
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 22:29, 8 December 2023 by Goukazaru (talk | contribs)
Pokémon Name Nickname
880 Dracozolt Abomination
348 Armaldo Anomaly
567 Archeops Archetype
036 Clefable Aria
121 Starmie Aster
178 Xatu Barada Nikto
169 Crobat Batter Up
740 Crabominable Beatboxer
407 Roserade Belladonna
520 Tranquill Bird Brain
500 Emboar Boarbeque
136 Flareon Bolero
105A Marowak Bonefire
596 Galvantula Bug Zapper
727 Incineroar Catastrophe
625 Bisharp Checkmate
344 Claydol Clay-Doh
334 Altaria Cloud Nine
257 Blaziken Cluck Norris
028A Sandslash Cold Cuts
169 Crobat Combatant
864 Cursola Coral Reap
454 Toxicroak Diet Croak
553 Krookodile Dile Tone
094 Gengar Doppel
477 Dusknoir Duskbunny
565 Carracosta Duvall
227 Skarmory Excalibird
123 Scyther Exponent
479F Rotom Fanatique
059 Arcanine Fluffy
758 Salazzle Fluorane
055 Golduck Fowl Play
658 Greninja Frog Legs
121 Starmie Gemini
430 Honchkrow Godfeather
210 Granbull Grand Maw
214 Heracross Gratitude
579 Reuniclus Gummy
815 Cinderace Hare Dryer
623 Golurk Hauntomaton
560 Scrafty Hoodwink
560 Scrafty Hoodlum
154 Meganium Honeydew
229 Houndoom Hot Dog
743 Ribombee Humblebee
687 Malamar Imperius
184 Azumarill Jimmy Carter
131 Lapras Lazuli
701 Hawlucha Libre Office
149 Dragonite Lifeguard
405 Luxray Lyncis
462 Magnezone Magnate
376 Metagross Metaphor
470 Leafeon Minuet
330 Flygon Mirage
057 Primeape Mittens
867 Runerigus Nightmare
197 Umbreon Nocturne
409 Rampardos Numbskull
675 Pangoro Pandamonium
812 Rillaboom Percusimian
473 Mamoswine Permafrost
025 Pikachu Pikahontas
143 Snorlax Pipsqueak
478 Froslass Polargeist
186 Politoed Politician
475 Gallade Praetorian
055 Golduck Quackers
579 Reuniclus Quotient
395 Empoleon Reign
724 Decidueye Robin Hoot
212 Scizor Rock Paper
861 Grimmsnarl Rogaine
503 Samurott Ronin
558 Crustle Scrabble
752 Araquanid Scuba Dew
134 Vaporeon Serenade
181 Ampharos Shoop
770 Palossand Siltadel
260 Swampert Skipper
130 Gyarados Skulkraken
232 Donphan Sleepy
089A Muk Sludgehammer
518 Musharna Snoozy
465 Tangrowth Spagyeti
208 Steelix Spielix
398 Staraptor Starstruck
110G Weezing Stinkerbell
346 Cradily Sudo
473 Mamoswine Swine Flu
593 Jellicent Tentaghoul
337 Lunatone Termina
184 Azumarill Thug Life
730 Primarina Timberlake
468 Togekiss Toge Party
108 Lickitung Tonguetyd
497 Snivy Trash
252 Treecko Tree Diddy
103A Exeggutor Treemendous
849 Toxtricity Vitriol
306 Aggron W
448 Lucario Whiskey
561 Sigilyph Wingdings
476 Probopass Wordpass
462 Magnezone Zone 51
462 Magnezone Zonehenge