hitmonlee Fighting U Promotion
107/165 G Hitmonchan Fighting U Promotion
108/165 G Lickitung Colorless C Promotion
109/165 G Koffing Darkness C Promotion
110/165 G Weezing Darkness R Promotion
111/165 G Rhyhorn Fighting C Promotion
112/165 G Rhydon Fighting U Promotion
113/165 G Chansey Colorless R Promotion
114/165 G Tangela Grass C Promotion
115/165 G Kangaskhanex Colorless RR Promotion
116/165 G Horsea Water C Promotion
117/165 G Seadra Water U Promotion
118/165 G Goldeen Water C Promotion
119/165 G Seaking Water U Promotion
120/165 G Staryu Water C Promotion
121/165 G Starmie Water R Promotion
122/165 G Mr. Mime Psychic R Promotion
123/165 G Scyther Grass U Promotion
124/165 G Jynxex Water RR Promotion
125/165 G Electabuzz Lightning C Promotion
126/165 G Magmar Fire C Promotion
127/165 G Pinsir Grass U Promotion
128/165 G Tauros Colorless U Promotion
129/165 G Magikarp Water C Promotion
130/165 G Gyarados Water R Promotion
131/165 G Lapras Water U Promotion
132/165 G Ditto Colorless R Promotion
133/165 G Eevee Colorless C Promotion
134/165 G Vaporeon Water R Promotion
135/165 G Jolteon Lightning R Promotion
136/165 G Flareon Fire R Promotion
137/165 G Porygon Colorless C Promotion
138/165 G Omanyte Water U Promotion
139/165 G Omastar Water R Promotion
140/165 G Kabuto Fighting U Promotion
141/165 G Kabutops Fighting R Promotion
142/165 G Aerodactyl Colorless R Promotion
143/165 G Snorlax Colorless U Promotion
144/165 G Articuno Water R Promotion
145/165 G Zapdosex Lightning RR Promotion
146/165 G Moltres Fire R Promotion
147/165 G Dratini Dragon C Promotion
148/165 G Dragonair Dragon U Promotion
149/165 G Dragonite Dragon R Promotion
150/165 G Mewtwo Psychic R Promotion
151/165 G Mewex Psychic RR Promotion
152/165 G Energy Sticker I U Promotion
153/165 G Snatch Arm I U Promotion
154/165 G Old Helix Fossil I C Promotion
155/165 G Old Dome Fossil I C Promotion
156/165 G Old Old Amber I C Promotion
157/165 G Safety Goggles U Promotion
158/165 G Big Balloon U Promotion
159/165 G Extra-tight Band U Promotion
160/165 G Leftovers U Promotion
161/165 G Erika's Invitation Su U Promotion
162/165 G Giovanni's Charisma Su U Promotion
163/165 G Daisy's Assistance Su U Promotion
164/165 G Bill's Transfer Su U Promotion
165/165 G Cycling Road St U Promotion
166/165 G Bulbasaur Grass AR Promotion
167/165 G Ivysaur Grass AR Promotion
168/165 G Charmander Fire AR Promotion
169/165 G Charmeleon Fire AR Promotion
170/165 G Squirtle Water AR Promotion
171/165 G Wartortle Water AR Promotion
172/165 G Caterpie Grass AR Promotion
173/165 G Pikachu Lightning AR Promotion
174/165 G Nidoking Darkness AR Promotion
175/165 G Psyduck Water AR Promotion
176/165 G Poliwhirl Water AR Promotion
177/165 G Machoke Fighting AR Promotion
178/165 G Tangela Grass AR Promotion
179/165 G Mr. Mime Psychic AR Promotion
180/165 G Omanyte Water AR Promotion
181/165 G Snorlax Colorless AR Promotion
182/165 G Dragonair Dragon AR Promotion
183/165 G Mewtwo Psychic AR Promotion
184/165 G Venusaurex Grass SR Promotion
185/165 G Charizardex Fire SR Promotion
186/165 G Blastoiseex Water SR Promotion
187/165 G Arbokex Darkness SR Promotion
188/165 G Ninetalesex Fire SR Promotion
189/165 G Wigglytuffex Colorless SR Promotion
190/165 G Alakazamex Psychic SR Promotion
191/165 G Golemex Fighting SR Promotion
192/165 G Kangaskhanex Colorless SR Promotion
193/165 G Jynxex Water SR Promotion
194/165 G Zapdosex Lightning SR Promotion
195/165 G Mewex Psychic SR Promotion
196/165 G Erika's Invitation Su SR Promotion
197/165 G Giovanni's Charisma Su SR Promotion
198/165 G Daisy's Assistance Su SR Promotion
199/165 G Bill's Transfer Su SR Promotion
200/165 G Venusaurex Grass SAR Promotion
201/165 G Charizardex Fire SAR Promotion
202/165 G Blastoiseex Water SAR Promotion
203/165 G Alakazamex Psychic SAR Promotion
204/165 G Zapdosex Lightning SAR Promotion
205/165 G Mewex Psychic SAR Promotion
206/165 G Erika's Invitation Su SAR Promotion
207/165 G Giovanni's Charisma Su SAR Promotion
208/165 G Mewex Psychic UR Promotion
209/165 G Switch I UR Promotion
210/165 Basic Psychic Energy Psychic E UR Promotion

Pack artwork

The pack artwork for the 151 expansion was illustrated by N-DESIGN Inc.[2] The artwork is also featured on certain 151-related merchandise.

English 151 Pack
Japanese Pokémon Card 151 Pack
Traditional Chinese Pokémon Card 151 Pack
Indonesian Pokémon Card 151 Pack
Thai Pokémon Card 151 Pack
Korean Pokémon Card 151 Pack
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 寶可夢卡牌151 Pokémon Kǎpáai 151
Mandarin 寶可夢卡牌151 Pokémon Kǎpái 151
French 151
German 151
Indonesian Kartu Pokémon 151
Italian 151
Korean 포켓몬 카드 151 Pokémon Card 151
Brazilian Portuguese 151
Spanish 151
Thai โปเกมอนการ์ด 151 Pokémon Card 151


This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Scarlet & Violet Series
SVE Basic EnergiesSVP Black Star Promos
Scarlet & Violet: Scarlet & Violet Build & Battle Box
ex Battle Decks—Ampharos & Lucario
Paldea Evolved: Paldea Evolved Build & Battle Box
ex Battle Decks—Chien-Pao & TinkatonMcDonald's Collection 2023Play! Pokémon Prize Pack Series Three
Obsidian Flames: Obsidian Flames Build & Battle Box
Deluxe Battle Decks—Meowscarada ex & Quaquaval exTrick or Trade 2023
151My First Battleex Battle Decks—Greninja & Kangaskhan
Paradox Rift: Paradox Rift Build & Battle Box
Miraidon ex League Battle DeckPokémon Trading Card Game Classic
Paldean FatesPlay! Pokémon Prize Pack Series Four
Temporal Forces: Temporal Forces Build & Battle BoxDeluxe Battle Decks—Ninetales ex & Zapdos ex
ex Battle Decks—Houndoom & MelmetalGardevoir ex League Battle Deck
Twilight Masquerade: Twilight Masquerade Build & Battle Box
Battle Academy 2024ex Battle Decks—Victini & Miraidon
Shrouded FablePlay! Pokémon Prize Pack Series Five
Deluxe Battle Decks—Koraidon ex & Miraidon exTrick or Trade 2024
Stellar Crown: Stellar Crown Build & Battle Box
ex Battle Decks—Tapu Koko & Iron Leaves
Surging Sparks: Surging Sparks Build & Battle Box
Charizard ex League Battle Deck
Scarlet & Violet Era
SV-P Promotional cards
Scarlet exViolet ex: ex Starter SetsPremium Trainer Box ex
Triplet Beatex Starter Set Pikachu ex & Pawmot
Snow HazardClay Burst
ex Special SetPokémon Card 151ex Start Decks
Ruler of the Black Flame: Ruler of the Black Flame Deck Build Box2023 World Championships Yokohama Deck: Pikachu
Raging SurfTerastal Starter Sets
Ancient RoarFuture Flash
Pokémon Card Game ClassicVenusaur & Charizard & Blastoise Special Deck Set exShiny Treasure ex
Wild ForceCyber Judge: Starter Deck & Build Sets
Battle AcademyCrimson Haze
Transformation Mask
Battle Master DecksNight Wanderer
Stellar Miracle: Stellar Miracle Deck Build Box
Stellar Tera Type Starter Sets
Paradise Dragona
Super Electric Breaker
Generations Start Decks
Terastal Fest ex
Battle Partners: Collection File Sets
ex Starter Set Steven's Beldum & Metagross exex Starter Set Marnie's Morpeko & Grimmsnarl ex