Swap Spots (Next Quest 5)

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Revision as of 18:13, 26 October 2009 by ElectAbuzzzz (talk | contribs)
Special Veil

Template:TFG Card Infobox Swap Spots is a card from the Pokémon Trading Figure Game. It was due to have been released in the Groundbreakers expansion; however, due to the cancellation of set and the discontinuation of the TFG itself, this card was never released.

Card info

Point Value: 50 points (half a circle)

Card Effect: Switch 2 of your Pokémon in the Field that are next to each other.

Special Veil
This Pokémon Trading Figure Game article is part of Project TFG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all aspects of the Pokémon Trading Figure Game.