Lyra (anime)

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Revision as of 02:11, 11 September 2009 by Kenji-girl (talk | contribs) (Protected "Kotone (anime)" ([edit=sysop] (expires 10:30, 17 September 2009 (UTC)) [move=sysop] (indefinite)))
This article is about an expected future event. The article's contents may change as the event approaches and more information becomes available. Please be cautious when adding information to this article, as rumors and speculation often get confused with fact; avoid any information on this subject which is not confirmed by reliable sources.

コトネ Kotone
Gender Female
Eye color Brown
Hair color Brown
Hometown Unknown
Region Unknown
Trainer class Trainer
Game counterpart Kotone
Anime debut DP143
English voice actor N/A
Japanese voice actor ???

Kotone (Japanese: コトネ Kotone) is a recurring character in the Pokémon anime who will make her debut appearance in DP143. She is also set to appear in DP144 and DP145.


This is a listing of Kotone's known Pokémon:


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