Arbok (TCG)

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Arbok is a Pokémon in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Specifically, there are many individual Pokémon cards which feature this Pokémon.

All Arbok cards are Stage 1 Pokémon. Arbok cards are usually Grass-type and are usually weak to Psychic but have no Resistance.


The following is a list of cards named Arbok.

Name Type Level Rarity Set Set no.
Arbok Grass 27 Uncommon Fossil 31/62
Arbok Grass 30 Uncommon Vending Machine cards (no English release) Series 3
Arbok Grass - Rare HolographicH Expedition Base Set 3/165
Rare 35/165
Arbok Grass - Uncommon EX Sandstorm 29/100
Arbok δ Fire - Rare EX Dragon Frontiers 13/101
Arbok Psychic 31 Uncommon Great Encounters 33/106

Dark Arbok

Arnok was featured in the TCG as a Dark Pokémon. The following is a list of cards named Dark Arbok.

Name Type Level Rarity Set Set no.
Dark Arbok Grass 25 Rare HolographicH Team Rocket 2/82
Rare 19/82
Dark Arbok DarknessGrass - Uncommon EX Team Rocket Returns 29/109

Koga's Arbok

Arbok was featured in the TCG as Koga's Pokémon. The following is a list of cards named Koga's Arbok.

Name Type Level Rarity Set Set no.
Koga's Arbok Grass 44 Rare Gym Challenge 25/132

Janine's Arbok

Arbok was featured in the TCG as Janine's Pokémon. The following is a list of cards named Janine's Arbok.

Name Type Level Rarity Set Set no.
Janine's Arbok Grass 44 Common Pokémon VS (no English release) 62/141