Hey. This is the user page of Diakia. I'm an aspiring Bulbapedian editor for Bulbapedia. If you know someone I am able to contact please send me a message with who I may contact for this.
With that said, feel free to sign anywhere you want in the top of this page.
My history with Pokémon
My first interaction with Pokémon involved me being about 3 or 4. I had found my fathers game boy pocket and I had seen a blue colored game. I asked my mother what it was and she said it was most of our starting game, Pokémon Blue. I played that game many times. The only starter I remembered having was Bulbasaur. I evolved it into Venusaur and never defeated the Elite Four. I know, most of you are saying "That's propostrurous!!!!"( sorry for my english). But I was four.
My next trip to the world of Pokémon began with christmas two years later. But let go about two monthes earlier. I had gotten a gba for my birthday.
My English ss planned pokémon
1st capture- Sentret
2nd- Ledyba
3rd- Hoothoot
4th- Spinarak
5th- Mareep
6th- Weedle
7th- Poliwagx2
8th- Ditto
9th- Slowpoke(post-surf n fly)
10th- Nidoran♂
11th- Snubbull
12th- Pidgeotto
13th- Sunkern
14th- Venonat
15th- Scyther
16th- Koffing
17th- Magmar
18th- Zubat
19th- Krabby
20th- Chinchou
21st- Tentacruel
22nd- Seel
23rd- Seadra
24th- Lugia
25th- Machop
26th- Tyrogue
27th- Gyarados
28th- Red Gyarados
29th- Weepinbell
30th- Lickitung
31st- Skarmory
32nd- Phanpy
33rd- Swinub
34th- Delibird
35th- Jynx
36th- Dratinix2
Team for Elite Four
Typhlosion lv. 48
- Flame Wheel
- Flamethrower
- Rollout
- Lava Plume
Noctowl lv. 46
- Hypnosis
- Fly
- Air Slash
- Dream Eater(possible)
Nidoking lv. 47
- Earthquake
- Earth Power
- Sludge Bomb
- Poison Jab
Red Gyarados lv. 45
- Surf
- Ice Fang
- Rain Dance
- Hydro Pump
Ampharos lv. 46
- Thunder Punch
- Discharge
- Thunder
- Rain Dance
Dewgong lv. 47
- Ice Beam
- Ice Shard
- Brine
- Aqua Jet
Final Group of Johto Evolutions
- Typhlosion
- Battle Johto gym 1-4,6-7
- Rival battles
- Noctowl
- Battle Johto gym 2,3,5
- Flight
- Rival battles
- Gyarados(2x)
- Battle Johto gym 8
- Rival battle
- Surf/Waterfall
- Nidoking
- Battle Johto gym 3,6
- Rival battle
- Amphardos
- Battle Johto gym 2,3,4,7
- Rival battle
- Dewgong
- Battle Johto gym 8
- Rival battle
- Training
- Trainer battles
- Battle Johto gym 4
- Trainer battles
- Training
- Battle Johto gym 4
- Training
- Trainer battles
- Training
- Battle Johto gym 5,6
- Training
- Slowbro
- Granbull
- Pidgeot
- Sunflora
- Venomoth
- Scizor
- Crobat
- Lanturn
- Tentacruel
- Kingdra
- Machamp
- Hitmontop
- Victreebel
- Skarmory
- pokémon are subject to change