Sinister Woods
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Sinister Woods is the fourth dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. The first initial mission requires the rescue of a Metapod, culminating in a boss fight against Team Meanies
The Dungeon is primarily inhabited by Grass-type Pokémon and contains thireteen floors. Later floors in the dungeon may be shrouded in darkness. There is no chance of finding a Monster House, a shop, or a buried item in this dungeon.
Wild Pokémon
- Oddish
- Exeggutor (Unrecruitable)
- Scyther
- Sentret
- Hoothoot
- Ledyba
- Wooper
- Sudowoodo
- Sunflora (Unrecruitable)
- Swinub
- Slicoon
- Cascoon
- Linoone (Unrecruitable)
- Shroomish
- Slakoth