Rocket Warehouse

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Revision as of 21:59, 18 October 2023 by Minibug (talk | contribs) ((Automated edit) {{chap}} → {{MangaArc}})
Rocket Warehouse ロケットだんそうこ
Team Rocket Warehouse
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: Five Island
Region: Sevii Islands
Generations: III

Location of Rocket Warehouse in Sevii Islands.
Pokémon world locations

The Rocket Warehouse (Japanese: ロケットだんそうこ Team Rocket Warehouse) is Team Rocket's base of operations in the Sevii Islands. It is located on Five Island, within the Five Isle Meadow.

In the core series games

Found exclusively in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, this base is where one must travel to get the Sapphire gem. There are a few Grunts and Admins within the compound that the player must defeat in order to reclaim the Sapphire. There are also cages in the back of the warehouse, presumably filled with stolen Pokémon. When the second Team Rocket Admin is defeated, he sees Giovanni's Earth Badge in the player's possession and realizes that all is lost for the Sevii branch, deciding to disband it. Before leaving, he vows to find Giovanni and rebuild Team Rocket. The stolen Pokémon then manage to escape.


The passwords for entrance into the Rocket Warehouse are two palindromes involving Pokémon species, which vary between game languages. The first password is obtained at the base of Mt. Ember from a Grunt and the second from Gideon in the Dotted Hole.

  • English: "Goldeen need log" and "Yes, nah, Chansey"
  • Japanese:「またまた タマタマ」 (Exeggcute yet again) and 「カブトは とぶか」 (Can Kabuto fly?)
  • French: "Tarsal la star" (Ralts the star) and "Ici Girafarig ici" (Here Girafarig here)
  • German: "Arbok Kobra" and "Makuhita Atihu kam" (Makuhita Atihu came)
  • Italian: "Un'ortica ad Articuno" (A nettle to Articuno) and "Le scarpate di Parasect" (The escarpments of Parasect)
  • Spanish: "Aron ama a Nora" (Aron loves Nora) and "Ho-Oh es ese Ho-Oh (Ho-Oh is that Ho-Oh)


Item Location Games
Up-Grade Up-Grade In the northwest area of the warehouse  FR  LG 
Pearl Pearl In the east area of the spin tile maze  FR  LG 
Big Pearl Big Pearl In the south area of the spin tile maze  FR  LG 
Net Ball Net Ball On a lone box west of the center of the spin tile maze (hidden)  FR  LG 
TM Poison TM36 (Sludge Bomb) North of the northeast area of the spin tile maze  FR  LG 
Sapphire Sapphire From Gideon after defeating him  FR  LG 
Nest Ball Nest Ball On a box in the northeast corner of the warehouse (hidden)  FR  LG 


Trainer Pokémon
Team Rocket Grunt
Team Rocket Grunt
Reward: $1568
Houndour Houndour Lv.49
No item
Houndour Houndour Lv.49
No item
Team Rocket Grunt
Team Rocket Grunt
Reward: $1536
Machop Machop Lv.48
No item
Machop Machop Lv.48
No item
Machoke Machoke Lv.48
No item
Team Rocket Grunt
Team Rocket Grunt
Reward: $1568
Hypno Hypno Lv.49
No item
Hypno Hypno Lv.49
No item
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.


Generation III

In the manga

The Rocket Warehouse in Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Adventures

FireRed & LeafGreen arc

The Rocket Warehouse was first featured in Not Exactly Normal as the location where Sird and Carr retreated into after Red's battle with Deoxys on Five Island. Using the Unown she had released from the Tanoby Ruins, Sird was able to follow Deoxys's movements, further relaying the information to Giovanni at the Trainer Tower. While she was communicating with her Boss, Carr found a photo of a younger Giovanni holding a red-haired boy, leading Carr to realize that Giovanni wanted to use Deoxys's divination powers to locate his long-lost son.

In Double Down Deoxys, Bill and Celio raided the Warehouse, recovering the Ruby and Sapphire that Team Rocket had placed into an amplifier inside the building in order to replicate the climate of Hoenn in the surrounding area and thus allow Deoxys to access all of its four Formes. With the gemstones removed from the Warehouse, Deoxys lost its ability to change into its Normal and Speed Formes in the Kanto region, partially resulting in its defeat by Mewtwo aboard the Team Rocket airship.

The two passwords required to enter the Warehouse in the manga are "Examine the Exeggcute" and "Kibbitz with Kabuto"/"Execute Exeggcute" and "Oh crab, Kabuto".


  • It is highly likely that this branch may be the precursor to the Johto branch that appeared three years later, as one of the computer screens has plans for a device to force Pokémon to evolve. Such a device caused a rampage of Gyarados at the Lake of Rage during the plot of Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, and SoulSilver. In addition, the Grunts vow to find Giovanni and rebuild Team Rocket, which is the goal of Team Rocket during the Generation II games and their remakes. The Rocket Admins, considering their teams, may in fact be Ariana and Archer.
  • The location preview of this place is an inverse, edited image of the preview used in the Rocket Hideout.
  • If the player returns to the Warehouse after delivering the Sapphire to Celio, Gideon will ask them if Giovanni is their father. He immediately corrects himself, stating that Giovanni's son has red hair. The Fame Checker quotes him under the "Giovanni" section.

In other languages

Language Title
French Entrepôt Rocket
German Rocketlager
Italian Magazzino Rocket
Korean 로켓단 창고 Rocket-dan Changgo
Brazilian Portuguese Depósito da Equipe Rocket
Spanish Almacén Rocket
Vietnamese Căn cứ mật của Nhóm Rocket

Sevii Islands
One IslandTwo IslandThree IslandFour IslandFive IslandSix IslandSeven Island
Treasure BeachKindle RoadCape BrinkBond BridgeThree Isle PortThree Isle PathResort GorgeousWater Labyrinth
Five Isle MeadowMemorial PillarOutcast IslandGreen PathWater PathRuin ValleyTrainer TowerCanyon Entrance
Sevault CanyonTanoby Ruins
Mt. EmberBerry ForestIcefall CaveRocket WarehouseLost CaveAltering CavePattern Bush
Dotted HoleTanoby KeyTanoby ChambersNavel RockBirth Island
Access to

This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.