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Latest comment: 11 June 20092 comments2 people in discussion
Please use link templates when linking to stuff such as Pokémon names, attacks, and the like. For example, {{p|Rayquaza}} instead of just [[Rayquaza]]. This is so you don't unintentionally link to a disambiguation page.
Slow down on editing the User: namespace. There are only three userspace edits allowed per day, and you have gone over the limit. Editing your userpage too much will lead to it being locked again. Instead of making multiple small edits, why not instead use the preview button (Alt + Shift + P) to check your edits before saving the page? Thank you. ----The Kkllnnator サンタクロース02:13, 24 December 2008 (UTC)Reply
You've been temporarily moved to the "Abuse" usergroup for ignoring multiple warnings. 'tis only a small infraction, and you probably won't be there long. However, rules are rules, you can't go ignoring warnings like that.
Just continue editing as you normally would, Abuse only stops you from editing your userpage for a little bit. --Jïörüjï Ðērākō.>.cнаt^20:56, 30 December 2008 (UTC)Reply
Also, just a hint.
Latest comment: 6 February 20091 comment1 person in discussion
Latest comment: 7 February 20091 comment1 person in discussion
Please don't erase talk page comments for no reason. Trust me, you do NOT want to end up like Big Johnno, who got into an edit war with a sysop over comments the former had erased and was trying to keep erased. That user ended up blocked and subsequently had every erased comment restored. ----freezingCOLD(page, talk)18:06, 7 February 2009 (UTC)Reply
Heya, Galm. First, just letting you know that the Project Locations has changed quite a bit recently due to the instructions of the new Project Leader, me. The project has been updated and visually redesigned to make it easier to process. Little tasks and goals have been added to project page to make things run better and to help expand location articles. If you have any suggestions, inquiries, or questions, please don't hesitate to ask on the talk page.--Clarky1311:50, 23 February 2009 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 31 May 20092 comments2 people in discussion
Yeah... those are... bad. They're not transparent and they've got the wrong resolution, meaning they're not direct gamerips. There are... better sources for RS shinies. TTEchidna21:57, 31 May 2009 (UTC)Reply
Ok I understand, I was just trying to help out, If you need help looking for another source, just ask me.--Galm22:05, 31 May 2009 (UTC)Reply