Appendix:Diamond and Pearl walkthrough/Section 1

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Section One: Twinleaf Town to Sandgem Town

Twinleaf Town
First Battle

Twinleaf Town

Your rival takes you to Lake Verity

The journey begins at the player's home in Twinleaf Town. They are watching the television when a news broadcast describes a team searching for a red Gyarados in a far-off lake (presumably the Lake of Rage in Johto). The broadcast states that the team has not observed the Pokémon in question. The player then leaves the house and is told that the rival wishes to see them. As the player is about to enter the house, the rival bumps into them. The rival first says they will fine the player 1 millions if they aren't there. After speaking, they run back inside because they have seem to forgot something. The player enters and goes upstairs, where the rival will be standing and deciding what to take. The rival notices the player and says that they would fine the player 10 million if they are late (the rival never even asks for the money later on in the game). After the player speaks to him, the rival will rush down the stairs and wait for them on Route 201.

Lake Verity

Your rival with Professor Rowan

The player and the rival set off for Lake Verity. Upon their arrival, they see Professor Rowan, although at the time this is unknown, and either Lucas or Dawn. The other person with Rowan is the opposite gender of the player's character. The two are discussing the return of Rowan to Sinnoh after four years. They push past, with Lucas/Dawn apologizing. The rival remarks that the man is intimidating, and then begins to search the lake. Once the rival and player enter the long grass, both are attacked by a wild Starly. The player opens the briefcase to find three Poké Balls, containing Piplup, Chimchar and Turtwig. The player chooses one, and the rival selects the one with a type advantage over that one. Suddenly, Lucas/Dawn returns and remarks that Rowan would be very angry if he forgot his briefcase. They then ask the rival and player if they used a Pokémon from the briefcase. After replying, Lucas/Dawn hurries off.

Return to Twinleaf Town

Getting the Running Shoes

On the way back to Twinleaf Town, the player meets Lucas/Dawn, along with Professor Rowan, who then takes a look at the Pokémon belonging to the player and rival, then returns back to the lab with her/him.

After that, the player returns to Twinleaf Town. Mom gives the player a pair of Running Shoes and asks her child to visit Professor Rowan in Sandgem Town after taking a rest.

Route 201

The player walks through Route 201 after the rival has reached Sandgem Town. It is recommended that the player train their Pokémon to a decent level of about seven to nine before proceeding to Sandgem. The two Pokémon available on Route 201 are Starly and Bidoof. At this point, the player is unable to capture any Pokémon.

A signpost in the anime
style="background: #FFFFAA;" style="background: #5ED0FF;" style="background: #003366; color: #FFFF99;"
Name Games Location Levels Rate
Starly D P Grass 3-4 50%
Bidoof D P Grass 3-4 50%
Starly D P Grass 3-4 50%
Bidoof D P Grass 3-4 50%
Starly D P Grass 3-4 40%
Bidoof D P Grass 3-4 60%
Special Pokémon*
Doduo D P Swarms 2-4 40%
Nidoran♂ P Poké Radar 3 20%
D 2 2%
Nidoran♀ P Poké Radar 2 2%
D 3 20%
Growlithe D P Dongle:
2 8%

Sandgem Town

The professor gives the player the Pokémon
File:Sandgem Town1.jpg
Sandgem Town

Upon reaching Sandgem Town, the rival will take the player to Professor Rowan, who gives them and the rival's chosen Pokémon as gifts. After that, it is recommended that the player heal the Pokémon at the Pokémon Center. Then, visit the largest building in town. As the player is about to enter, the rival zooms out and says that the man isn't as intimidating as he first seemed, then departs for Jubilife City. After entering the lab, Professor Rowan will give the player a Pokédex and tell them to collect as many Pokémon as possible. Lucas/Dawn also says that he/she is on a Pokédex quest. Then it's time to depart for Twinleaf Town. Lucas/Dawn will insist that you tell your mom that you are leaving on a journey. After you leave Sandgem Town, Lucas/Dawn will be there waiting to teach you how to catch a Pokémon. Notice that Lucas/Dawn will have the remaining Pokémon out of the briefcase. Then, you shall be given 5 Poké Balls from Lucas/Dawn, so be wary of buying some beforehand. Next Section