Sprigatito is a quadrupedal feline Pokémon covered in pale green fur. The fur's composition is similar to that of plants, allowing it to absorb sunlight for energy.[1] It has green ears with pale green insides, a tuft of fur on the front of its chest and a green marking around its pink eyes and nose that resemble leaves. When its mouth is open, two pointed teeth can be seen in its upper jaw. It has a fluffy tail and small paws with pink paw pads underneath and no visible toes.
Sprigatito is capricious and attention-seeking, and it tends to sulk if ignored by people. Sprigatito can rub its paws together to unleash a sweet, therapeutic aroma that mesmerizes anyone near it and causes its foes to stop battling. The scent becomes more potent when Sprigatito is exposed to sunlight. Sprigatito can absorb moisture into its fur by grooming it, which helps it to perform photosynthesis.[1] It washes its face regularly to avoid drying out. As mentioned in the Sleep Style Dex, Sprigatito can spread this scent around by moving around as it sleeps. It believed Sprigatito does this help itself and other Pokémon relax more easily.
Gives your pot room for 7 more ingredients the next time you cook.
Evolution requirements:
Sprigatito Candy ×40, Lv. 12
The sweet scent its body gives off mesmerizes the people and Pokémon around it. Sprigatito spreads the scent around even during sleep by moving its body, presumably to help relax both itself and the Pokémon nearby.
Sprigatito appears to be based on a long-hairedkitten, or an Iberian lynx kitten. Its tufts and collar may be inspired by the jessant-de-lysheraldic charge, which depicts a fleur-de-lys issuing out of the head a feline (known as leopard in heraldry).
Name origin
Sprigatito may be a combination of sprig and gatito (Spanish for kitten).
Nyahoja may be a combination of ニャー nyā (the sound a cat makes) and hoja (Spanish for leaf). It may also involve 葉 ha (leaf).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.