Scrappy (Ability)

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Revision as of 22:05, 14 November 2008 by Tesh (talk | contribs)
Scrappy {{{jpname}}}
Flavor text
Generation IV
Enables moves to hit Ghost-type foes.
Generation V
Currently unknown
Generation VI
Currently unknown
Generation VII
Currently unknown
Generation VIII
Currently unknown
Generation IX
Currently unknown

Scrappy (Japanese: きもったま Spunk) is an ability introduced in Generation IV. Two Pokémon have this ability, both of which are Female and Template:Type2.


In battle

Scrappy causes Template:Type2 Pokémon to be hit by damage-dealing Normal and Template:Type2 moves inflicted by the user.

Outside of battle

Scrappy has no effect outside of battle.

Pokémon with Scrappy

Single ability

No Pokémon have Scrappy as their only ability.

Dual ability

# Pokémon Type Other ability

Template:Abilityentry2 Template:Abilityentry2

