Pokémon Crystal Version
Pokémon Crystal Version | |
[[File:File:Pokemoncrystal.jpg|250px]] Pokémon Crystal Version's boxart, featuring Suicune. | |
Basic info
| |
Platform: | {{{platform}}} |
Category: | RPG |
Players: | 2 players simultaneous |
Connectivity: | None |
Developer: | Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK Inc. |
Publisher: | Nintendo |
Part of: | {{{gen_series}}} |
| |
CERO: | N/A |
ESRB: | Everyone |
ACB: | N/A |
OFLC: | N/A |
PEGI: | N/A |
GRAC: | N/A |
GSRR: | N/A |
Release dates
| |
Japan: | Dec 14, 2000 |
North America: | Jul 30, 2001 |
Australia: | Sep 30, 2001 |
Europe: | Oct 31, 2001 |
South Korea: | N/A |
Hong Kong: | N/A |
Taiwan: | N/A |
| |
Japanese: | ポケットモンスタークリスタルバージョン |
English: | Games: Pokémon Crystal |
Pokémon Crystal (Japanese: ポケットモンスタークリスタルバージョン Pocket Monsters Crystal Version) is a sister game to Pokémon Gold and Silver. It contained the same basic game, but with some changes:
Changes from Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver
- This is the first game where you have the option to play a girl character, Kris. This tradition has been carried on throughout all Pokémon RPGs except Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD.
- Pokémon's battle sprites move in a short animation upon being released from their Poké Ball.
- Suicune, instead of being a side Legendary Pokémon, has a prominent role in the game's storyline. Your character will constantly find Suicune in various locations throughout Johto. After receiving a Clear Bell (the Crystal equivalent of the Silver or Rainbow Wing), you will have a chance to battle and capture it in the Tin Tower, and it will not run away.
- Another character, Eusine, is added to the game. He is searching for Suicune as well, and will battle you to earn its respect.
- Both Lugia and Ho-oh can be found in this game; Lugia in the Whirl Islands, and Ho-oh at the Tin Tower. They are both Level 60 when they are caught. However, you cannot catch Ho-oh until you catch Raikou, Entei, and Suicune.
- Sneasel appears in the Ice Path, whereas in Gold and Silver it did not appear until reaching Mt. Silver.
- The Move Tutor first appeared in Crystal.
- The Daycare folk would bestow you with a free Egg.
- The Battle Tower was added.
Japanese Version Differences
In the Japanese version of Pokémon Crystal, you could link up with other players through the use of a mobile phone adapter.
The Pokémon Center in Goldenrod City was replaced by a much larger building, the Pokémon Communication Center. Inside, this "PokéCom Center" contained:
- Pokémon News Machine
- The news machine updated over the Mobile Adapter. Pokémon News compiled from the save files of players across Japan. Reading the news would sent out a player's own save file data, allowing other trainers to read about the player's adventure.
- Trade Corner
- A player could leave a Pokémon and a request for the type of Pokémon to trade it for. A player could also view Pokémon up for trade from other players, and trade with them.
- Egg Ticket
- Given by the Old Man at the Day Care center south of Goldenrod City originally gave an Egg Ticket. This item, when taken to the Trade Center in the PokéCom Center, could be traded for an Odd Egg which carried a rarely alternate color baby Pokémon knowing Dizzy Punch.
A special mobile event allowed players to obtain, via mobile phone link-up, the GS Ball. This item, given by a nurse in the Pokémon Communication Center in Goldenrod City, may be taken to Kurt in Azalea Town to investigate. After a day passes, taking the GS Ball to the shrine in Ilex Forest summons a level 30 Celebi to battle.
Unobtainable Pokémon
The following Pokémon cannot be found in Crystal, and must be traded from Pokémon Gold and Silver.
In addition to these there are some Pokémon that cannot be found in Gold, Silver or Crystal. They must be traded from Red, Blue or Yellow.
- Bulbasaur
- Ivysaur
- Venusaur
- Charmander
- Charmeleon
- Charizard
- Squirtle
- Wartortle
- Blastoise
- Articuno
- Zapdos
- Moltres
- Omanyte
- Omastar
- Kabuto
- Kabutops
- Mewtwo
The following Pokémon evolve from Pokémon who do appear in Crystal, but to evolve them you must trade them into/out of the game: