Ten Sights of Paldea

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The Ten Sights of Paldea (Japanese: パルデア十景 Ten Sights of Paldea) are ten landmarks located around the Paldea region. Each sight can be flown to via the Flying Taxi and is marked by a large signpost, which must be visited to unlock the ability to fly there.


Grand Olive Orchard

Grand Olive Orchard

"The Grand Olive Orchard, one of the Ten Sights of Paldea, is a little past that Pokémon Center! Just follow the path—you can’t miss it."

A large groups of fields where olives are grown in South Province (Area Two) near the city of Cortondo. The sign is located on a plateau northeast of Cortondo, near some ruins. A wild terastallized Diglett spawns here, its Tera Type is Rock. Daily, two Roaming Form Gimmighoul spawn here: one on the sign and one near a truck.

Secluded Beach

Secluded Beach

"This is the Secluded Beach, one of the Ten Sights of Paldea. It’s not so secluded anymore, what with all the attention it’s gotten as a tourist location..."

A hidden beach located at the far end of South Province (Area Five) on the shores of the South Paldean Sea. A Pokémon Center is located here. Daily, two Roaming Form Gimmighoul spawn here: one on the sign and one on a rock.

Colonnade Hollow

Colonnade Hollow
Main article: Colonnade Hollow

"This place is called Colonnade Hollow. It’s one of the Ten Sights of Paldea. I’m going to research how the area came to be shaped this way!"

A long tunnel located in West Province (Area Two). A wild terastallized Garchomp spawns here; its Tera Type is Water. Outside the entrance, near the sign, a wild terastallized Naclstack would spawn there; its Tera Type is Ghost.

Million Volt Skyline

Million Volt Skyline

"Where did the name Levincia come from? Is it from that old word “levin”? Or “leviathan”? Or maybe, ’cause the city has all these soaring buildings in its Million Volt Skyline, could it be from “leaven”? Like, you know, rising bread?"

A cliff located in East Province (Area Three) overlooking the city of Levincia from the west. Daily, a Roaming Form Gimmighoul spawns behind the sign.

Leaking Tower of Paldea

Leaking Tower of Paldea

Located in South Province (Area Six). A watchtower located in a pond at the base of a waterfall northeast of Alfornada. Daily, two Roaming Form Gimmighoul spawn here: one on the sign and one on the first floor of the tower. Its name seems to be derived from the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Fury Falls

Fury Falls

"They’re called the Fury Falls...but I wonder what’s got them so angry?"

A set of waterfalls located in the mountains of North Province (Area Two). The Firescourge Shrine, home of the Legendary Pokémon Chi-Yu, lies within a cave in the falls.

Gracia Stones

Gracia Stones
Not to be confused with Gracious Stones.

A set of rock pillars in the North Paldean Sea located off the coast of Casseroya Lake and Socarrat Trail. Daily, a Roaming Form Gimmighoul spawns behind the sign here.

Casseroya Falls

Casseroya Falls

A set of waterfalls flowing down from Glaseado Mountain into Casseroya Lake. Daily, a Roaming Form Gimmighoul spawns behind the sign here.

Glaseado's Grasp

Glaseado's Grasp

A cliff located on Glaseado Mountain that is shaped like a hand grasping. It overlooks Casseroya Lake. Daily, a Roaming Form Gimmighoul spawns behind the sign here.

Paldea's Highest Peak

Paldea's Highest Peak

Located on the summit of Glaseado Mountain. This is the highest point in Paldea where most of the region can be seen. Daily, a Roaming Form Gimmighoul spawns on the sign here.

In the anime

Main series

Paldea's Highest Peak first appeared in HZ064. Liko, Roy, and Dot planned to travel there to cap off their Terastal Training course, but were forced to turn back after the Explorers manipulated them into splitting up. They arrived at the top of Paldea's Highest Peak in HZ065.

Pokémon: Paldean Winds

The Ten Sights of Paldea appeared during a video montage in Breathe Together, created by Hohma, Ohara, and Aliquis.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 帕底亞十景 Ten Sights of Paldea
Mandarin 帕底亞十景 / 帕底亚十景 Ten Sights of Paldea
French Dix Merveilles de Paldea
German Zehn Wunder Paldeas
Italian Dieci meraviglie di Paldea
Korean 팔데아 10경 Ten Sights of Paldea
Brazilian Portuguese Dez maravilhas de Paldea
Spanish Diez maravillas de Paldea

Grand Olive Orchard

Language Title
Japanese オリーブ大農園 Olive Hacienda
Chinese Cantonese 橄欖大農園 Gaamláam Daaihnùhngyùhn
Mandarin 橄欖大農園 / 橄榄大农园 Gǎnlǎn Dànóngyuán
French Grandes Oliveraies
German Olivenparadies
Italian Grande Uliveto
Korean 올리브 대농원 Olive Hacienda
Spanish Gran Olivar

Secluded Beach

Language Title
Japanese ひそやかビーチ Secluded Beach
Chinese Cantonese 僻靜海灘 Pīkjihng Hóitāan
Mandarin 僻靜海灘 / 僻静海滩 Pìjìng Hǎitān
French Plage Secrète
German Stille Strand
Italian Spiaggia Nascosta
Korean 조용한 비치 Secluded Beach
Spanish Cala Sosegada

Million Volt Skyline

Language Title
Japanese 100万ボルトの夜景 Million Volt Nightscape
Chinese Cantonese 百萬伏特夜景 Baakmaahn Fuhkdahk Yehgíng
Mandarin 百萬伏特夜景 / 百万伏特夜景 Bǎiwàn Fútè Yèjǐng
French Vue Nocturne du Tonnerre
German Fermanca-Lichtermeer
Italian Belvedere Notteshock
Korean 100만볼트의 야경 Million Volt Nightscape
Spanish Gran Luminaria Nocturna

Leaking Tower of Paldea

Language Title
Japanese ビシャビシャの斜塔 Leaning Tower of Plash
Chinese Cantonese 淅灑斜塔 Sīksá Chèhtaap
Mandarin 淅灑斜塔 / 淅洒斜塔 Xīsǎ Xiétǎ
French Tour de Piscine
German Schiefe Turm von Plitsch
Italian Torre d'Intrisa
Korean 수몰된 사탑 Submerged Leaning Tower
Spanish Torre Inclinada de Poza

Fury Falls

Language Title
Japanese みだれづきの滝 Fury Attack Falls
Chinese Cantonese 亂擊瀑布 Lyuhngīk Buhkbou
Mandarin 亂擊瀑布 / 乱击瀑布 Luànjí Pùbù / Luànjī Pùbù
French Cascade Furie
German Furienfälle
Italian Cascate Furia
Korean 마구찌르기 폭포 Fury Attack Falls
Spanish Cascadas de la Ira

Gracia Stones

Language Title
Japanese ありがた岩 Gracious Stones
Chinese Cantonese 名福其石 Mìhng Fūk Kèih Sehk
Mandarin 名福其石 Míng Fú Qí Shí
French Rocs Onaissance
German Felsen der Erkenntlichkeit
Italian Graniti Graditi
Korean 감사암 Gracious Stones
Spanish Rocas Graciñas

Casseroya Falls

Language Title
Japanese オージャの大滝 Great Olla Falls
Chinese Cantonese 大鍋大瀑布 Daaihwō Daaihbuhkbou
Mandarin 大鍋大瀑布 / 大锅大瀑布 Dàguō Dàpùbù
French Cascade Asrol
German Caldero-Wasserfall
Italian Cascata Gran Caldero
Korean 오야 대폭포 Great Olla Falls
Spanish Cataratas de Cazola

Glaseado's Grasp

Language Title
Japanese ナッペの手 Hand of Napper
Chinese Cantonese 霜抹之手 Sēungmut jī Sáu
Mandarin 霜抹之手 Shuāngmǒ zhī Shǒu
French Main Nappée
German Hand des Montanata
Italian Mano Napada
Korean 나페의 손 Hand of Napper
Spanish Mano de Napada

Paldea's Highest Peak

Language Title
Japanese パルデア最高峰 Paldea's Highest Peak
Chinese Cantonese 帕底亞最高峰 Paakdáia Jeuigōufūng
Mandarin 帕底亞最高峰 / 帕底亚最高峰 Pàdǐyǎ Zuìgāofēng / Pàdǐyà Zuìgāofēng
French Toit de Paldea
German Krone Paldeas
Italian Alto Picco di Paldea
Korean 팔데아 최고봉 Paldea's Highest Peak
Spanish Cumbre de Paldea

See also

South: Cabo PocoMesagoza (Naranja Academy/Uva Academy)
Los PlatosCortondoAlfornadaPokémon League
East: ArtazonLevinciaZapapico
West: CascarrafaPorto MarinadaMedali
North: Montenevera
South Province
Area OneArea TwoArea Three
Area FourArea FiveArea Six (Alfornada Cavern)
Poco PathInlet GrottoSouth Paldean Sea
East Province
Area One (Schedar Squad's Base) • Area TwoArea Three
Tagtree Thicket (Navi Squad's Base) • East Paldean Sea
West Province
Area One (Segin Squad's Base) • Area TwoArea Three
Asado DesertWest Paldean Sea
North Province
Area OneArea Two (Caph Squad's Base) • Area Three (Ruchbah Squad's Base)
Casseroya Lake (Socarrat Trail) • Glaseado Mountain (Dalizapa Passage)
North Paldean Sea
Great Crater of Paldea
Area Zero
Zero GateZero LabArea Zero Underdepths
Ten Sights of Paldea (Colonnade Hollow)
Grasswither ShrineIcerend Shrine
Groundblight ShrineFirescourge Shrine
Access to
KitakamiBlueberry Academy

This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.