Talk:Shadow Lugia

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Revision as of 20:22, 12 September 2009 by Machinedramon (talk | contribs) (Defeating Lugia: new section)

Latest comment: 12 September 2009 by Machinedramon in topic Defeating Lugia

According to Pokémon Zeo, the Pokémon Center in Tokyo is giving away Jumbo Promos of Shadow Lugia. The link for the picture is right here. I feel that it's worth mentioning.-Pokencyclopedia

Perhaps. Ask nYoo for better scans first. - 振霖T 18:23, 15 Aug 2005 (CDT)

Hm yeah I think so, too, that it's worth being mentioned. I'll scan the card soon. :) --nYoo 11:16, 16 Aug 2005 (CDT)

Also, the article mentions time flutes, which don't exist in XD, only in colosseum. That should probably be removed. Mathmagus 11:52, 26 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

Speaking of Time Flutes, the Time Flute article says there's 4 of them, yet I can only recall 3 existing: the one Vander gives you, the one that requires the U-Disk to reach, and the one at the top of Mt. Battle. Are those really the only three, and if not, where's this fourth one? --Shiningpikablu252 14:25, 26 April 2008 (UTC)Reply
Maybe the fourth one, if there is one, was broken, lost or somethings...? *is in Science ICT class at school at the moment* Takoto タコト| サソデイ = 愛 12:49, 20 June 2008 (UTC)Reply

could shadow Lugia actually be another form for lugia somehow, but in Pokémon XD labelled as a shadow Pokémon ?12:13, 20 June 2008 (UTC)

Should it be noted that Shadow Lugia is the only Shadow Pokémon who is a different color than its Purified form? Diachronos 17:43, 29 September 2008 (UTC)Reply

What about the fact that it's XD001? Could it be possible that they are planning a sequel with XD002? Sk8torchic 18:43, 10/10/2008 (EST)

NO. Θρtιmαtum♏Talk|Links
WHY?Shadow1337 00:26, 26 October 2008 (UTC)Reply

Defeating Lugia

If you defeat Lugia in battle, does he ever show up with Miror B? I haven't had the guts to try this myself, although I might in the next few weeks. Machinedramon 20:22, 12 September 2009 (UTC)Reply