The chapter begins with Nuzleaf taking the hero to school to get registered. Simipour joyfully welcomes the hero to the school, however, Watchog is apprehensive. The school kids are surprised to see the hero, who rescued Goomy from the Foreboding Forest yesterday. As class is about to start, the partner, who is rushing to school because they are late, accidentally crashes into the hero and knocks them out. The hero later wakes up in the nurse's office, run by Audino, and goes back to class. The kids, who were falling asleep in class, instantly bolt awake when the hero comes out from the nurse's office. They ask the hero if they're okay, and the partner apologizes for running into them.
After class ends for the day, the hero and partner are walking together. The partner tells the hero they have a great place they want to show them. However, as they are walking along, Pancham stops them. Pancham challenges the hero to go to an even more challenging dungeon, the Drilbur Coal Mine. The partner also insists on going, much to Pancham's annoyance. Pancham tells them he wants them to sneak into the off-limits path in the mine and bring back the red stones as proof.
Drilbur Coal Mine
Drilbur Coal Mine
モグリュー炭鉱 Mogurew Coal Mine
Starting level:
Team members:
Up to 3*
Please upload a world map highlighting this dungeon's location.
The following Pokémon are in this dungeon:
The following items are found in this dungeon:
Halfway through the dungeon, the hero and partner come across where the path splits in two. A Drilbur tries to stop them from going down the blocked path, but the hero and partner run down it anyways. At the end of the path, they find themselves in a pitch black room. They hear a growl, and the partner thinks it's the hero's stomach growling. However, in actuality it is a Gabite. The partner asks Gabite if he's seen any red stones around, to which Gabite responds that they are his treasure and attacks them, believing them to be thieves.
Gabite (B8F) Boosts: +100 HP
After defeating Gabite, he understands that the hero and partner aren't thieves, and he lets them see his jewel collection. Afterwards, the hero and partner go back to the village, where Pancham asks them if they went down the blocked path. He asks where their proof is, to which the partner replies they couldn't take Gabite's precious treasure from him.
The partner then takes the hero to their "great place"; a pleasant hill with a large tree that overlooks all of Serene Village. There, the partner tells the hero about their dream of leaving the village and joining the Expedition Society to go on adventures all around the world, just like the clouds in the sky.