Frenzy Plant (move)

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Frenzy Plant
ハードプラント ???
Type  Grass
Category  uncategorized
PP  5 (max. 8)
Power  150
Accuracy  90%
Priority  0
  • Does not make contact
  • Not affected by Magic Coat
  • Not affected by Snatch
  • Affected by King's Rock
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Introduced  [[Generation {{{gen}}}]]
Condition  Cool
Appeal  4 ♥♥♥♥
Jam  4 ♥♥♥♥
Condition  Cool
Appeal  0  
Condition  Cool
Appeal  0  
Jamming  0  

Frenzy Plant is a slightly inaccurate and very highly-damaging Grass-type move introduced in Generation III. It seems to have been called Solid Plant in Pokémon Colosseum Template:Project MoveDex autoarticle notice

In other languages

French: vege-attack, German: fauna-statue, Italian: radicalbero, Spanish: planta feroz, Dutch: , Portuguese:


Generation III

By breeding

By tutoring

By special method

In Pokémon XD, if you go through all of Mt. Battle in one go, you get to choose one of the Generation II starter Pokémon. The Chikorita will already know Frenzy Plant.

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