Pokémon Mansion (Kanto)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Pokémon Mansion Unknown
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: Cinnabar Island
Region: Kanto
Generations: I, III
File:Kanto Pokémon Mansion Map.png
Location of Pokémon Mansion in Kanto.
Pokémon world locations
This article is about the mansion on Cinnabar Island. For the mansion in Sinnoh, see Trophy Garden.

The Pokémon Mansion (Japanese: ポケモンやしき Pokémon Mansion) is a decrepit, burned-down mansion on Cinnabar Island. It got its name because a famous Pokémon Researcher once lived there.

To access the Cinnabar Island Gym in Generation I and Generation III, the main character has to enter the mansion and find the Secret Key to unlock the door of the Gym.

The Pokémon Mansion has four different floors. Doors can be unlocked in the Mansion by pressing switches hidden in Mewtwo statues.

Items found in the Generation I version of the mansion include an Escape Rope, a Carbos, a Calcium, an Iron, a Max Potion, a Rare Candy, TM22 (SolarBeam), a Full Restore, TM14 (Blizzard), and of course the Secret Key that unlocks Blaine's Gym.

Amongst the rubble and wreckage is information that the scientists who once worked there obtained a Mew and impregnated it with the genetically altered Mewtwo, who destroyed the Mansion in its escape.

Journal Quotes

There are several journals scattered around the mansion that detail the research of the scientists who worked there. When found they may be read by the player. The below entries are in chronological order:

July 5

Guyana, South America. A new Pokémon was discovered deep in the jungle.

July 10

We christened the newly discovered Pokémon Mew.

February 6

Mew gave birth. We named the newborn Mewtwo.

September 1

Mewtwo is far too powerful. We have failed to curb its vicious tendencies...


Generation I

Generation III


Generation I

Trainer Pokémon
Reward: $1450
Electrode Electrode Lv.29
No item
Weezing Weezing Lv.29
No item
Reward: $3060
Charmander Charmander Lv.34
No item
Charmeleon Charmeleon Lv.34
No item
Reward: $3420
Ninetales Ninetales Lv.38
No item
Reward: $1650
Magnemite Magnemite Lv.33
No item
Magneton Magneton Lv.33
No item
Voltorb Voltorb Lv.33
No item
Reward: $3060
Growlithe Growlithe Lv.34
No item
Ponyta Ponyta Lv.34
No item
Reward: $1700
Magnemite Magnemite Lv.34
No item
Electrode Electrode Lv.34
No item
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.

Generation III

Trainer Pokémon
Youngster Johnson
Youngster Johnson
Reward: $544
Ekans Ekans Lv.33
No item
Ekans Ekans Lv.33
No item
Raticate Raticate Lv.34
No item
Scientist Ted
Scientist Ted
Reward: $1392
Electrode Electrode Lv.29
No item
Weezing Weezing Lv.29
No item
Burglar Arnie
Burglar Arnie
Reward: $2992
Charmander Charmander Lv.34
No item
Charmeleon Charmeleon Lv.34
No item
Burglar Simon
Burglar Simon
Reward: $3344
Ninetales Ninetales Lv.38
No item
Scientist Braydon
Scientist Braydon
Reward: $1584
Magnemite Magnemite Lv.33
No item
Magneton Magneton Lv.33
No item
Voltorb Voltorb Lv.33
No item
Burglar Lewis
Burglar Lewis
Reward: $2992
Growlithe Growlithe Lv.34
No item
Ponyta Ponyta Lv.34
No item
Scientist Ivan
Scientist Ivan
Reward: $1632
Magnemite Magnemite Lv.34
No item
Electrode Electrode Lv.34
No item
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.


Generation I


Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate

077 Ponyta R B Y Walking 28-34 40%

088 Grimer R B Y Walking 30-32 40%

088 Grimer R B Y Walking 23-26 20%

088 Grimer R B Y Walking 30 5%

109 Koffing R B Y Walking 30-32 40%

109 Koffing R B Y Walking 30 5%

019 Rattata R B Y Walking 34-37 35%

020 Raticate R B Y Walking 34-37 25%

058 Growlithe R B Y Walking 26-38 20%

058 Growlithe R B Y Walking 34 10%

037 Vulpix R B Y Walking 34 10%

089 Muk R B Y Walking 37 4%

089 Muk R B Y Walking 39 1%

110 Weezing R B Y Walking 37 4%

110 Weezing R B Y Walking 39 1%

A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.


Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate

088 Grimer R B Y Walking 30-34 40%

088 Grimer R B Y Walking 26-35 35%

088 Grimer R B Y Walking 30 5%

109 Koffing R B Y Walking 30-34 40%

109 Koffing R B Y Walking 30 5%

019 Rattata R B Y Walking 37-40 35%

020 Raticate R B Y Walking 37-40 25%

037 Vulpix R B Y Walking 32 25%

058 Growlithe R B Y Walking 32 25%

077 Ponyta R B Y Walking 28-32 25%

089 Muk R B Y Walking 35-38 5%

089 Muk R B Y Walking 39 4%

089 Muk R B Y Walking 37 1%

110 Weezing R B Y Walking 39 4%

110 Weezing R B Y Walking 37 1%

A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.


Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate

088 Grimer R B Y Walking 31-35 40%

088 Grimer R B Y Walking 32-38 35%

088 Grimer R B Y Walking 34 5%

109 Koffing R B Y Walking 31-35 40%

109 Koffing R B Y Walking 34 5%

019 Rattata R B Y Walking 40-43 35%

020 Raticate R B Y Walking 40-43 25%

077 Ponyta R B Y Walking 32-36 24%

077 Ponyta R B Y Walking 32-36 14%

037 Vulpix R B Y Walking 33 15%

058 Growlithe R B Y Walking 33 15%

089 Muk R B Y Walking 38-40 15%

089 Muk R B Y Walking 38-41 5%

089 Muk R B Y Walking 42 1%

110 Weezing R B Y Walking 38-40 15%

110 Weezing R B Y Walking 42 1%

126 Magmar R B Y Walking 34 10%

A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.


Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate

088 Grimer R B Y Walking 31-33 50%

088 Grimer R B Y Walking 35-38 40%

088 Grimer R B Y Walking 35 5%

109 Koffing R B Y Walking 31-33 50%

109 Koffing R B Y Walking 35 5%

020 Raticate R B Y Walking 37-46 40%

037 Vulpix R B Y Walking 35 15%

058 Growlithe R B Y Walking 35 15%

077 Ponyta R B Y Walking 32-34 15%

110 Weezing R B Y Walking 40-42 14%

110 Weezing R B Y Walking 42 1%

089 Muk R B Y Walking 41 10%

089 Muk R B Y Walking 40 10%

089 Muk R B Y Walking 42 1%

132 Ditto R B Y Walking 12-24 10%

126 Magmar R B Y Walking 38 4%

A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Generation III

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate

019 Rattata FR LG Walking

020 Raticate FR LG Walking

109 Koffing FR LG Walking

110 Weezing FR LG Walking

088 Grimer FR LG Walking

089 Muk FR LG Walking

058 Growlithe FR LG Walking

037 Vulpix FR LG Walking

132 Ditto FR LG Walking

126 Magmar FR LG Walking

A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

In other languages

  • Spanish: Mansión Pokémon
  • Italian: Villa Pokémon
  • German: Pokémon-Haus
  • French: Manoir Pokémon


Pallet TownViridian CityPewter CityCerulean CityVermilion CityLavender Town
Celadon CitySaffron CityFuchsia CityCinnabar IslandIndigo Plateau
Professor Oak's LaboratoryViridian ForestDiglett's CavePewter Museum of ScienceMt. Moon (Square) • Cerulean Cave
Underground Path (Kanto Routes 5–6)Underground Path (Kanto Routes 7–8)S.S. AnneS.S. AquaSea CottageRock Tunnel
Power PlantCycling Road/Pokémon RoadTeam Rocket HideoutSilph Co.Magnet TrainPokémon TowerSafari Zone/Pal Park
GO ParkSeafoam IslandsPokémon MansionCinnabar LabPokémon League Reception GateVictory RoadTohjo Falls
Access to
Sevii IslandsJohto