Tracey's Venomoth (Japanese: ケンジのモルフォンKenji's Morphon) was one of the two Pokémon owned by Tracey Sketchit before he met Ash in the Orange Islands, and the first seen in his possession.
In The Crystal Onix, Tracey attempted to use Venonat to find an Onix made out of crystal. It was shown a glass sculpture of it that Mateo's grandfather made and ask to look for something similar. However it only found a pile of rocks, but it was still convinced that it found what Tracey wanted.
In The Rainbow and the Pokémon Master!, Venonat was shown to have evolved into Venomoth. It, Tracey, and the rest of his Pokémon greeted Ash upon his visit back to Pallet Town.
Personality and characteristics
Venomoth has been shown to become excited if it thinks it has spotted what Tracey is looking for and responds by jumping up and down.
Venomoth helps Tracey as a Pokémon Watcher by using its eyes to scan the area and locate the Pokémon that Tracey is looking for. It can also use Sleep Powder to make it less likely for the Pokémon to run away. Tracey tends to use it more for Pokémon watching as opposed to battling, for which he favors Marill and Scyther more.