Ada (AG184)

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Revision as of 17:23, 1 March 2009 by ArcToraphim (talk | contribs) (I recall that being the city it's taking place in)
File:Ada Chatot.jpg
Ada and Chatot.

Ada (Japanese: アンリ Anri) is a comedian who first appeared in Strategy Tomorrow - Comedy Tonight!. Her Japanese voice actress is 早水リサ Risa Hayamizu and her English voice actress is Annie Silver. Internationally, she is played by Priscila Ferreira in Brazil.

Ada is a traveling comedian who makes a comedy duo called the Seesaw Chat-a-Lots with her Chatot, the boke to Ada's tsukkomi. On her way to the Comedy Grand Prix in Violet City, her Chatot began flying off during the day and coming back at night, and on occasion upon returning, began saying strange things Ada couldn't figure out. After meeting Ash and friends, whom helped figure out that Chatot had been flying off to a children's hospital, Ada and Chatot managed to entertain the children at the hospital and help them understand how Chatot can't always be with them.

Ultimately, Ada and Chatot left for Johto to pursue their dreams of being a comedy team.




  • During an insult act in one practice performance, Chatot addressed Ada as Audrey exactly one time. Some sources, such as Poké, mistook that insult as actually being her name. As such, Poké's own episode guide for the episode refers to Ada as Audrey throughout the guide, a mistake that contradicts both the audio and the closed captioning in the episode.
  • In the Brazilian and Latino-American Spanish dub, she was referred as Audrey. Probably, the insult act mentioned above made the translator think Audrey is her name.
This article is part of Project COD, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each one-time character of the Pokémon animated series.